UNICEF Representative to Liberia pays courtesy visit on Foreign Minister-discloses key efforts aimed at tackling youth and children issues

Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findlay Monday received in audience the UNICEF Representative to Liberia Laila O. Gad when the UN Envoy paid him a courtesy call at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the Capitol Hill.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, the two officials met on March 2, 2020 in the Holding Room on the 4th floor of the Ministry.


During their interaction, the UNICEF Representative to Liberia conveyed her appreciation to the Government of Liberia for the warm reception and also disclosed ongoing efforts by her organization in tackling problems confronting the youth and children in Liberia.


While highlighting the number of kids out of school, Madam Gad said UNICEF has among other things embarked on an initiative that seeks to increase the number of children in school and to also ensure increment in the number of teachers in the classroom as well.


She said UNICEF is in the process of developing a robust program proposal on youth empowerment and engagement, especially targeting underprivileged and disadvantaged youth in Liberia.


“UNICEF is also hoping to record the birth registration for all newborns in Liberia by 2024 wherein the data of every child born in Liberia will be recorded and placed in an archive” the UN Envoy revealed.


Madam Gad furthered revealed that UNICEF is partnering with the Ministry of Gender Children and Social Protection to tackle Gender Based Violence and other gender related issues.


In response, Liberia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Gbehzohngar Milton Findley welcomed the UNICEF Representative and expressed hope that the goals and aspirations of the United Nations Children’s Fund be achieved.


Minister Findley reemphasized the significance of prioritizing problems faced by youth in the streets whom he noted must be rehabilitated and reintegrated so that society benefits from their immense potential.


Meanwhile, Minister Findley has at the same time told the UNICEF Representative that the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs looks forward to open communication and partnership between the Government and UNICEF.


UNICEF is a United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. Operating out of U.N. headquarters in New York City, it is among the most widespread and recognizable social welfare organizations in the world, with a presence in 192 countries and territories.