Daily Media Summary, 06-05--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


The Defense Minister Brownie Samukai and delegation’s trip to Mali to witness the presentation of medals to Liberian soldiers, the announcement of the appointment of the new Deputy Special Representative for Recovery and Governance of UNMIL and the UN High Commission for Refugee resumption of the repatriation of Ivorian refugees from Liberia are all dominant stories captured in the local dailies for today, Thursday, June 5, 2014.    


Minister Samukai Heads Delegation To Mali

The Inquirer newspaper reports that the Minister of National Defense, Hon. Brownie J. Samukai, Jr. at the Head of an eight-man delegation departs the country yesterday for the West African State of Mali. The minister was authorized by the Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to participate in the first Medal Parade Ceremony for our troops serving under the MINUSMA mission in Diabali, Mali. The ceremony will be held on June 6, 2014 in Mali.

Related Captions: Samukai Visits AFL in Mali (New Democrat), AFL Soldiers Get 1st Medals In Mali-As Defense Minister Leads Delegation to Attend (The Analyst), Defense Minister Leads Liberian Delegation to Mali (Heritage), Minister Samukai Heads Delegation to Mali (The National Chronicle)

UNMIL Gets New Deputy SRSG

The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday announced the appointment of Antonio Vigilante of Italy as his Deputy Special Representative for Recovery and Governance in the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).  Mr. Vigilante will also serve as United Nations Resident Coordinator and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative. The new Deputy Special Representative will succeed Aeneas Chuma of Zimbabwe, who has recently taken up a new assignment with the International Labour Organization, and to whom the Secretary-General is grateful for his outstanding performance in Liberia. Mr. Vigilante previously held positions with the United Nations in Barbados, Bolivia, Ethiopia and Honduras, as well as at Headquarters, reports the FOCUS newspaper.

Related Caption: Italian Named Deputy UN Special Envoy For UN Mission in Liberia   (Daily Observer)


UNHCR Resumes Refugee Repatriation


The INSIGHT daily reports that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has resumed the voluntary repatriation of thousands of Ivorian refugees remaining in Liberia after two months of break. On 4 June, a convoy of some 351 Ivorian refugees left the Bahn Refugee Camp in Nimba County for Côte d’Ivoire with departing refugees singing cheerfully and bidding goodbye to friends, and to the camp they had called home over the past three years. The refugees were returning to areas such as Bin Houye, Danane, and Danipleu. According to UNHCR, the voluntary repatriation process was suspended at the end of March following a request by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire, citing health reasons in the wake of the deadly Ebola virus outbreak in Guinea and Liberia. The suspension was lifted last week. From January to March this year, more than 8,600 Ivorian refugees had returned home with UNHCR’s assistance and hundreds of others living in camps and communities had registered to return when the process was suspended.

Related Captions: UNHCR Liberia Resumes Repatriation of Refugees to Côte d’Ivoire (Heritage), UNHCR-Liberia Repatriates Ivorian Refugees (In Profile Daily) 


CARI Eyes Cassava Multiplication Site in Bomi

The Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI) in Suakoko, Bong County, is discussing with Banana Farm the Folley Town communities in  Bomi County to set up a cassava Multiplication Site in the two areas. Bomi County Agriculture Coordinator Christopher Momo told the Liberia News Agency (LINA) in Tubmanburg recently that the two communities have completed brushing and felling of trees in preparation for the proposed site. He said Folley Town in   Dewein District and Banana Farm in Sinje District are preparing ten acres each to plant the cassava under the supervision of the West African Agriculture Project Program (WAAPP). momo said when the 2014 activities planned for the agriculture sectors are fully implemented, the lives of the citizens of Bomi County will be improved, the Heritage newspaper writes.

Related Captions: CARI Eyes Cassava Multiplication Site in Bomi (FOCUS), CARI Eyes Cassava Multiplication Site in Bomi (In Profile Daily)

NGO Pledges 20 Tricycles to Farmers

About 360 farmers comprising Ivorian refugees and host community residents have been listed to benefit from 20trcycles pledged by the NGO, Welt Hunger Hilfe (WHH). WHH Project Coordinator Benjamin Maxwell Davis said the donation is intended to facilitate transportation of agricultural produce from the farms to markets in the country. Mr. Davis made the disclosure recently when he briefed participants of the Economic Transportation Pillar of the Agenda for Transformation meeting held in the conference room of the local agriculture office in Zwedru. He said the beneficiaries are farmers from the refugee and host communities in Boe, Beh and Seiwen towns. Davis told the News Agency that the 260 men and 100 women, who are to benefit under the scheme, were trained at the farmers field school to grow vegetables that are not ready for harvest, writes the Heritage newspaper.

Related Captions: NGO Pledges 20 Tricycles to Farmers (Spectrum News), NGO Pledges 20 Tricycles to Farmers (The New Republic), NGO Pledges 20 Tricycles to Farmers (In Profile Daily)

Arcelormittal Liberia Launches Adult Basic Education for Employees

ArcelorMittal Liberia has launched a literacy and numeracy program for its employees. The Adult Basic Education Training (ABET) is aimed at employees who have not had a formal education. The program is now underway with 149 employees taking part at the company’s Yekepa and Buchanan sites, in collaboration with USAID’s Advancing Youth Project (AYP).ArcelorMittal Liberia Senoir Managers, facilitators from AYP, USAID representatives, and employees admitted into the program attended the launch events at both sites in late May. Speaking at the launch in Buchanan, ArcelorMittal Liberia CEO Antonio Carlos Maria encouraged employees enrolled in the program, the In Profile Daily reports.

Related Captions: Arcelormittal Liberia launches Adult Basic Education for Employees (The National Chronicle), Arcelormittal Launches Adult Basic Education (FOCUS)

Senate Mandates MOH to Reinstate Health Workers Leaders

An inside story of the In Profile Daily reports that The Liberian Senate has mandated the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to reinstate the dismissed President and Secretary General of the National Health Workers Association (NHWA) within 72 hours. The Liberian Senate requested the Health Ministry authorities to ensure that NHWA President Joseph Tamba and Secretary General George Williams are given retroactive pay and all benefits. According to the Liberian News Agency, the Liberian Senate gave the mandate Tuesday when Deputy Health Minister for Administration and Acting Minister Matthew Flomo appeared before it to provide reasons why the two men have not been reinstated as earlier mandated by the Senate. Messrs. Tamba and Williams and 20 others of the Association were dismissed by Minister Walter Gwenigale in February as a result of a nationwide strike action staged by health workers in the country.

Related Caption: Health Workers Free At Last, But  (FOCUS)

Bishop Dixon is Dead DSCPC, LCC, Bereaved

A former President of the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC), Founder and Senior Pastor of the Don Stewart Christ Pentecostal Church (DSCPC), Arch-Bishop Dr. William Nah Dixon, is reported dead in the United States of America. Bishop Dr. Dixon who is also senior Pastor of the DSCPC’s Headquarter Church, the Ebenezer Christ Pentecostal Church in Point Four, and founder of the Deaf and Dumb School in Virginia, is dead in the States after a period of illness. The Liberian prelate who is one of the architects of the Liberian peace Process that finally yielded this current democratic space in the country serve as President of the LCC and was always vocal on pressing national issues before his demise. Although much of his funeral rites are yet to be obtained, Arch-Bishop Dr. Nah Dixon received several honors for his humanitarian works in the country, the Analyst newspaper writes.

Related Captions: Bishop W. Nah Dixon Dies (The New Republic)


U S High Level Businessmen delegation arrives in Liberia to invest in Economy

The Spectrum News quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that a high level visiting American based business investors have arrived in Liberia to invest in the Liberian economy, including the agriculture, sports, and seaport and housing sectors. The high powered American investors who were led by Liberia’s Ambassador accredited to the United States H.E. Mr. Jeremiah Solunteh ,  include  Mr. Siafa Vani ,  President of  Blue Green Enterprises INC,  Mr. Mark Yancey,  Vice President of Project Development IBBI International Project Development,  Mr. Roger Hickey, President and Founder of Fresh Park, INC . On Wednesday May 27, 2014 the delegations paid a courtesy call on Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan at his Foreign Ministry’s office in Monrovia.  While introducing the team of businessmen Ambassador Solunteh recounted the prospect of the new investment which he described as huge opportunities that will affect the country’s postwar economy, particularly sugar cane, seaport, sports and housing sectors. The Liberian Ambassador praised the investors and called on well meaning Liberians and the Government of Liberia to promote and embrace these initiatives which he said come with huge opportunities impacting the nation by creating jobs for the Liberian populace.

 Welcoming the visiting US Business Team, Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan lauded the excellent initiatives and thanked Ambassador Solunteh and members of the delegation for coming to invest in Liberia’s postwar economy at this critical period when the nation is on the path of recovery. Minister Ngafuan assured the group of his Ministry’s support and willingness to assist them to carry out their business plan in Liberia, adding “we will work with our colleagues in other line ministries to ensure that this investment is fruitful and rewarding, saying I would like to be invited in the future for a dedication program where we will be opening new projects. He particularly applauded the team for coming to Liberia, with the determination to rehabilitate and take over the Hotel Africa and Ducor, and invest in other priority areas aimed at providing job opportunities for the Liberian people. He lauded the move by a young and patriotic Liberian who thought of coming to   invest in Hotel Africa and the Ducor parlance hotel and to build student housing units at the University Of Liberia Fendel campus outside Monrovia. Speaking at the meeting with the Foreign Minister, Mr Saifa Vani who is interested in real estate business said he is here in Liberia after nearly two decades from the United States to assist in the rebuilding process of Liberia adding “am not here necessarily to maximum profits but to contribute my quota to the country’s postwar reconstruction and development drive.

Mr.  Vani   is a typical Liberian citizen hailing from Kolahun District, Lofa Country who left the country after graduating from St Patrick High School   to pursue advance education in the United States. Two of the visiting guests who expressed interest in investing in the sugarcane, sports, seaport and power supply also thanked the government for the peaceful atmosphere created under this administration.   In the area of sport, the investor said his entity will concentrate on recreation centers through building sporting academy aimed at training Liberian kids to be productive and to participate in international competitions such as international Olympic. In the sugarcane production, the U S business group said plans are underway to secure 40 acres of land to establish sugarcane plantation whereby sugarcane would be used to manufacture other sugar and other finished products at the adding the investment will include building 10 megawatt power plant to supply electricity to some local communities in the area.


Foreign Minister Ngafuan lauds efforts of IFRCRCS

Quoting a Foreign Ministry release, the Spectrum News reports that Liberian Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has lauded efforts of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for the numerous humanitarian assistance the organization continues to render Liberia, especially during the country‘s long  years of civil war. Minister Ngafuan spoke on Wednesday, May 27 2014 when the IFRCRCS- Country Representative to Liberia, Mr.  Mesfin Halefom Abay paid him a courtesy call at his foreign ministry office in Monrovia. During their meeting held in the Conference Room of the ministry Honorable    Ngafuan on Behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf congratulated Mr  Helefom-Abay for his preferment as the IFRCRCS- Country Representative to Liberia. The minister assured him of the Government’s fullest cooperation and commitments to foster ties with the organization. He also added that his ministry is prepare to support the new Country Representative so as to make his tour of duty in Liberia productivity and rewarding. “Honorable Country Representative, on behalf of the President of the of the Republic of Liberia, H.E. M Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, I wish to congratulate you for your preferment as a Country Representative to the International Federation of The Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies to Liberia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is here to assist you in making your tour of duty productive and rewarding”, Minister Ngafuan stated. While applauding the organization for the humanitarian assistance to Liberia during the period  of the country’ civil war , the minister recalled the entity’s  role in restoring humanitarian aid to  Liberia  reflecting on the risks  the staff of Red Cross took while rescuing victims of war in trouble zones during the crisis. He said Liberia will strengthen relations with the Federation of the Red Cross and Red Cross crescent societies for the betterment of the nation as he recalled the humanitarian role of the organization especially during the country fight against the deadly Ebola disease adding the Liberia will never relax its vigilance to combat the disease. For his part, the IFRCRCS -Country Representative Hon. Mesfin   Helefom Abay said we are here working to assist the Liberian Red Cross and Red Crescent Society in the fight against the deadly Ebola in Liberia. “We are here working in Lofa and Nimba counties, it is our pleasure to be here and to strengthen relationship with Liberia Red Cross Society”, the IRCRCS- Boss stated. He further assured Government through Min. Ngafuan of his organization’s continuous assistance and commitment to promote humanitarian aid to Liberia. While presenting his letter of appointment, In coming Country Representative stated”  His Excellency Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia, Hon. Minister it is my greatest pleasure to come to your office to introduce myself as the Country Representative of the International Federation of Red Cross  and Red Crescent Society ,” “I have with me my Letter of Appointment from the Secretary General and his message to you, Honorable Minister is contained in this speech; Hon. Minister, I know you are knowledgeable with the ICRC to which Liberia Red Cross society belongs; we are here working with Liberia Red Cross Society in the areas of development and emergency” the country director stated. The Country Representative of the Federation said his organization will continue to work closely with the Liberia Red Cross Society which he added is a very important Agency to the Liberian Government aimed at providing Humanitarian assistance to Liberia, particular helping to fight the deadly Ebola disease. “We are working here on the emergency side, in the area of Ebola; we are working in Lofa and Nimba and we are also working in Bong, Margibi and Montserrado counties, in providing emergency assistance to Liberia. We have excellent relationship with the Liberian Red Cross Society, he added. “He then assured government through the Minister Ngafuan of his organization’s continued assistance towards the country’s humanitarian efforts in the context of government development agenda”.


Salvation Army New Heads Of Mission Arrive ---Call For Lobe And Unity Among Members

Hundreds of members of the Salvation Army Liberia Command on Monday, June 2, 2014 gathered at the Roberts International Airport to receive their new heads of mission. The Salvation Army is part of the Universal Christian Community, with branches in over one hundred and fifty countries around the world. Every four years the international headquarters, based in London, sends a new head of mission to stir the affairs of the Salvation Army Liberia Command.  This time round, the new heads of mission assigned to Liberia by the international headquarters are Gabriel Mugeral Kathuri and Minoo Mugeral Kathuri, Kenyan nationals, National Chronical reports.

Medical School Gets Modern Technology

A team of UMass Medical School faculty is headed to Liberia to help bring the civil war torn country’s only medical school into the 21st century by installing a computer network that will vastly improve how aspiring doctors are trained. The computerized curriculum project is a new initiative in UMas Medical School’s ongoing commitment to help rebuild Liberia’s health care system.  It’s exciting to think about being in a place where you can do something transformational that’s what we’re hoping to do,” said Julia Jonassen, PhD, FOCUS reports.

At National Symposium On Liberia’s Symbols, Sis. Marty Laurene Brown To Delover Keynote Address

Organizers of the upcoming national symposium of Liberia’s on symbols and national awards have selected renowned Catholic Sister Mary Laurene Browne, to deliver the Keynote Address. The symposium is scheduled for Friday, June 6, at the Paynesville Town Hall, outside Monrovia. Friday’s symposium is the first major activity aimed at bringing people together to discuss the essence of the national awards project---the symbols and the possibilities for making a few important improvements where necessary. Other prominent speakers will include the South African Ambassador to Liberia, Masilo E. Mabeta, Liberia’s Ambassador to Senegal, Brahima Kaba, the chairperson of the History Department at the University of Liberia, Dr. William E. Allen, and former Associate Justice and current chairperson of the International Human Rights Commission, Cllr. Gladys Johnson, Daily Observer reports.


The United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) has donated five 100kva and ten 20kva generators to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOH & SW) to help; boost the expansion of the country cold chain. The COEMOL high-power generators, which will be distributed amongst 13 of the 15 counties, are to help preserve vaccines that are distributed to the health centers in those areas. Supported by GAVI funds, UNICEF in collaborated with the World Health Organization (WHO) procured the generators, UNICEF will also help in the transportation and installation of each generator at county hospitals. The total cost of the initiative is $173,032. UUNICEF country Representative, Sheldon Yett, on Wednesday, June 4th, 2014, handover the generators to Acting Health Minister Matthew Flomo at a ceremony held at the National Drug Supply (NDS) office situated at the John F. Kennedy Hospital in Monrovia, Daily Observer reports.

Feed My Sheep Benefits Liberia

On Sunday, Community members have been invited to Muray-Calloway County Central Park to participate in an event that will fund means for children and families in Liberia and Guatemala. The event is called Feed My Sheep; the title of which was taken from the verse John 21:17, which reads, “Do you love me? Feed My sheep.” It will be at the old courthouse pavilion next to the main playground at Central Park from 11am to 1p.m.. Sunday, June 8. Proceeds fund feeding programs in Africa and Guatemala, FOCUS writes.

Cestos High School Renovation Begins

It has been reported that urgent renovation has commenced on the Cestos High School building in Rivercess County. According to FOCUS newspaper, the renovation is aimed at improving the learning atmosphere at the single high school in Cestos City. Our reporter mentioned that the renovation when completed will enable students to start school in a conducive learning environment, free of unnecessary embarrassment during normal classes. Recently, classes have been suspended due to the leakage of the school building, thus disallowing students to acquire quality education, amidst government’s plan to make education accessible and affordable.


Liberia Enters World Organization For Animal Health

According to the INSIGHT newspaper, Liberia has been admitted as a member of the World Organization for Animal Health at the organization's 82nd Session in Paris, France. A dispatch from Paris said more than 850 dignitaries were in attendance. Liberia's membership got an overwhelming endorsement after submission of its application two years ago. Also admitted into the organization as one of its newest members was the Republic of South Sudan. Making Liberia's case at the session, a delegation headed by Deputy Agriculture Minister Seklau Wiles pledged Liberia's commitment to the aspirations of animal health treatment and prevention as well as Liberia's determination to fight animal related diseases. The delegation, which included Mr. Joseph Anderson of the Ministry of Agriculture and Ms. Raddie Perry of the Liberian Embassy in Paris also disclosed that through training workshops and capacity building, the country has made impact in the areas of veterinary products, vet legislation, livestock protection as well as making sure that Liberia complies with all conventions of the organization. At the same time, the Liberian delegation also disclosed that the Ministry of Health has provided scholarships to graduate students in the areas of Epidemiology, Microbiology, Parasitology and Animal Nutrition, among others.