Daily Media Summary (06-17-2019)







In today’s news summary highlights dominating stories making headlines today including the call by Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor for the Elimination of the Culture of Corruption in Africa  at the opening session of the SDGsConference in Kigali, Rwanda; the L$16B Indictees’ Bond Granted as Trial Begins today.


 Other stories include: Netherlands Ambassador’s recent call made on Liberians to see Agriculture as a back bond to Liberia’s economy recovery; The free treatment offered  by the visiting American Doctors at the JFK Medical Center are among stories making headlines in the various local dailies.  



‘Eliminate Culture Of Corruption’ VP Taylor Tells African Leaders


A front page story of the News newspaper reports that Liberia’s Vice President Chief Dr. Jewel Howard-Taylor has delivered the keynote address at the opening Session of the Sdgs Conference held in Kigali, Rwanda, with call for African leaders to eliminate culture of corruption. According to a dispatch, the conference which kicked off Wednesday, June 12 to Friday, June 14, 2019, brought together over 1,000 participants from across 40 countries, 35 of which came from across Africa. The conference was organized by the SDGs Center for Africa, under the theme: ‘’SDGs implementation in Africa- Reflections on a three year journey’’. The Liberian Vice President who deputized for President, Dr. George M. Weah spoke on the topic: Why Africa needs new financing vehicles for Health, Education and Rainfed Agriculture’’. In her splendid presentation, Madam VP stressed the urgent need for political will by African Leaders to harness the human and natural resources of Africa for the implementation of the SDGs.


Related Captions:Jewel: Ending Corruption Could Bring SGSs Success (New Democrat), VP Taylor urges good governance in Kigali(New Dawn)VP Howard-Taylor Stresses Political Will At 7th Board Meeting (The Inquirer), At SDGs Conference in Kagali, Reanda: VP Howward-Taylor Delivers Keynote address, Represents President Weah at SDGs center for Africa 7th BoardMeeting (Heritage)


‘I Can’t Legally Proceed contrary To the Statue’ Judge Peter Gbeneweleh Of Criminal Court ‘C’ Admonishes Government Lawyers As He Denies  Plans To Imprison CBL’s Officials Over New Bail Bond

Having failed to use the  influence of Associate Justice Joseph Nagbe, who presides as Chamber Justice of the Supreme Court to prevent Criminal Court ‘C’ assigned Judge Peter Gbeneweleh from hearing the  alleged missing US$835,367,72 and L$2,645,000,00 involving current and past senior officials of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL). The judge on Friday, June 14, was openly heard saying, ‘’this court cannot legally proceed contrary to the provision of the specific statue. Judge Gbeneweleh’s decision was in line with his ruling that denied the government lawyers (prosecution) request to set aside the bail bond filed to release the defendants and to have them (defendants) rearrested and subsequently detained at the Monrovia Central Prison, until a new bond could be secured pens The Daily observer newspaper.


Related Caption:L$16B Indictees’ Bond Granted As Trial Begins today (The News)



‘See Agriculture as Backbone to Country’s Economy Recovery’ Ron Strikker, Netherlands Ambassador to Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone


Ron Strikker, Netherlands Ambassador to Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone, says Liberia’s economy can be recovered if Agriculture is seen as a backbone. Amb. Strikker spoke at the launch of Cocoa Rehabilitation and Intensification Program (CORIP) and the Sustainable West Africa Oil Palm Program (SWAPP) in Liberia. SWAPP project is to be implemented in five of the 15 counties in Liberia, including Bong, Lofa, Nimba, Bomi and Grand Bassa. “We hope to see the good results and Liberians will see agriculture as a backbone of recovering the economy and prosperity in Liberia,” Strikker said. According to the Dutch diplomat, both programs target Liberia because Ghana and Sierra Leone have shown a better result, the Frontpage Africa reports.

Visiting Doctors Giving ‘Free Treatment’ at JFK

A story in the Frontpage news daily reads that Doctors from America and other parts of the world visiting Liberia have begun performing free plastic surgery, ENT surgical operation, gynecological surgery, general surgery, ear, nose and throat (ENT) and treating of infectious diseases, among others at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Medical Center in Monrovia. The exercise which started on Saturday, June 15, is expected to last for 10 days. The head of the team, Dr. Sanjay Lalla, a Plastic surgeon described the team’s first visit to Liberia as the first drop in the bucket. “Yes it is a drop in the bucket, but it is the first drop in the bucket for future partnership; we are working so at least in the future we can have teams visiting annually or bi-annually,” he said. Dr. Lalla disclosed that the team is in Liberia to treat as many patients they can without targeting specific number of persons. He noted that his team members are all volunteer who aim is to help the Liberian health sector. According to him, the team will work for 12 hours a day and treat as many people they can. He disclosed they would also make a donation of 40 bags of medical supplies. 

Expert Strongly Reacts to the News that Cases of Ebola Virus Disease in Uganda Repatriated to DRC


On Thursday, June 13, 2019, I woke up in total dismayed, news that five family members were repatriated to the DRC. It was said that the returnees are the mother of the index case, the 3-year-old brother (who is a confirmed Ebola case), a 6-month-old baby, the father of Ugandan children, and the nanny. Health authorities in DRC and Uganda said “to date, no more cases of Ebola are found in Uganda”. This statement is misleading. The world was made to believe that Uganda was preparing for any eventuality of importation of EVD into Uganda and other neighboring countries. The news that confirmed, suspected and probable cases of Ebola were repatriated to their country of origin is not only sad but indicates “gross unpreparedness” to tackle the new cluster of outbreak of Ebola in Uganda. The lingering question on my mind is what happens to the Ugandan citizens who came in contact with the confirmed cases? Which Country is Uganda repatriating her citizens? The fact of the matter is touching the body fluids of the case and having direct physical contact with the body of the case conferred a 9- and 20-fold increased risk of EVD status, respectively, says the Frontpage.

YOPTI Launches Capacity Building Training Program

A charity group under the canopy, Youth Positive Transformation Initiative (YOPTI) has launched a capacity building training program for youth advancement in Gbarnga, Bong County. YOPTI was established in 2013 and has since initiated and implemented five core programs including two projects, four partnership projects and other community services in the county. Speaking in an interview with this paper after the launch, the chief executive Director of Youth Positive Transformation Initiative, Genesis Sylvester Kolliemene said the program is intended to help build the capacity of young people in the county.“YOPTI believes that young people have the greatest potential to make whatever positive change in whatever condition or location,” he says. According to him, the program has three different components including computer, personal development and professional writing. Mr. Kolliemene further reveals that as youth organization in Bong County, YOPTI has received ten computers from one of their partners ‘Digital Bridge,’ an American basic charity organization, New Dawn news daily reads. 

Catholic Bishops Visit Vatican over Sexual Harassment Claims


According to the New Democrat newspaper, Liberian Church leaders have visited the Vatican after a priest claim have been mentally and psychologically abused by two bishops, reportedly in retaliation against him for refusing sexually relations, the Catholic News Agency Reported on June 14 as it culled local reporting on the matter. Father Gabriel Sawyer, who has since left ministry and attempted marry, made the accusations against Archbishop Lewis Zeigler of Monrovia and Bishop Andrew Karnley of Cape Palmas in an August 15, 2018 letter to the apostolic nuncio to Liberia, Archbishop Dagoberto Campos Salas. Archbishop Zeigler declined comment to Front page Africa, while Bishop Karnley characterized Sawyer’s claims as “a campaigned of lies and falsehood against me.” The visit took place the last week of May, the news site crux reported.The Vatican meeting included Bishop Anthony Borwah of Gbarnga, who heads the Liberia bishop’s conference; Father Dennis Nimene, secretary of the bishop’s conference; and Campos, the nuncio.

NCSNL Defends Prof. Trapeh

According to The News newspaper the National Civil Society Network of Liberia (NCSNL) has dismissed attacks on the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Professor Wilson K.  Tarpeh by those it described as uniformed and paid agents bent on undermining the economic recovery and Pro Poor Agenda of the government of President Dr. George Manneh Weah. A group claiming to be a coalition of civil society organizations on Thursday, June 13, 2019, issued a statement questioning Minister Tarpeh’s understanding of banking and economic issues since the Minister has, among other things, identified the microfinance loan scheme of former Governor Joseph Mills Jones as one of the key reasons for the depreciation of the Liberian Dollars and the current inflation rate in the Liberia economy. 

 Tragic Accident Leaves Four Dead On kakata-Bong Mines Road


A tragic car accident on the Kakata-Bong Mines road in Margibi County has reportedly left four persons dead and several others critically injured. Eyewitnesses told The News that the   driver of a speeding green Primera Nissan car, heading from Kakata City on late Friday afternoon under a heavy downpour, collided head-on with a DAF truck with plate C30866 on the opposite lane. The News newspaper relates two male occupants, ridding in the front passengers’ seat in the unmarked Primer Nissan reportedly died on the spots while four other person two male  two female sitting on the back seat sustained bodily injuries, including hands and legs fractures pens the The News newspaper. 

 Housing Units Nearing completion In Grand Kru county

The President Pro-Poor Housing Unity Project is near completion in Grand Kru County and more counties in sight. According to The News newspaper the project has been implemented by Liberia Agency   for Community Empowerment (LACE). Report from the county said most of the housing units have been whitewashed in preparation for printing. Citizen of the County especially those whose who are expected to benefit from the units are said to be excited about their new modern homes. The Pro-Poor housing units are initiatives of President Dr. George M.  Weah whose desire is to   transform the lives if the rural inhabitants

 President Weah Extols Iceland on National Day Observance

President George Manneh Weah has sent a congratulatory message to the Government and people of the Republic of Iceland on the occasion celebrating the National Day of Iceland. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President George Manneh Weah, on behalf of Liberia, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and people of Iceland, as they commemorate this historic milestone. President Weah further indicated that Iceland’s gracious assistance to Liberia’s fishing industry is going a long way in resuscitating the sector which he noted has been identified in his government’s Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development as one of the mainstays of economic growth and jobs creation.  The Liberian President recalled that through the support of Iceland, his government has employed mechanisms which are vital to the sustainable use of Liberia’s oceans, seas and marine resources for the benefits of its present and future generations. According to the Heritage newspaper, President Weah particularly recalled Iceland’s novel policies towards the empowerment of women and other minorities that have inspired many nations.

Government Tightens Screw on Corruption Fight

The Heritage newspaper reports that the Ministry of Justice through the State Prosecutor has announced that his office has begun a critical and comprehensive review of all reports that were submitted by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) against individuals on allegations of corruption and mismanagement of public fundsfor personal gains in which no action has been taken. Liberia’s solicitor General-Designate, Cllr. SaymaSyreniusCephus, quoted by the Liberia News Agency (LINA) disclosed that those whose names and titles have decorated all audit reports will be invited by a team of well-trained criminal investigators and seasoned state prosecutors to determine either restitution or possible prosecution where the evidence of compelling and to further investigate only when necessary. 

3,200 New Sets of Uniform, Logistics for Peace


The Liberia National Police (LNP) has started distributing new uniforms and rain gears to its officers through their commanders upon submitting various listing, said Col. Patrick Sudue , Inspector General of the Liberia National Police. Col. Sudue indicated that Thursday at a press briefing held at the LNP Headquarters that this achievement comes as a result of his leadership’s intense lobby with central government, friends and partners in the search for rebranding the National Police. The Police Chief hopes that this development will motivate officers of all units in performing their duties. The Process of distribution first focuses on officers at county detachment ( leeward areas) before those in Monrovia, said Col. Sudue adding that this process is intended to end the issue of : business as usual”.Pens the Heritage newspaper. 

MICAT,LIMU Craves Effort to Elevate Fight Against Piracy


According to the Heritage newspaper the Ministry of Information Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) has signed a memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Liberia Movie Union (LIMU) and the Liberia intellectual property office to enhance, sustain and elevate the fight against privacy. Piracy is the illegal copying and distribution of movies in print, video, Digital Versatile Disc(DVDs) or any electronic files that potrays visual. Speaking at the signing ceremony of the MOU at the Ministry of Information in Monrovia, The Ministry of Information Eugene LennNagbe, stated that the signing of the MOU is the beginning of the Government’s support to LIMU.

Gov’t Commits US$30k to OGP Secretariat to Enhance Governance

The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) has committed US$30,000 to the Secretariat of the OGP in other to ensure the smooth running of the Institution. The Open Government Partnership Initiative is a voluntary International initiative that is intended to secure concrete commitments from the government to their people which helps foster transparency, accountability and government responsiveness to its citizens. Speaking recently at the official launch of the procreation of the OGP 4th action plan project, at the innovative campus in Monrovia  the Deputy Minister for Budget and Development Planning at the MFDP Tanneh G. Brunson, expressed gratitude to the OGP for its efforts in ensuring transparence, accountability and good governance in Liberia, the Heritage newspaper reports.

 ‘Unending Gratitude’ Weah Praises Nigeria

President George Weah says the  Government and people of Liberia remain forever grateful to the Government and People of Nigeria for the pivotal role played  in bringing about lasting peace’’ to our beloved country Liberia’. He Says Liberia looks forward to fostering strengthened bilateral relations with Nigeria for the mutual benefits of both nations and peoples. President Weah made the statement on his official Facebook page upon return from Abuja where he was guest at the occasion marking Democracy Day in Nigeria on Wednesday. According to The News newspaper President Weah thanks his counterpart Muhammadu Buhari, and the people of Nigeria for such a warm reception   accorded my delegation and   I’’ saying he was honored by the invitation.

Labor Minister Calls For Collective Effort To End Forced, Child Labor

Labor minister Moses Y. Kollie has called on the global community to take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking as well as secure the prohibition and elimination of child labor around the world. Kollie also craves combined efforts in achieving Target 8.7 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which calls for an end to child labor in all forms by 2025. Marking remarks at the  program marking the national commemoration of World day against child Labor, Minister Kollie and the dreams of children should be prioritized through quality education and not labor pens The News newspaper. 

NEC To Begin Nationwide Electoral Reform Awareness


The National Elections Commission (NEC) is expected to begin a two week nation-wide awareness campaign on Electoral Law Reform in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County. The Election Law Reform Sensitization and Awareness Campaign comes as a result of several recommendations made following the 2017 Presidential elections which were advanced to the Commission  by Elections Stakeholders including Civil Society organization, Political Parties as well as international observers and partners. The program is in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programs (UNDP) elections support in Liberia and according to the NEC, following the two-week national consultation on electoral law reform; a national validation process will be launched to compile a bill for enactment by the Legislature drawing from several propositions that will be developed by the National Elections Commission. In a statement from NEC, the seven-member technical delegation will on Tuesday, begin phase one of the electoral law reform campaign in Zwedru through open engagements with several stakeholders from Maryland, Grand Kru and River Gee Counties,,the Inquirer reports.

Gov’t To Save US$400,000 Annually From GovNet

According to the Inquirer, the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah Sr. has asserted that the government will save over US$400,000 annually from the implementation of GovNet from information Communications Technology (ICT). Minister Kruah made the remark on Friday, June 14, at the Monrovia City Hall during a meeting with stakeholders of Information Communications Technology (ICT) and other partners when the government through the Ministry of Post & Telecommunications officially Launched Govnet.  Minister Kruah told the gathering that Govnet is the creation of a government’s network through which e-services can now be hosted at minimal costs to government ministries, agencies and commissions. ‘Govnet is a secures and dedicated service; wide area network that gears toward connecting Ministries, Agencies, and Commissions MACs for information sharing with support and guidance from USAID an Digital Liberia. Minister Kruah applauded the head of LIBTELCO, Richmond Tobii, for the level of work currently ongoing at LIBTELCO to include the training of over 35 personnel from different government entities working with ICT.

Senate Hails Liberians

The Inquirer pans that Liberian Senate has extended its profound thanks and appreciation to the Government and people of Liberia, the planners and participants of the June 7, protest who were led by the Council of Patriots (COP). The Liberian Senate is convinced that the Government and the people of Liberia have seen the need to maintain and protect the peace for which Liberians have made significant sacrifices over the years. The Senate said contrary to this thought about protest being a violent and destructive venture, Liberians have shown to the world that they are now maturing politically and can accommodate each other in expressing views and or grievances to government through a peaceful assembly, without infringing on the right of others. Representing many, that august body believed that citizens instill fear in themselves, thereby depriving them of the opportunity to concentrate on the goals they have established for themselves. 

Concerned BWI Alumni Call President Weah Attention


The Inquirer reads: A group of graduates of the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) who are seeking the resolution of the leadership crisis at the institute is again appealing to President George Manneh Weah to intervene in the matter to prevent the school from falling into a more serious crisis that could lead to economic losses. Attorney Harris Fomba Tarnue was suspended a month ago as principal of the BWI by some members of the institution’s board but, the law creating BWI which was last revised in 1975, states that only the President of Liberia who is the Ex-Officio on said Board has authority to appoint and remove a principal. The Concerned Community of BWI Alumni said it foresees troubling signs coming from school including an ongoing workers go-slow over Tarnue’s principal’s  unlawful suspension and subsequent replacement, and some high profiled graduates believe that by reversing the unlawful suspension of the principal would be the first step in finding out what prompted the abrupt action against him.

No Arbitrary Arrest, Prosecution As Govt Begin Review Of Audit Reports

The Liberia Government has begun reviewing all the audit reports with a period of ten years but the Solicitor General Designate, Sayma Syrenius Cephus, says there will be no arbitrary arrests but prosecution of people in court. The reports referred to covers those from the Audit Commission (GAC) and Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) that were generated over 10 years in an effort to prosecute officials linked to corruption.  Cllr. Cephus said the intent of the review processes are recovery or restitution and persecution in court without fear or favor of any official(s). The comments are in regards to the recent announcement by President George Weah’s administration that will begin the review of all GAC audits over the past 10 years, and thereafter, it will commence legal action against every person implicated. He stated that government also intends to contract international auditing and investigative firms because the way in which government wants to punish those on fact available because it does not want to be a loser in the fight, Pens the Inquirer.