President Sirleaf Applauds Colombia’s Leader Juan Manuel Santos for winning 2016 Nobel peace prize

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a congratulatory message to His Excellency Mr. Juan Manuel Santos, President of the Republic of Colombia, on his selection as this year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner, by the Award Committee of the Nobel.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Manuel Santos is being remembered for his resolute efforts in bringing the more than 50-year long civil war in Colombia to an end.


In the Message to her Colombian counterpart, President Johnson Sirleaf added, “Your effort to have championed the most promising peace deal to transition Colombia to sustainable peace and stability which was narrowly rejected in a referendum is commendable.”


She expressed the hope that despite the rejection of the recent peace deal, the bilateral ceasefire recently signed will translate into lasting peace for the Government of Colombia and its people.


President Johnson Sirleaf further expressed confidence that Liberia will continue to collaborate very closely with the government and people of Colombia, for the realization of this Nobel objectives.


The Liberian President then thanked the Award Committee of the Nobel Prize and prayed that the Almighty God will continue to endow President Santos with abundant wisdom, good health and happiness as he leads his people to a peaceful and prosperous future.