President Weah Applauds the United States on 243rd Independence Observance

President George Manneh Weah has sent a Congratulatory Message to Government and people of the United States of America on the occasion commemorating the 243rd Independence Anniversary of that country.


In the message to US Donald Trump, President George Manneh Weah, on behalf of Liberia, extended heartfelt felicitations and sincere best wishes to the Government and people of the United States as they commemorate another milestone in their national existence.


“As you and the people of America commemorate another milestone in your national existence, we recall vividly the historic bond of friendship and corporation subsisting between our two countries and peoples which continue to be increasingly enhanced;” the Liberian leader added.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Liberian leader assured President Trump that Liberia will continue to engage positively with the United States to build on the already existing bilateral frameworks.


The Liberian President then wished for U S President Donald Trump wisdom, good health and happiness, as he leads the people of the United States to a prosperous future.