Daily Media Summary, 02-10-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Dominant Story

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf‘s declaration of Armed Forces Day, her meeting with Africa’s billionaire, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, on his 15 months plant, the departure of outgoing Indian Ambassador, the launch of the National Symbol Review Project and the World Bank’s US$100,000 donation to the Center for National Documents and Records Agency are dominant stories in our selected dailies for today, Monday, February 10, 2014.




Today’s edition of the New Dawn newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has, by Proclamation, declared Tuesday, February 11, 2014 as Armed Forces Day and is to be observed throughout the country as a National Holiday. The  Proclamation is in consonance with an Act of National Legislature of Liberia which declared the 11th day of February of each year as ” Armed Forces Day” to be celebrated as a National Holiday throughout the Nation in recognition  of the vital role of the AFL  in defending and protecting the country’s territorial integrity. The Proclamation says the Liberian Government recognizes the talents and services, patriotism and loyalty as well as the gallantry for the upkeep of the country’s noble heritage by those men and women who are now memorialized through the establishment of the Department of Veterans Affairs, as ordered by the Act of National Legislature of Liberia on 22nd of July 2008. According to the Proclamation, special attention and honor will be given to the veterans of the AFL and the Coast Guard who have seen active and experienced actual service therein.  The Proclamation directs and orders all military organizations within the Republic to organize and execute appropriate programs, including parades and other ceremonies in recognition of the Day. The Proclamation also orders all government offices, public and business houses to be closed during the observance of the Day. A Foreign Ministry release indicates that with the passage of the Defense Act of 2008, the AFL remains steadfast in supporting the foundation for Long Term Security and Economic Development in Liberia as well as fostering regional peace to consolidate our emerging democracy. The release further quotes the Proclamation as saying with the professional development of the men and women in arms; the new AFL has been reinvigorated to discharge its constitutional responsibilities of safeguarding the Liberian borders including its marine resources. The release discloses that the observance is intended to inculcate the sense of loyalty and patriotism in the citizens of Liberia, and in recognition of the immense and sacrificial services rendered by the gallant men and women of the Armed Forces for the protection of free and democratic state of Liberia.


Related CaptionTomorrow is Armed Forces Day (INSIGHT), Tomorrow is Armed Forces Day (The Analyst)



 President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has expressed thanks and appreciation to the outgoing Ambassador of India to Liberia, His Excellency Anil K. Sharan, for the services he and the Government of India continue to render Liberia.  “During your tenure here, Ambassador Sharan, you contributed immensely to the intensification of relations between our two countries for which we must highly commend you,” the Liberian leader said. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the comments when the departing Indian Ambassador paid a farewell courtesy call at her Foreign Ministry office on Friday, February 7.
During Ambassador Sharan’s tenure, both governments attained a new level of vitality in Liberia-India relations, exploring and breaking new grounds for strategic partnership cooperation on the basis of mutual respect for each other, and in the interest of both countries and peoples.
The Liberian leader said the long-standing friendly ties between Liberia and India have enabled excellent cooperation in the areas of agriculture, education, health and transportation, among others – all geared towards enhancing and accelerating Liberia’s recovery process, the New Dawn newspaper reports.


Related CaptionPresident Sirleaf Bids Farewell To Outgoing Indian Ambassador To Liberia, Meets With Belgian Princess Maria-Esmeralda (INSIGHT)


Africa’s Billionaire Meets With Pres. Sirleaf – Proposes Cement and Coal-Burning Power Plants Among Topics Discussed


Africa’s richest man, billionaire Alhaji Aliko Dangote, paid a courtesy call, Thursday, on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at her Foreign Ministry office, where he briefed her on the capacity of the plant, which he said could be operational in 15 months. Approximately 30 acres of land are needed for such a facility, which includes huge boilers and cooling plants, along with access to a source of sweet water – where the water table is high. Mr. Dangote pointed out that throughout Africa, the major issue is power. “No power, no growth,” he declared. Responding, President Sirleaf agreed that it was time to go forward and fast-track the cement project, assuring Mr. Dangote that the land would be turned over by February 16, the INSIGHT newspaper reports.


Related CaptionPres. Sirleaf Meets Africa’s Richest Man – Says it’s time to fast-track cement factory, other projects(The Analyst), Ellen Holds Talks With Africa’s Richest man (Heritage)




President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has officially launched the National Symbols Review Project. During the launch last Friday at the Paynesville City Hall, outside Monrovia, President Sirleaf emphasized the need for more consultations with the leadership of the three branches of government and the entire Liberian citizenry, to ensure broad-based participation.  “There still needs to be more consultations to agree with the process, to be a part of the process, to also guide and lead the process,” the Liberian leader stressed, adding that although there have been some consultations, they were not sufficient.   The National Symbols Review Project, spearheaded by the Governance Commission, was established to coordinate an informed consultative process that will draw upon Liberia’s energy and creativity to promote a national conversation on the official symbols to include the National Flag, National Coat of Arms or National Seal, National Anthem and our National Awards.  An Executive Mansion statement issued in Monrovia noted that the project will solicit input from Liberians across ethnic, regional, religious, generational, gender and educational divides, describing the process as inclusive and expected to yield timeless symbols reflecting Liberia’s past, present, and future. The launch was graced by members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited near Monrovia, government officials, as well as Chiefs and Elders, among others, the New Dawn reports.



Related Caption: Nat’l Symbol project Launched (INSIGHT)



The Heritage newspaper reports that The World Bank has provided more than US$100,000 to the Center for National Documents and Records Agency (CNDRA) to digitalize land deeds to ensure land tenure security in Liberia. CNDRA Director-General, P. Bloh Sayeh, said the grant provided by the World Bank will assist the country to develop land tenure security through digitalization to prevent land conflict in Liberia. Director Sayeh made the disclosure Tuesday in an interview with the Liberia News Agency at the CNDRA headquarters in Sinkor, near Monrovia. She explained that the digital project would ensure that all land that has been sold is subtracted from the original deeds, which are the mother deeds.  She pointed out that the digital project funded by the World Bank will go a long way in preventing land conflict among the Liberian people; and that it also provides relevant information about land which has been sold or which has been tampered with in the country. She said the connection of the fiber optic cable in the Archives building would provide quick access to internet services, to improve the digital process of land deeds and other documentation.  She further indicated that the National Archives has secured database in Indiana, the United States of America, and the Liberia Telecommunications Corporation, including the Archives own database for proper preservation of national documentation.  



Related CaptionWorld Bank Donates US$100,000 To CNDRA (New Dawn),

Other stories



The Heritage newspaper pens that as part of its road rehabilitation initiative in Bong County, the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), has begun the rehabilitation of a 33-kilometer road in Zota District. The Belefania-Jorwah road links Liberia to the Republic of Guinea and passes through Belefania in Bong County. According to Bong County Resident Engineer, Emulus Toliver, the two Chinese Companies contracted for the job have already begun the rehabilitation of the 33 kilometer road. He said one of the companies will target 20 kilometers, while the other will take on the remaining 13 kilometers. Mr. Toliver said the secondary road is being monitored by the Project Engineer and the Feeder Road Engineer assigned by the Ministry of Public Works.  “We are doing all we can to ensure that the contractors perform in accordance with the terms of the contract and we will not accept anything less than that,” asserted Mr. Toliver. The Bong County Resident Engineer told the Liberia News Agency Wednesday that SIDA has spent more than US$15 million on the rehabilitation of the county’s roads over the years.  Roads rehabilitated by SIDA in Bong County include roads in Salala, Sanoyea, Suakoko, Zota and Panta Districts among others, but Mr. Toliver emphasized the need to properly maintain the roads.




Grand Bassa County Senator, Nyonblee Karngar Lawrence, has said US$5 million has been placed in the 2013/2014 budget for Legislative Projects in the county. According to Senator Karngar Lawrence, US$68,000 dollars of this amount is earmarked for Buchanan District. She told the Liberia News Agency (LINA)Tuesday that the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) will implement the projects. Senator Lawrence said from the US$5 million, Representative Mary Karwor has recommended the construction of a school building in District #2. She has, however, frowned on the way the Social Development Fund had been used in the past, noting: “It has made no impact on the lives of the ordinary Bassa people.” Meanwhile, Senator Karngar Lawrence has blamed lawmakers for not properly exercising their oversight role in the expenditure of the County Development Fund. She recommended that those who misuse the County Development Fund and Social Development Fund be punished or prosecuted. The County Development Fund is an allocation from the National Budget for projects at the county level, while the Social Development Fund is money contributed by concessions as part of their social responsibility assistance, the Heritage newspaper reports.




The national chairman of the opposition Congress for Democratic Change or CDC has disclosed that the October 14, 2014 Special Senatorial Election is either to make the young democracy stronger or break the entire process on which millions would be spent.  Chairman George Solo, in an interview last weekend in Monrovia with this paper, described the ensuing senatorial election as a litmus test for the Jerome George Korkoya-led National Elections Commission that could give the Liberian populace the hope for a better 2017 Presidential and Legislative Elections or destroy the fabric of the political intelligence the country have acquired over the years through the practice democracy. According to him, it was appalling that the National Elections Commission, in the middle of the conduct of the Special Senatorial Election for the first time since the enforcement of the 1985 Liberian Constitution, to be complaining about money. He said for NEC to blame the Finance Ministry for reportedly reneging on its responsibility of actively funding the commission was worrisome and troubling for this election and future elections. “Why will the election commission in the middle of the senatorial election be crying for funding, when the Finance Ministry that supposes to provide the funding for the process is slow in discharging its duties-this is perturbing for anybody who wants this country to move forward to start on such note,” he said. He, then, recommended that the commission be financially independent in order to perform to the expectation of the Liberian people and give some level of confidence to candidates and political parties, the New Dawn newspaper reports.




The New Dawn newspaper reports that the Speaker of the House of Representatives Alex Tyler has given the commitment of the 53rd Liberian Legislature to pass the bill on the Code of Conduct into law. Speaker Tyler said the Legislature has no intention in delaying the passage of the bill, but due to its importance to the Liberian people it must be adequately addressed before enactment to avoid public criticism. Addressing a one-day conference organized by the National Integrity Forum on Friday, 7 February at Corina Hotel on 24th Street in Sinkor, Monrovia, the Bomi County Lawmaker however, stressed that the passage of the Code of Conduct dates back to 1980 so no one should have the thought that members of the 53rd Legislature are opposed to its enactment. “It will take time because, laws cannot be specific, but at some point in time they can be”, he added. The Speaker assured that members of the House of Representatives will debate and quickly justify the possible passage of the code of conduct bill. For his part, the Chairman of the National Integrity Forum and Chairperson of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission James Verdier, expressed that the Code of Conduct is a national issue that needs to be passed into law for the betterment of the country. “It is not one set of people that will benefit from this passage, but every individual will be a beneficiary when this is passed into law”, he stressed. The LACC boss said it is about time that Liberians come together, especially those who are in positions to move the country forward for the next generation




Vice President Joseph N. Boakai says the partnership between the State of Illinois in the United States and Liberia for the strengthening of education and training in key economic sectors is as welcome as it is timely. Vice President Boakai said Liberians should cast their eyes far beyond mere recovery onto policies that are more likely to be realistic in transforming Liberia into the much dreamed of middle income Country by 2030. Vice President Boakai was speaking Wednesday in Paynesville when he formally launched the Liberia Career Pathways in collaboration with Illinois Pathways at the Roberts Johnson Hotels and Villas in Kendeja during a working breakfast with Senior Officials of the Liberian Government, the Diplomatic Corps, Civil Society Organizations, business tycoons and a cross section of Liberian entrepreneurs. The Liberia Career Pathways is a new and innovative public-private education initiative that is designed to support college and career readiness in targeted Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Mathematics clusters. The project parallels the Illinois Pathway initiative that was launched in the State of Illinois in 2012. Speaking further, Vice President Boakai said Government’s support to this program finds expression in our standing commitment to the quest for national self-sufficiency in the production of our staple- a vision that constitutes a vital part and parcel of the Government’s overall national strategic planning, the Heritage newspaper says.




The New Dawn newspaper asserts that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has met with a group of Liberian engineers to be contracted to evaluate a number of roads overseen by the Ministry of Public Works. The meeting, in which Margibi County Senator Oscar Cooper participate alongside President Sirleaf, also focused on a more active role by Liberian engineers in building and road construction. The President, along with Senator Cooper, also initially met on Friday with representatives of the Board of Trustees, management and the Alumni Association of the Booker Washington Institute. The meeting highlighted the progress made at the Institute, as well as some of the challenges with which BWI is faced in its efforts to expand services. President Sirleaf agreed to support BWI’s fund-raising drive scheduled for May for an Endowment Fund and to build additional dormitories to increase the number of students.
Mr. Emmanuel A. Lawrence, Vice Chairman, Board of Governors; Mr. Alexander M. Massey, Interim Principal; Board Members Mrs. Mona Smith and Mr. John Youboty; as well as Mr. Jonathan Paye-Layleh, President, BWI Alumni Association; and Mr. Kofa Tenbroh, the Association’s Secretary-General.


Major Awareness Campaign Against Female Genital Mutilation Kicks off


A Non-Governmental Organization, Women Against Female Genital Mutilation (WAFGEM), has embarked on a major campaign in the country aimed at sensitizing women on the harmful effect of female mutilation and the enforcement of laws to be enacted. Among other things, WAFGFM is involved in the eradication of female genital mutilation as well as sensitizing people, particularly girls and women on the harmful effect of female genital mutilation. In a weekend interview with the Heritage at her head office on 12 Houses Road in Paynesville, outside Monrovia, the Chief Executive officer (CEO) of WAFGFM, Madam Maima D. Robinson, said it is time that her organization reaches out to the public to sensitize girls and women on the harmful effect of female genital mutilation, the Heritage newspaper reports


Liberia Gets Top International Post


Liberia was elected on February 7, 2014 as one of three regional vice presidents at the Inaugural meeting of the Africa Cabinet Government Network (ACGN), which just ended in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital city. In a  Communiqué issued at the close of its Roundtable Workshop, the Council of African Cabinet Secretaries, the governing body of ACGN, unanimously elected Dr. Momo Rogers, Director-General of the Cabinet, Republic of Liberia, to serve for the next two years as Vice President for the west Africa region, the Heritage newspaper reports.