Daily Media Summary, 04-17-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Government’s pronouncement of a fifteen-day mourning for the loss of Former Transitional Chair, Charles Gyude Bryant, President Johnson Sirleaf’s messages to the Governments and Peoples of Nigeria and Trinidad and Tobago and toQueen Margrethe II, of Denmark on her 74th birth anniversary, the MOU between citizens of Garraway District in Grand Kru county and Golden Veroleum Liberia for oil palm development are among stories dominating today’s summary of the local dailies.


15 Days Mourning – For Gyude Bryant

The New Dawn Newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release: The Government of the Republic of Liberia announces with profound regrets the sudden death in his 65th year, of His Excellency Charles Gyude Bryant, former Chairman of the Liberia National Transitional Government (LNTG). This sad and mournful event occurred at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital at about 5 pm, on Wednesday, April 16, 2014 after a period illness. Former Chairman Bryant will long be remembered for the capable stewardship he demonstrated in steering the Liberian nation through a difficult transition from a period of protracted civil crisis to a peaceful and vibrant democracy from October 14, 2003 to January 16, 2006. The nation deeply mourns his demise. As a mark of respect to the former Transitional Chairman, the President of Liberia hereby orders that the National Ensign be flown at half-mast on all public buildings within the Republic for a period of fifteen (15) days, effective April 17, 2014. The Government extends deepest condolences to his family for the irreparable loss sustained. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Related Captions: Goodbye Gyude Bryant (FrontPage Africa Newspaper), Gyude Bryant Is Dead (Spectrum Newspaper and In Profile Daily), and  Former Chairman Gyude Bryand Is Dead (The Inquirer Newspaper),Charles Gyude Bryant, Former Liberia Interim President Is Dead( FrontPageAfrica),Gyude Bryant is Dead(Heritage), ), Another Liberian Leader Dies (Focus), Gyude Bryant is Dead(The News), Gyude Bryant is Dead(INSIGHT), Gyude Bryant is Dead!(National Chronicle), Gyude Bryant is Dead(New Democrat),


Ellen Congrats Queen Margrethe II-Consoles Nigeria, Others

According to a Foreign Ministry’s release, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated Her Majesty, Queen Margrethe II, of Denmark on the occasion marking the Seventy-Fourth Birth Anniversary of the Danish leader. In her message, President Johnson Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, extended warmest felicitations and personal best wishes to Her Majesty Queen Magrethe, II as she celebrates this joyous occasion. While expressing joy over the occasion, President Johnson Sirleaf recalled with deep appreciation, the long-standing relations between Liberia and Denmark which she said continues to be cordial and rewarding. The Liberian leader further stated that Denmark over the years has meaningfully contributed to the promotion and the protection of the rights of children and quality education in Liberia. President Ellen Jonson Sirleaf has sent messages of condolence to the Governments and Peoples of Nigeria and Trinidad and Tobago.  In her message to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria following the gruesome attack leading to the death of more than 70 people, injuring 129 others and causing massive destruction as a result of the bombings of a crowded bus-station on the outskirt of Abuja, during the morning hours on April 14, 2014.   In her message to her Nigerian counterpart, His Excellency President Goodluck Jonathan, President Johnson Sirleaf said “The People of Liberia are devastated by this terrible tragedy, and join me in extending to you, and the People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, deepest sympathy for the tragic lost.” President Johnson Sirleaf in her message to the Government and People of Trinidad and Tobago following the death of His Excellency Arthur Napoleon Raymond Robinson, Former Prime Minister of that country. Former Prime Minister Raymond Robinson died on March 9, 2014 after a protracted period of illness. President Johnson Sirleaf on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name extended deepest condolences to the Government and People of Trinidad and Tobago, particularly the bereaved family for the irreparable loss sustained. President Johnson Sirleaf a paid tribute to the fallen Prime Minister and added that he will be remembered for his tireless efforts and commitment to the fight against poverty. She said former Prime Minister Robinson was a fierce Champion of economic development and prosperity for the people of Trinidad and Tobago, quotes the In Profile Daily.

Related Caption: Ellen Consoles Nigeria (In Profile Daily),President Sirleaf Consoles Nigeria (Spectrum Newspaper)  


Garraway citizens, GVL sign MOU


 Citizens of Garraway Administrative District Grand Kru County signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Golden Veroleum Liberia for oil palm development at Garraway Beach on Tuesday, 15 April 2014. As part of the MOU, GVL will construct schools, clinics, hand pumps, build houses, rehabilitate roads, run adult literacy programs and give preference to citizens of Garraway Beach for employment opportunities in the area. The ceremony, which was attended by approximately 500 citizens, was highlighted by speeches, a power point presentation covering the MOU details, and official signing of the MOU by hundreds of citizens of the district. Tuesday’s signing ceremony comes on the heels of over two years of Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) consultations and community engagements and will allow GVL to operate on approximately 1870 hectares (or approximately 4,621 acres). In a brief remark prior to signing the MOU, Elder Moses G. Hne of Weteken assured GVL of their commitment to work together, nothing: “We the people of this area have worked together with GVL over the past months and agreed word-for-word to everything included in this MOU we are about to sign today. The company did not force us; we decided on our own.” During the signing ceremony, Garraway Beach Youth Leader, Alex Badio said, “All that are in this paper does not exclude our women, elders, children and we the youth. So, we agreed to this MOU 100 percent, because we ourselves put most of the things in it.” GVL Community Affairs and Social Sustainability Manager for Grand Kru County, Ofori Lartey said, “The MOU meets the consent of both parties. All the items herein were fully discussed by GVL and Garraway citizens. Therefore, GVL is committed to implementing them accordingly. Today’s ceremony affirms all prior discussions we have had with the people of Garraway District in the past.” Grand Kru County Acting Superintendent and Senior Inspector, Augustine Nugba expressed joy over the citizens’ decision to invite GVL for oil palm development, which will result to the provision of basic social services and employment opportunities. “Several months ago, we as county officials saw this as a good chance to develop this area, and so, we decided to work with GVL,” said Nugba. Several high profile local government officials, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), paramount and clan chiefs, elders, including Grand Kru County Land Commission Chairman David Togba, Assistant Superintendent for Development T. Michael Wesseh, Weteken Commissioner Steve Natt joined the hundreds of attendees at the signing ceremony and affirmed their support to upholding the MOU, INSIGHT reports.


Related Captions:Garraway Citizens, GVL Sign MOU(New Dawn, FOCUS, The NEWS, Heritage, In profile, and INSIGHT newspapers)


World Bank to Finance 19 Centers of Excellence to Help Transform Science, Technology, and Higher Education in Africa

TheHeritage newspaper writes that the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors has approved US$ 150 million to finance 19 university-based Centers of Excellence in seven countries in West Africa. These competitively selected centers will receive funding for advanced specialized studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-related disciplines as well as in agriculture and health. This landmark Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) project which will equip young Africans with new scientific and technical skills, will be financed through ADI credits to the governments of Nigeria (US$70 million), Ghana (US$24 million), Senegal(US$16 million), Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Togo (US$8 million each). The Gambia will also receive a US$2 million credit and a US$ 1 million grant to provide higher education, including short-term training, to students, faculty and civil servants through the 19 ACEs.

Related caption: World Bank Approves US$150 M—To Transform Science in Africa(The News)

USAID-EHELD Team Tours 7 Counties

The New Dawn newspaper says a team of professionals working with the USAID-Excellence for Higher Education for Liberian Development (EHELD) project has embarked on a visitation and engagement tour of seven counties here, in preparation of the 2014-2015 Summer Start program. The USAID-EHELD program, a five-year USAID funded educational project is being implemented by the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) geared at training Liberian students in Engineering and Agriculture at the University of Liberia and Cuttington University, respectively. The team is creating awareness about the program in the seven Counties and explaining why it is important for high school students to consider engineering and agriculture as major career areas. The fast start component that was used to fetch students and orientate them for the EHELD program is not inclusive this year. The USAID-EHELD Liaison and Partnership Officer Mardia James Varkpeh said students that have sat the WAEC and passed in division one and high school graduates, who already passed the Universities of Liberia and Cuttington entrances will attend the 2014-2015 summer start program. Members of the team are engaging students and instructors in Bong, Nimba, Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Margibi, Grand Bassa, Margibi and Montserrado Counties in   a month-long exercise with three high schools in each of the Counties. University of Liberia and Cuttington University Internship Officers, David Fehkpolo, Faustina Authur Rightlander and USAID-EHELD M&E Specialist Eric Sackie and USAID-EHELD Liaison and Partnership Officer Mardia James Varkpeh are jointly carrying out the 2014-2015 preparatory engagement. The involvement of the internship officers creates the space for interaction with some major players like employers that are already partnering with the USAID-EHELD. Mardia said the link being established between internship officers, employers and students during this year’s exercise is geared at keeping the collaboration in tight since the project is scaling down. The USAID-EHELD project prepares beneficiaries to become future employers’ entrepreneurs who will contribute to Liberia’s reconstruction drive by creating jobs.
The project is for the first time including teachers in its summer start programs to have both instructors and students get an insight and understand the dynamics of the program. The USAID-EHELD project creates equal opportunities for both males and females as regards participation in the fields of Engineering and Agriculture at the Universities of Liberia and Cuttington.
The project transparently scouts brilliant high school students from across Liberia to benefit a scholarship to study engineering and agriculture.

Related Caption: USAID Trains Liberian Engineers(New Democrat)


American Educational Consultant, Donates Books To GVL Butaw School

According to the New Dawn Newspaper, an American Educator, Elizabeth Johnson on Tuesday, 15 April 2014 donated a consignment of books and sports equipment to students at the GVL School at the company’s Wakefield Nursery in Butaw. During the turning over ceremony Ms. Johnson expressed gladness over her presence in Sinoe County and her involvement with the GVL school system. Some of the books donated came from the public library system in Wurster, Massachusetts, while the footballs were donated by the American football club FC United. Elizabeth Johnson is an educational consultant for the College Board in the U.S. She first visited Liberia in November last year at which time she provided professional development for the staff at a Liberian orphanage. Her introduction to GVL coincided with her program of organizing a book drive because of the great need for more and better materials to help Liberian children. GVL’s Managing Director Matt Karinen says Golden Veroleum will make sure the best learning environment is provided for every single dependent of GVL employees and aid communities around the school when it comes to usage of the school library.

Related Caption: American Consultant Donates Books To GBL Butaw School (The Inquirer Newspaper)



Dr. Amos Sawyer Leads ECOWAS Observer Mission To Guinea Bissau

The Chairman of the Governance Commission, Prof. Amos C. Sawyer, is leading the Economic Community of West African States’ (ECOWAS) Observers’ Mission to the Legislative and Presidential Elections in Guinea Bissau. Prof. Sawyer left Liberia on April 8,  by invitation of the President of ECOWAS, Kadre Desire Ouedraogo, to lead a group of 220 observers from around West Africa. The former Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea, H.E. Kabine Komara, is the Deputy Chief of Mission supporting Prof. Sawyer on the Mission to monitor the election process, the Daily Observer reports.


Grand Gedeh Gets Electricity


The Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) has begun pre-registration of customers in Grand Gedeh County ahead of connection to the West African Power Pool (WAPP) cross-border electrification program. Making the disclosure in Zwedru recently, LEC focal person, Harry Quiah, told the Liberia News Agency that the exercise is necessary for technicians to advise on the right type of wiring the customers would need for the WAPP high voltage current. He said the WAPP was a heavier power supply compared to the power generators that are being used in the county for electric power. Quiah said already, a total of 4,300 customers have registered, out of which 120 structures are in line with the required wiring. Meanwhile, the LEC official is cautioning potential customers to seek technical advice from LEC technicians at the Corporation’s Zwedru office to facilitate smooth connection when the power supply time comes. He did not say exactly when the WAPP power supply will commence in the County and Zwedru City, but expressed optimism it would be in the near future, New Dawn reports.

World Bank, Partners Conclude Review Of WAAPP-Liberia Project

The World Bank Mission to Liberia has completed the assessment of the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program’s (WAAPP-Liberia) first phase implementation being carried out in the country.  According to the communication specialist of WAAPP-Liberia, Elvis Sirleaf, the assessment was recently done in the project’s counties. He said that it was intended to ascertain the level of progress already made and the challenges being faced by the project in order to make corrections and recommendations for areas that need improvement, the Daily Observer reports.

LLCCBC, AME University Sign Agreement

A partnership agreement aimed at exposing the  students of the African Methodist Episcopal University to innovative ideas has been signed between the Liberia Coca Cola Bottling Company (LCCBC) and the university administration. Officials said the three-year agreement will enable both LCCBC and AME University to establish an institution of innovation where students would be trained to explore their talents. Speaking during the signing ceremony, AME University President Joseph T. Isaac said the university believes innovation is a process that refines knowledge not just the result of great ideas. In remarks, LCCBC Country Manager, Seth Adu-Baah commended the AME University for considering partnership with the company. He expressed the company’s full support in making the university’s dream a reality, writes the News newspaper.


Churches Beg Supreme Court - As Cllr. Howard ends suspension

 The Liberia Council of Churches headed by the Episcopal Bishop Rev. Dr. Jonathan B.B Hart and other Men of God are seriously appealing to the Supreme Court of Liberia to lift the ban on the Minister of Justice, Christiana Tah. The Council of Churches last Friday, 11 April appealed to the Supreme Court that Justice Minister Tah, who stood for Journalist Rodney Sieh to be released from jail should be pardoned from her six-month ban slammed by the highest court. Rev. Kortu Browne of the Council of Churches Wednesday via the state-owned Liberia Broadcasting System said the LCC too was behind the release of Journalist Rodney Sieh. Rev. Brown also reminded that as Christians, the Church prays to God everyday for forgiveness of sins so Liberians should learn to forgive one another. The publisher of the FrontPage Africa Newspaper, Rodney Sieh, who was detained for $1.5m libel damages, was subsequently released through the influence of Minister Tah.  But the Supreme Court held Minister Tah in contempt and suspended her from active legal practice for six months after she granted a compassionate leave of prison to jailed Journalists Rodney Sieh without the high court’s consent. The Justice Minister and Attorney General has already served approximately three months of her suspension.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has lifted suspension on Cllr. Benyan Howard and ordered his license restored, after serving three months of suspension from the practice of law in the Republic of Liberia. On Friday, January 10, 2014, the highest court held Cllr. Howard liable for contempt with three months suspension, in the same ruling in which it suspended the Minister of Justice Cllr. Christina Tah with six months from law practice on grounds that their actions were not in consonance with Section 34.20 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Law of Liberia.
The contempt charge came late last year after the court found that the Justice Ministry, based on request made by jailed journalists Rodney Sieh’s legal team including Cllrs. Fonati Koffa and Benyan Howard had granted a 30-day temporary release for the defendant without any reference to the Judiciary in utter violation of the doctrine of separation of powers as enshrined in the Liberian Constitution. On a libel suit, the Civil Law Court at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia last year sentenced to jail journalist Rodney Sieh for failure to pay US$1.5m awarded former Agriculture Minister Dr. Chris Toe at the end of the case. Following several legal challenges between both parties, the Supreme Court which is the highest decision maker of Liberia’s legal matters, had ordered that the Civil Law Court’s judgment be upheld to have defendant Sieh imprisoned, failure to pay to Mr. Toe the US$1.5m awarded him by the lower court. But Mr. Sieh had served roughly two months in jail, when his lawyers’ request for 30-day temporary leave was granted by the Justice Minister, subsequently landing his lawyer Cllr. Howard and Cllr. Tah (Minister of Justice), in trouble with the high court. Having served his suspension term, Cllr. Howard on 14 April 2014 addressed a communication to the Supreme Court, informing it that he has directly or indirectly served his suspension from the practice of law between January 10, 2014 and April 10, 2014. The counsel in the same communication the high court requested that his license be restored to enable him commence his practice. Speaking for the full bench Wednesday Associate Justice Kabineh M. Ja’neh said they have reviewed the record and found that the suspension period has been served, therefore ordering the lifting of the suspension against Cllr. Howard and restoring his license, New Dawn asserts.


Ex-Sierra Leonean Envoy Calls For Unity Among Women

 Former Sierra Leonean Ambassador to Liberia Madam Marie Jilo Barnet, says with unity among the women they can do better in every aspect of their activities, noting “Today I see many women are now contesting for political offices, it is good because if you don’t put yourself in the position to stand on your own as leader for your various houses, men will not do it all the time.” Ambassador Barnet said the essence of women seeking leadership position is to give them courage to partake in every decision making process that will occur in the country. She noted that unity among women plays a significant role in any political activities in the country because according to her, once you cannot identify yourself with other women there is no way one can win an election. She said in order to contest for political office, citizens should know who you are, or they must feel your presence in that particular community or country, adding that this is very important as holding many leadership positions are not known by the people they serve. The former Sierra Leonean envoy spoke Wednesday at program marking the 5th Anniversary of the Angie Brooks International Center held at the Monrovia City Hall.  She said in order for women who are seeking higher office to achieve their goal, they must first see themselves as leaders, and have that confidence that they can make it. The program brought together civil society organizations, youth groups, officials of government, and members of the diplomatic corps.
For his part, Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan, said women’s participation in national issue is essential because they are responsible for daily activities in the home, community and the nation, adding that without women, men themselves cannot move forward.
Minister Ngafuan said women do not belong in the back anymore because of their involvement and decision making on national issues, saying “I believe that with the help of more women in the national legislature, they can do better, New Dawn writes.


Lab To Test Ebola, Lassa Fever Opens

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has established a laboratory in Margibi County at the Liberia Institute of Biomedical Research (LIBR) to test for Ebola and Lassa Fever. It has also set up case management treatment Centers in Foyah, Lofa County, and ELWA Hospital in Monrovia, according to an update issued by the Ministry on Monday. It said in addition, experts from US-based Center for Disease Control, MSF, Liberian National Red Cross and WHO are working with various Technical Committees of the National Task Force on Health Emergency in strengthening surveillance, contact tracing, psychosocial support and case management. They are also involved in community mobilization and sensitization on preventing and containing the spread of the Ebola virus. Samaritan Purse, in collaboration with the County Health Teams, is conducting awareness in communities, schools and churches in Lofa, Gbarpolu and River Gee counties and the capital, Monrovia. Other partners, including UNFPA and Plan-Liberia, have printed fliers and posters, including Ebola school-friendly materials for distribution to Lofa, Bong, Nimba, Margibi, and Montserrado counties, pens the New Dawn Newspaper.

US$1.5 For Sinoe Projects

The New Dawn Newspaper reports that the Sinoe County Representative Jefferson Karmo has announced the approval of US$1.5m for the 167th Independence Day projects in the county by the county authorities and Legislative Caucus. The projects for the Independence celebrations in the county are expected to be dedicated by President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf during the observance of the National Day. Representative Karmo, Secretary of the County’s Caucus, said the with the approval of the amount,  contracts have subsequently been awarded for the construction of the Superintendent’s Compound, Clan Chief Compound, reconditioning of streets of Greenville, as well as the rehabilitation of the Greenville Sports Stadium, among others. Representative Karmo told this paper Tuesday at the Capitol in Monrovia that after series of discussions with government stakeholders, it was agreed that funds be supervised by the Internal Affairs Ministry, in collaborations with the General Service Agency, while the local authority headed by Superintendent J. Milton Teahjay plays a monitoring role. He explained that, contractors currently working on various projects have promised to complete their respective projects before the observance of the celebrations.  “I think we are on course, in terms of preparations for our end- Sinoe County. As you may be aware, Sinoe County is co-hosting with Grand Kru County; already, we have approved the amount and contractors are expected to commence their respective contracts. Hopefully, we will complete all of our projects before the commencement of the July 26 Celebrations,” he told the New Dawn.