Daily Media Summary, 04-03-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.





President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to Nigeria following that country’s Presidential and General Elections and the Gbarnga National Constitutional Conference’s decision to declare Liberia a Christian State, are stories dominating today’s summary of the local dailies.






Pres’ Sirleaf Congratulates Gen. Buhari

The New Dawnnewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying: President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to President-elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, on the occasion of his victory in the just ended Nigerian election. Nigerians went to the poll last Saturday and elected a new President in an election that international community has hailed as peaceful and orderly. In her message to Gen. Buhari, President Sirleaf extended warmest congratulations to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name on the occasion of the election of General Muhammadu Buhari to the highest office of Nigeria. The release says the Liberian leader applauded the people of Nigeria for the peaceful conduct of the elections, which marks a great victory for democracy in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. While acknowledging the historic transition in Nigeria, President Johnson Sirleaf entertained the hope that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation existing between both countries and peoples will be strengthened in the spirit of African solidarity. The release says as Liberia and Nigeria work together in furtherance of deeper cooperation at ECOWAS, the AU, the United Nations and other international forums aimed at promoting international peace and security among all nations, President Johnson Sirleaf prayed that the Almighty Allah will endow President-Elect Gen. Buhari with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads Africa’s largest democracy.  President Sirleaf also assured President-Elect Buhari of her government’s commitment to sustain the longstanding friendship and cooperation between Liberia and Nigeria which have gained significant momentum over the years. Meanwhile, Madam Sirleaf has also congratulated outgoing President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, for the successful conduct of the recent Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in that country under his leadership. In her message to her Nigerian counterpart, President Sirleaf said the Nigerian election marks a critical victory for democracy in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. The Liberia leader said the outcome of the elections is a clear manifestation of President Jonathan’s strong commitment to democratic values and principles which he has personally nurtured for many years as President of Nigeria. She noted that the holding of free, fair and democratic elections in Nigeria, sets a standard for other African countries including Liberia, and gives new direction for all leaders in Africa to emulate. President Sirleaf said the show of tolerance and patriotism by President Jonathan during the elections, brings pride not only to the people of Nigeria but to the entire continent of Africa, stating that he will forever be remembered not only as a good leader, but also as a nationalist who placed the stability and future of his country above all personal interests. President Johnson Sirleaf assured President Jonathan of the continued goodwill of the Liberian people as he transitions to another phase in his personal life. She then prayed that the Almighty God will continue to endow him with abundant wisdom and strength.



Related Captions: Ellen Congrats Nigeria’s President-Elect(In Profile Daily), President Sirleaf Congratulates Nigeria’s President-Elect, Gen, Muhammadu Buhari(INSIGHT), Pres. Sirleaf Congratulates Nigeria’s President-Elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari(The Inquirer), Ellen Congratulates Nigeria’s President-Elect Buhari(The News)




Confab Validates ‘Christian State’-Against Muslims’ Opposition 

The New Dawnnewspaper reports that delegates at the Gbarnga National Constitutional Conference have overwhelmingly voted in favor of Count 24 from a list of citizens’ views summarized for validation, to particularly declare Liberia a Christian State. However, decisions taken at the Gbarnga Conference are not final, as all counts being voted for would be drafted into bills and forwarded to the Liberian Legislature where lawmakers would then pass on issues they deem fit in their wisdom and circulate them to the public to prepare for referendum within a year. At the week-long conference being held by the Constitutional Review Committee in Gbarnga, Bong County, Liberians of diverse religious, political and social backgrounds from in-country and the diaspora, are discussing and voting on at least 25 Counts drawn from suggestions made by citizens out of a nationwide consultations by the CRC aimed at changing some provisions of the 1986 Constitution of Liberia.



Related Captions: Delegates Vote For Christian State(The Inquirer), Liberia Headed For Christian State…As Delegates Validate Proposal(The News), Gbarnga CRC Conference Delegates Endorse ‘Christian Nation’ Proposal National Muslim Council Delegates Abstain From Voting Legislature Approval and Referendum Next(Daily Observer), Delegates Vote Liberia As Christian Nation(INSIGHT)






EU Ambassador Emphasizes Human Development

European Union Delegation Ambassador to Liberia, Madam Tiina Intelmann, says while they understand the strategic infrastructural needs of Liberia, human development remains cardinal on their agenda. Ambassador Intelmann told a Peace Education seminar at the Liberia Media Center (LMC) that the European Union “tends to focus on long term assistance programs,” maintaining that “the most important investment we can make is investing in the human capital of your country”. In this regard, the EU in support of the Peace Education Seminar, involving students from the Kofi Annan School for Conflict Transformation, Cuttington University, AME University, and the United Methodist University, has given 221,774 Euros out of 277,218 Euros needed to facilitate the project. The March 31 seminar launched the Peace and Conflict Studies Curriculum, developed jointly by LMC and other institutions. The Peace and Conflict Studies Curriculum project is expected to bring together university and community college students from different cultural and regional backgrounds in a discussion about peace and cross cultural tolerance in Liberia. Its objectives are to strengthen research, documentation, advocacy and communication capacities of potential students in Liberian universities and community colleges in Montserrado, Bong, Grand Bassa, Lofa and Nimba Counties, reports the Daily Observer.



Prez. Sirleaf Recommends Economic Vision To Agricultue -As Private Sector Becomes Driving Force of Country’s Economy

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in her state of the nation address on Wednesday recommended that the economic vision of the country will increasingly be shifted to agriculture. By doing so, she believes it will ensure that the country moves away from the old system of enclave (commune) extractive industries. According to Madam Sirleaf, shifting Liberia’s economy to agriculture will enable every citizen to aim at a higher potential that will make the necessary impact and export diversification through stimulating production in a select few of traditional tree crops such as rubber, oil palm and cocoa. “While continuing to support small farmers, food security can only be achieved through large scale mechanized operations as well as agro-industrial operations, which focus on our nascent (emerging) small and medium sized entities. This will include agro-processing operations that are largely dominated by women,” said President Sirleaf. She noted that her government is determined to empower the private sector in all that they do so as to make the sector viable to become the driving force of the economy, through which Liberian entrepreneurship can play its rightful role, according to the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: Ellen Stresses Mecanized Farming For Food Security(In Profile Daily)



GVL Dedicates Over US$70,000 Road

Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL) has dedicated a six-kilometer road in Jacksonville, Tarjuowon Statutory District. The INSIGHT newspaper writes that the road links both Sonnuhn to Jacksonville towns, and provides a conduit for easy access for travelers emanating from surrounding communities. According to the daily, the road project valued at over $70,000 dollars will serve Sonouhn Town, Jacksonville, Unification city, Bestnewlue and Shaw David town among others.



Final Resolution On UNMIL Drawndown Released

According to the News newspaper, the Security Council is expected to adopt a resolution authorizing a resumption of the drawdown for the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), which had been suspended since September 2014 due to the Ebola outbreak. The US circulated a first draft on Friday, 27 March requesting comments from Council members by mid-day Monday. The draft resolution authorizes the Secretary-General to implement the third phase of UNMIL's drawdown to arrive at new ceilings of 3,590 military personnel and 1,515 police personnel during the current mandate period, which expires 30 September. In terms of UNMIL's authorization, the drawdown represents a 25 percent reduction in peacekeepers and a 16 percent reduction in police from the levels last authorized in resolution 2190 (4,811 and 1,795 respectively) adopted on 15 December 2014.  



Bong Traditional Leaders Seek Training To Improve Programs

Heads of female and male traditional leaders in Bong County have called for inclusion of the traditional community in training programs to help prevent/eradicate HIV and AIDS, TB and Malaria in Liberia. The group of traditional leaders made the called at the end of a two-day dialogue designed to identify priority areas of intervention, for the implementation, in the next three years of Country HIV and TB programs. The dialogue is part of a nationwide consultation organized by the Liberia Coordinating Mechanism (LCM) of the Global Fund. The discussion brought together 23 representatives of civil society, religious leaders, health workers and key affected populations including people living with HIV in Liberia, writes the INSIGHT newspaper.