Liberia Consoles Togo on Former Togolese Prime Minister’s Death

President George Manneh Weah has sent a condolence message to the Government and people of the Republic of Togo, following the death of H.E. Mr. Edem Kodjo, former Togolese Prime Minister and former Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), now the AU.

 The former Togolese Prime Minister died Saturday, April 11, 2020.  

In the message to his Togolese counterpart, H. E. Mr. Faure Gnassingbe, President George Manneh Weah, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, extended heartfelt condolences to the Togolese leader, and through him, to the Government and people of Togo, especially the bereaved family for the irreparable loss sustained.   

“It is with profound sadness and deep sorrow that we have learned of the death of one of Africa’s son,” President George Weah declared.   

According to a Foreign Ministry release, President George Menneh Weah further recounted that former Prime Minister Kodjo was a distinguished statesman who will be remembered for his profound patriotism, his loyalty and selflessness in serving his country and people.  

The Liberian President also prayed that the Almighty God will grant President Faure Gnassingbe and the people of Togo strength, courage and fortitude as they go through this difficult period of national mourning.