Daily Media Summary, 03-31-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs   

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


The fight against the Ebola disease, the election of a new ECOWAS Chairman and the appointments of new government officials are the dominant stories on today’s newsstand.


EU Pumps €500,000

Following the recent outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, the European Commission (EC) is giving €500,000 to help contain the spread of the deadly virus in Guinea and neighboring countries. The Commission has also sent a health expert to Guinea to help assess the situation and liaise with the local authorities. “We are deeply concerned about the spread of this virulent disease and our support will help ensure immediate health assistance to those affected by it”, said Kristalina Georgieva, European Union (EU) Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, reports the In Profile Daily. Related Story: 2 of 5 Test Positive with Ebola in Liberia: The lead story of the Daily Observer reports that they were informed late last night by Health and Social Welfare Minister, Dr. Walter T. Gwenigale that of the five blood samples sent to Lyon, France for testing, two tested positive with the Ebola virus, which has a ‘case fatality rate of 90 percent, “according to the World Health Organization ‘(WHO). Now, of the two samples, one has already died in Foya, Lofa County, and the other person. This sister was the one looking after the deceased when she felt sick, blood from her too tested positive, Dr. Gwenigale told the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: Guinea Confirms Ebola (In Profile Daily), Guinea Battles To Contain Ebola(Focus Newspaper), Guinea’s Gov’t Confirms Cases Of Deadly Ebola Virus In Conakry (Heritage Newspaper), and Ebola reaches Guinea Capital (New Dawn Newspaper), Ebola Scare Forces Senegal To Close Border (The NEWS)‘Ebola Is Regional Threat’ – Says ECOWAS; Calls For Assistance To Combat Menace (The Analyst), Ebola Report: Government Scores Poor As Usual In Information Dissemination (the Inquirer) and  EBOLA PRESENCE CONFIRMED IN LIBERIA: TESTS FROM FRANCE 'POSITIVE' (FRONT PAGE AFRICA)


Ellen Names More In Gov’t…Rose Stryker Replaced

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has appointed new officials to the Liberia National Police, Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation, and the Ministry of Labor. According to an Executive Mansion release, those appointed by the president are subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate, where applicable. Those appointed are Mr. William K. Mulbah, Deputy Director of Police for Administration replacing Rose Stryker; Mr. Gregory O. W. Coleman, Commissioner of Police for Operations, replacing Darlington George, who now goes to the EPS as Deputy and Mr. Alex A. Kawah – Deputy Commissioner/Commandant for Manpower Development. Mr. Rufus S. Berry it has been named member of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation Board replacing Mrs. Loris Shannoh. At the Ministry of Labor, Mr. Ebenizar Z. Gibson has been appointed Assistant Minister for Trade Union Affairs. Meanwhile, it has been clarified that A.B. Kromah is still the Deputy Inspector General for Operations and that the newly appointed Commissioner for Operations, is his principal deputy, the Inquirer reports.


Related Caption: Ellen Makes Changes At The Police (News Newspaper)


ECOWAS Elects New Chairman

The New Dawn Newspaper reports that Heads of States within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have elected Ghana’s President John Dramani Mahama as the New Chairman, at the close of the 44th Ordinary Summit held Saturday, March 29, 2014, in Yamoussoukro. Ghana’s President John Dramani Mahama took over as the New Chairman of the Sub regional organization, replacing Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara who had completed two successive terms as head of the body.

Related Story: Pres. Sirleaf Supports Ghanaian Leader …For ECOWAS Chairman

The Analyst says President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has returned to the country after official visits to Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire and Abuja, Nigeria. An Executive Mansion release says the Liberian leader had first visited the Cote d’Ivoire where she participated in the 44th Ordinary summit of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government in the Ivoirian Administrative  Capitol,Yamoussoukro where fourteen Heads of State and Government attended before traveling to Abuja, Nigeria where she also delivered Keynote Address at the Seventh Joint Annual Meeting of the Au Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ECA Conferences of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, the Analyst reveals.


Liberia’s Elections Commission End Voters Roll

The National Elections Commission (NEC) has concluded the conduct of the Voter Roll Update Exercise across the country. The Voter Roll Update Exercise ended today, Saturday, March 29, 2014 at the 1,780 Voter registration centers across Liberia. The NEC commenced the Voter Roll Update Exercise on January 29 this year in order to include in the Voter Roll, Liberians who had attained the age of 18 years and above since the 2011 Voter Registration Exercise and eligible Liberians who did not register in 2011 as well as Liberians who registered in 2011 but have relocated and wished to be transferred to the current areas of their residence. The exercise was conducted by one thousand mobile Field Staff. The Voter Roll Update Exercise is aimed at ensuring the participation of all eligible Liberians in the October 14 Special Senatorial Election. The NEC has meanwhile disclosed that it would release provisional figures attained from the exercise at the completion of the processing of results from the field. Final figures from the Voter Roll Update Exercise are due to be released on June 30 this year, reports FrontPage Africa.


Related Captions: NEC Completes Voter Registration (New Dawn Newspaper) and NEC Ends Voter Roll Update Exercise (Heritage Newspaper)





The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) President Abdullai Kamara says forging beyond Liberia's post conflict status requires obligating ourselves to participate in reconstructing and developing the country and advancing safeguard against activities which caused the conflict in the first place.
Kamara noted that ensuring the appropriate legal and operating environment that permits free space for impartial governance, opportunities for citizen participation and evolution of the society based on the needs and aspirations of the people, is a way of moving further away from conflict and war. Kamara spoke on Saturday at the induction of officers of the Professional School of Journalism at the Thomas Fallah Academy in Paynesville. Those inducted at the ceremony were Teewon Manakpalah - President; Amos Doloson- Vice President and Prince Gibson - Secretary General. The PUL President said the ongoing Constitution Review process is a useful opportunity towards that objective, but called on compatriots to take action during this process to reduce exclusions and specters of conspiracy from our national polity. Kamara called on Liberians to avoid looking at the constitution through "parochial lenses," but to stand up to prevent the renewal of any laws that unduly limit people in the exercise of their choices and freedom, noting "limiting freedoms may end up limiting creativity and innovation that could fuel development - and grow wealth." Kamara noted that various development programs - Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS), the Agenda for Transformation; the Central Bank enhanced microcredit programs; the County Development Fund and even the proposed District Impact Funds - have their own flaws, but still include inherent benefits, which can be better understood and adjusted through dialogue. Continuing, he said "Regardless of the faults of anyone's ideas, criticism, engagements, etc. - once they do not call for and or drive towards outright violence, war and destruction, they must be allowed the space. As offensive as their comments may seem, they should not be discounted at face value or the proponents punished on account of their propositions," Kamara argued. The PUL leader then called on the students to engage their colleagues in driving programs that will make their educational pursuit and leadership experiences meaningful and productive, adding that "maintaining such dialogues in leadership inspires the trust and confidence of others." He then pledged the PUL's commitment to work with the Professional School of Journalism to improve their professionalism, and strengthen their media solidarity, practice and confidence, FrontPageAfrica reports.


Related Caption:  Constitution Review Is Safeguard Opportunity – Says PUL Prexy (The Analyst)


MICAT Grants Youth For Change Inc. Permit – To Host Liberian Icon Event

The Ministry of Information, Cultural and Tourism under the signatory of Deputy Minister for Cultural Affairs & Tourism Elizabeth Hoff has issued permit to a local organization, Youth for Change, Inc. to host the first ever National event  “LIBERIA’S ICON” 2014. The event will be held under the theme: “Reviving our cultural heritage & breeding mentees to mentors”; it focuses at reviving our cultural heritage & breeding mentees after mentors who are custodians of culture but are gradually fading out.  LIBERIA’s ICON is a search for potential Liberian female leaders, it drive to changing the mind set of girls who see themselves as failure rather than nation builders and using this as a platform to transform Liberia through reconciliation and cultural mentorship program. Receiving the Permit, from Deputy Minister Elizabeth Hoff, Mr. Alex Devine, Executive Director of the Youth for Change, Inc. an Actor, Activist and Event planner was glad that another platform has been given him  to contribute to the peace initiatives and to build responsible leaders for our country Liberia, theAnalyst reports.


‘Building Confidence’: Affected Towns Appreciate EPO Initiatives

The Equatorial Palm Oil (EPO) prospect of carrying out its expansion and development activities received a remarkable boost when 12 affected towns expressed appreciation to the company for rehabilitating a major road which also links towns in Rivercess County with District Four, Grand Bassa County. The company, which has faced stiff resistance from some locals who fear their anestrous land risk being grabbed by the palm oil company, experienced what has been described as a ‘milestone’ to a new beginning for both parties – EPO and the affected communities. The 12 affected towns of District Four, Grand Bassa County collaborated with several other towns across the Timbo River – Number Five, Rivercess County – to ensure they express gratitude to EPO for the rehabilitation of a seven kilometer literate road that was abandoned for years. “Even though we have some misunderstanding, but there are times we must appreciate the company,” Daniel Henries, the community master stressed at the beginning of the program held in Gbar’s Town on Saturday, March 29. Mr. Henries and many other speakers assured the EPO of their willingness to work with the company in order to foster development of their people. District Four Senior Elder, Glagbor Paul, who spoke through an interpreter said: “What is actually our need, EPO just started it. EPO has done some but we want more…, right now we are all carrying the same road and we all agree.” The Elder, who on behalf of his people presented a white goat to the company as a token and sign of appreciation, requested that EPO helps build a Palava hut in Gbar’s Town which he said will be a venue for future discussions between them and the company. The residents heap praises at EPO especially for the road project; a resident of Number Five (Rivercess County) said the present good condition of the road will help in transporting their produce to markets easy, adding that the road has now linked their part of Rivercess County to Grand Bassa County. The apparent progress so far hints to the fact that the EPO’s objective of occupying its 34,500 acres of land given it in concession by the Government of Liberia can become a reality if its social development attracts the entire affected town.  Some of the residents are, however, aware that it will be impossible for the company to win the hearts of all but impacting the communities will be significant, FrontPageAfrica reports.


US Embassy Supports Entrepreneur Training

With support from the United States Embassy near Monrovia, a group of young Liberians during the weekend completed a four-day training of trainers (TOT) workshop on small business development and entrepreneurship. The TOT was intended to build the human resource capacity of Liberians through the enhancement of their business development plans and entrepreneur skills. Speaking to reporters, Suah Wanyan, a participant, lauded the US Embassy for its investment in molding the minds of the young people in Liberia. Wanyan termed the training as an opportunity that has changed the minds of participants, the NEWS reports.


Tripartite Commission Lauds Refugee Repatriation

The Governments of Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire have commended the ongoing voluntary repatriation of thousands of Ivorian refugees from Liberia at a two-day meeting held at the Ministry of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Ivorian capital, Abidjan, from 27-28 March. Some 8,000 Ivorian refugees have been repatriated from Liberia in less than three months this year and over 18,000 in 2013. The Tripartite Commission for the Voluntary Repatriation of Ivorian refugees, which comprises the Governments of Cote d’Ivoire and Liberia, as well as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), expressed satisfaction over the significant progress made in the implementation of the provisions contained in the Tripartite  Agreement which was signed in August 2011 in Abidjan, theNEWS reports.



BIN Earmarks Training Academy In Lofa

The Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) has been outlining some achievements and strive at the BIN including plan for the establishment of a training academy in Foya, Lofa County. BIN Commissioner Cllr. Lemuel E.A. Reeves said as a means of enabling BIN conduct its training free of hindrances, his administration has embarked on the establishment of the training academy in Foya, Lofa County, to serve as a regional training ground for countries of the Mano River Union (MRU) basin especially Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea and perhaps other African Countries, the Inquirer reports.


LNP Lauds Community Watch Forum

The Liberia National Police has lauded the Community Watch Forum for the level of support it continue from the group in its drive to reduce crimes in the country. The Forum is a group of civilians who assist the police in addressing issues as it unfolds in their respective communities, especially criminal activities and other unbecoming acts. At a round table meeting hosted by the Liberia National Police at its Central Headquarters over the weekend, LNP Deputy Director for Operations Col. Abraham Kromah recounted the numerous contributions the Forum has rendered to the police in the fight against crime in the Liberian society, the Insight newspaper writes.

Port of Buchanan meets ISPS Code

The Port of Buchanan, operated by the National Port Authority (NPA), has met the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS), which serves as a guarantee to shippers and crew against security risks. The ISPS code is a measure implemented through international convention for the safety of life at sea. With the putting into place of this measure at the Port of 
Buchanan, ships and vessels will be protected and placed on Level One that does not call for manual checking of vessels, personnel onboard and port users as well as vehicles and visitors, the Insight Newspaper writes.

Post And Telecommunication Staffers Receive Advanced Training

Ten employees of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications have successfully completed two-week vigorous training in various disciplines, including: Mail Handling & Professional postal delivery service at affordable cost to all stakeholders in Liberia and keep up with technological advancement and remain compliant with standards set by the Universal Postal Union of the United Nations. It is against this vision which Postmaster General Norkeh holds dearly that prompted his engagement with his counterpart of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Hon. M. Alhaji Ibrahim Mori Baba, who gladly accepted to have trained these ten postal personnel of the ministry, the Insight Newspaper writes.

Pres. Sirleaf returns Home after Successful Visits to Cote d’Ivoire and Nigeria

An inside story of the Insight newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has returned to the country after official visits to Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire and Abuja, Nigeria. According to an Executive Mansion Release, the Liberian leader returned late Saturday evening from Abuja, Nigeria where she delivered the Keynote Address at the seventh Joint Annual Meeting of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development at the Transcorp Hilton Abuja Conference Hall, on Saturday March 29, 2914. As Chair of the High Level Committee (HLP) on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, President Sirleaf addressed the opening of the Conference on the Common African Position on the Post-2015 Development Agenda which was adopted at the AU Summit on January 2014.

 ‘Street Child Team Liberia’ off to Brazil

A team of young Liberians, under the umbrella, Street Child Team Liberia, left the country last Friday for Brazil (March 28-April 10) to participate in the Street Child World Cup. The team includes nine players, Coach Samuel Burnette, III and Program Manager, Michael John Bull. According to the Team’s Public Relations Officers Tarsha M. Jackson, the main focus of the Street Child World Cup is to recognize the work of the NGO charity Street Child of Liberia and bring the issue of thousands of street children face to face on a daily basis. In Brazil, they will meet teams from Brazil, USA, Egypt and South Africa, theDaily Observer writes.