Daily Media Summary, 05-01-2014
The Bureau of Public Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia
President Johnson Sirleaf’s acceptance of the Letters of Credence from the Ambassadors of Turkey and Israel accredited toLiberia, the Liberian leader’s issuance of four Executive Orders, renewing previous Executive Orders affecting several institutions operating in Liberia and the alleged murder of a 21-year old girl by her boyfriend are among stories highlighted in our Thursday, May 1, 2014 selected dailies.
New Turkish ambassador arrives
The INSIGHTnewspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has received the Letters of Credence from the new Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Liberia, His Excellency Mr. Sentürk Uzun. According to an Executive Mansion release, the ceremony took place at the President’s temporary office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday, April 30. In response, after receiving Ambassador Uzun’s Letters of Credence, the Liberian leader acknowledged the friendly relations subsisting between Liberia and Turkey which has translated into a strategic partnership and has enabled them to pursue genuine cooperation for the mutual benefits of both countries. President Sirleaf recounted Liberia’s civil conflict that greatly destroyed the country’s infrastructure and enumerated what her government, since her ascendancy, is doing to regain lost pride from infrastructural and economic degradation. She informed him about the launch of a long-term national development agenda, “The Liberia Rising Vision 2030”, which aims at projecting Liberia into a middle-income country capable of meeting and sustaining its own development aspirations by the year 2030. She expressed appreciation to the Government of Turkey for the support given to peacekeeping initiatives in Liberia, especially to the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) where 25 Turkish police currently serve. Presenting his Letters of Credence earlier, Ambassador Sentürk Uzun extended warm greetings from his President, His Excellency Abdullah Gül, and sincere wishes for the prosperity of the people of Liberia and her personal wellbeing. He said Turkey is keen to share its development experience with Liberia and other countries within his jurisdiction especially humanitarian diplomacy, a key pillar of Turkish foreign policy, adding, that believing that the 21st century will be Africa’s century, Turkey will continue to nurture the strategic partnership with Africa. Ambassador Uzun, whose resident in Accra, Ghana, acknowledged that as Turkey highly relishes the friendship with Liberia, his government has instructed him to work for the strengthening of cordial relations as well as promote mutual beneficial cooperation between both countries.
Related Caption: New Turkish Convoy Presents Letters of Credence to President Sirleaf(The Analyst)
Israel Sends New Ambassador
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has received the Letters of Credence from the State of Israel’s new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Liberia, Her Excellency Sharon Barli. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader, speaking during the presentation ceremony at her Office, said she was pleased to receive from the new Israeli Ambassador, emphasizing how much Liberia values the long, historic relationship with the State of Israel. President Sirleaf recounted that the relations between the two countries have transcended ordinary friendship since 1948. “Our bonds have been strong with visits of both President Tubman and the then Prime Minister of Israel during the Tubman era coupled with the construction of the Executive Mansion, humanitarian assistance, support to Liberia at the level of the United Nations and Israeli investment in Liberia,” she stated. She also recalled her own visit to the State of Israel in 2007 with positive outcomes and exchanges. Earlier, presenting her Letters of Credence from the Israeli leader to President Sirleaf, Her Excellency Sharon Barli praised the relations between both countries which she said are long-standing and excellent. “Our relations are based on friendship, mutual understanding and common views on many international issues,” she said. She stressed that development cooperation will continue to form an important part in the relations between State of Israel and Liberia, according to the INSIGHT newspaper.
Related Captions:New Israeli Ambassador To Liberia Presents Letters(FrontPage Africa), Pres. Sirleaf Receives Letters of Credence From New Israeli Ambassador (The Analyst)
Ellen Issues Four Executive Orders: -Superseding Previous Ones
According to the New Republic, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has issued Executive Order Nos. 56, 57, 59 and 60, renewing previous Executive Orders affecting several institutions operating in Liberia. According to an Executive Mansion release, Executive Order No. 56 has waived taxes and tariff on key anti-malaria commodities and products being imported into Liberia. This renews Executive Order No. 42. Executive Order No. 56 says the Liberian President’s action is in support of the Government of Liberia’s continuous support of the decision by the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA) goals, which is committed to achieving the United Nations’ goal of universal access to malaria control interventions to end preventable deaths by 2015. The waiver on all taxes and tariffs on anti-malaria commodities and products will be determined jointly by the Ministries of Health and Social Welfare and Finance. The Order took effect on April 25, 2014. Executive Order No. 57 exempts the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) from custom duties on certain products, extending Executive Order No. 49. According to Executive Order No. 57, Government recognizes that safe drinking water and basic sanitation are crucial to the preservation of human health and basic hygiene and it seeks to ensure that policies and institutions for water supply and sanitation service delivery, as well as for water resources development and management, respond effectively to need and priorities of the population. As regards Executive Order No. 59, it delimits the Maritime Zones of Liberia. The Order, an extension of Executive Order No. 48, reiterates that in the National interest it is imperative to pronounce certain measures that are consistent with the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea and the Act of the Legislature made pursuant to that Convention. It states that the breadth of the Territorial Sea of Liberia shall not exceed twelve nautical miles measured from the low waterline along the coast of the Republic; the Contiguous Zone may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the Territorial Sea is measured; and the Exclusive Economic Zone is defined as that area beyond and adjacent to the Territorial Sea which does not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the Territorial Sea is measured. In the Exclusive Economic Zone, to the extent permitted by international law, Executive Order No. 59 states that Liberia has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources. Executive Order No. 60 places a moratorium on the exportation of unprocessed natural rubber by the Government of Liberia. According to Executive Order No. 60, signed by the Liberian leader on April 28, it is intended to curb the decline in the Liberian rubber sector until policies and frameworks appropriate to the situation are instituted, and to ensure redevelopment, new development, increased production, increased job opportunities and increased revenue to Government.
Related Captions: President Issues Executive Orders(New Democrat), Ellen Issues 4 Executive Orders, Superseding Previous Ones(FrontPage Africa), Four Executive Orders Issued (In Profile Daily)
In Lakpazee Community: Boyfriend ‘Kills’ Girlfriend
The Liberia National Police (LNP) is said to be searching for a man who is accused of murdering his girlfriend in the morning hours of Wednesday, April 2014 in the Lakpazee Community, opposite the Sharke’s Entertainment Center. The two pronounced lovers fell apart apparently as a consequence of commotion that might have ensued between them, and in the end, it was the man (boyfriend) who allegedly took a pair of scissor and struck his girlfriend in the throat, thereby killing her instantly. Mr. Benedict N. Wesseh (age not known) struck Ms Decontee L. Faddy (age not known as well) with a blue color pair of scissor (still visibly struck in her throat) on the heart of her esophagus for reasons this paper is not being privy to. The police could not also say what might have led suspect Wesseh to murdering his girlfriend in cold blood. At the same time, police have vowed to arrest the alleged murderer Mr. Wesseh and bring him to justice, according to the New Republic newspaper.
Related Caption: Man kills girlfriend with scissors(INSIGHT), In Lakkpazee Man ‘Stabs’ Girlfriend to Death (Heritage), Jilted Lover Kills Girlfriend(New Democrat), When Love Turns Sour (FrontPage Africa)
Procurement Law Wins Rice Farmers
The New Republicnewspaper reads that Madam President Sirleaf has rallied her Ministers and Lawmakers to make into law the Government of Liberia’s Small Business Empowerment Act—which requires the government to procure at least 25% of goods and services locally—at the opening of this year’s Micro Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) Conference held at Monrovia City Hall. If made law, thousands of Liberian rice farmers, traders and processors stand to benefit. Every year, the Government of Liberia purchases 70,000 bags—or 3,500 metric tons—of paddy rice for government employees. The USAID Food and Enterprise Development (FED) Program supports rice farmers and processors who play a critical role in producing and processing increasing rice volumes to meet the government’s requirement. This year’s MSME Conference spotlights agriculture and agribusiness, which contributes an estimated 60% to the nation’s GDP, and is the sector with the most jobs. “Liberia is blessed with water and soil. This is a call to action for Liberians to produce and process agriculture products for local consumption and export,” President Sirleaf said.
Related Captions: Ellen Supports Empowerment Act(The News), Local Procurement Law is Big Win for Liberian Rice farmers and Processors(The Inquirer), Local Procumbent Law is Big Win for Liberian Rice Farmers and Processors (The Analyst),
Liberia, Egypt Exchange Cultural Values
The Liberian National Cultural Troupe has completed a participation in the International Festival for Drums and Traditional Arts with relations with the cultural troup of Arab Republic of Egypt. The Liberian group, headed by Mrs. Louise McMillian, Assistant Ministry of Information of Information formed cordial relations with the Egyptian Cultural Troop in the spirit of African solidarity. A statement from the Foreign Ministry says the National Culture Troupe performed at several locations including the historic Salah El-Din Citadel (Castle) and The Opera House in Cairo. H.E. Alexander H.N. Wallace III, Liberian Ambassador to Egypt, on 23 April at his residence for a dinner performance which was attended by several Ambassadors and Government Officials, New Democrat reports.
Related Caption: Liberian Culture Troupe Glows – Thrills Participants In Festival In Egypt (IN PROFILE DAILY)
Legislators Return After Anti-Ebola Campaign
It seems the Ebola storm which had threatened lives and ignited pandemonium in Liberia is redressed beyond their Easter holiday to tackle the pandemic in their constituencies are returning. After nearly the one-month break to observe Easter holiday, which the lawmakers extended to engage constituents under embarking upon anti Ebola’s campaign in their respective districts and counties, members of the Liberian National Legislature have resumed work at the Capitol Building in Monrovia with major issues believed to be listed on dockets of both the House of Representatives and the Liberian Senate. House Spokesman Isaac Redd told the ELBS Radio Bomber Show yesterday that the lawmakers were returning to the Capitol to begin discussing major issues surrounding a couple of untouched draft bills that include the Decent Work Bill, new Election laws among others crucial proposed laws that were left unattended to before the Easter break, The Analyst writes.
Related Caption: Ebola, Easter Or Campaign Break?– As Senate Returns(FOCUS)
NEC Wants Increased Women Participation In Electoral Process
The Director of the Gender Section at the National Elections Commission (NEC), Madam Abratha P. Doe, says attempts to ensure equal participation in electoral processes still remain a major challenge for the country’s dominant population. Speaking on Tuesday at a two-day seminar intended to spark an increase in the participation of women in electoral processes, Madam Doe said though women account for 51 percent of Liberia’s population, they are yet to wake-up to calls from government and the international community for equal participation in national decision-making. “This is why we have come to find out factors responsible for their low involvement in these processes,” Madam Doe told the Liberia News Agency at the Gbarnga Administrative Building. She said in its quest to ensure that gender and women issues are mainstreamed in both the internal and external workings of NEC; it elevated the gender information desk to a full section to enhance and increase women’s participation in the electoral processes. In remarks, the Coordinator of the Angie Brooks International Center, Madam Yvette Chesson-Wureh, called for the overwhelming participation of women in electoral processes, if they must protect the future of their children and the country. Participants divided in groups of four identified several factors affecting the participation of women, including inducement, tribalism, lack of unity among women, and the perception by women that election is an issue for men, among many others. Statistics and feedbacks from the Voter Roll Update recently conducted by the NEC show that 63 percent of the 104,710 persons registered were males, while 37 percent were females. The seminar sponsored by USAID and IFES, brought together both male and female participants from Bong, Nimba, and Lofa Counties. The Inquirer
Related Caption: NEC Calls For Increased Women Participation(Heritage)
Liberians Shot Abroad Get Advance Treatment
The Assistant Foreign Affairs Minister for Public affairs, Horatio B. Willie has disclosed that the four Liberians recently shot by unknown gunmen in Turkey are undergoing advance medical treatment. Speaking in an exclusive interview, Minister Willie said the four Liberians were taken from their respective residences to get professional treatment and are expected to stay at the medical center until their injuries get well completely. The Assistant Foreign Minister for Public Affairs revealed that the decision was taken after a communication was written by Foreign Affairs Minister Augustine Ngafuan to his Turkish counterpart recently, the FOCUS reports.
ITC Exec. Stresses Benefit For WTO
The Executive Director of the International Trade Center (ITC), Ms. Arancha Gonzalez, has stressed the importance of Liberia’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Ms. Gonzalez, speaking alongside Commerce and Industry Minister, Axel Addy at a news conference following the official opening ceremony of the Second Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the ballroom of the Monrovia City Hall, said Ms. Gonzalez said with the launching of the Liberia National Trade Policy (LNTP) and the Liberia National Export Stratey (LNES), her organization will work along with the country for its accession to the WTO. Ms. Gonzalez said Liberia’s membership of the WTO will increase her chances for international loan with MSMEs and other businesses in the country. Also speaking at the news conference, Commerce and Industry Minister, Axel Addy, lauded his predecessor, Madam Miata Beyslow and other stakeholders who worked tirelessly for the crafting of the two trade instruments. Minister Addy vowed that the Government of Liberia (GOL) will continue to work along with the ITC in a bid to ensure that Liberia becomes a member of the WTO and benefit from the many trade advantages associated with WTO membership. The Inquirer
EPA Calls For Access To Energy
The Environmental Protection Agency or EPA has stressed the need for citizens to have access to energy, adding that without having much idea to energy, the country’s developmental roadmap, Agenda for Transformation, which calls for among others access to electricity will be at stake. EPA Executive Director Madam Anyaa Vohiri made the emphasis when she addressed group of students on the campus of the Stella Maris Polytechnic campus on Capitol Hill during program marking the handover of electrical equipment donated by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to the institution for the establishment of a mini hydro power technology center. Madam Vohiri said, “Energy access in Liberia is indeed seriously limited and something must be done to ensure that every Liberian has access to energy, because more than 80% of the country’s population has no access to electricity but depends on the use of biomass such as fleuwood and charcoal for cooking and heating.” According to her, only a mere 10% urban residents and less than 20% of rural residents currently have access to electricity largely from self-generation with gasoline or diesel generators, using expensive imported fuel, asserts the New Dawn Newspaper.
LEC Begins Maintenance
Maintenance work has begun on facilities of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) power supply generators. The maintenance exercise is taking place at the time subscribers are complaining of the LEC electricity. The work begun after parts for several breakdown generators arrived recently into the country to boost electricity generation capacity to the public. LEC Communications Consultant, Hassan Kiawu is quoted in a release as calling on the public to exercise patience as the company is doing everything possible to ensure that residents receive improved electricity supply in Monrovia and its environs, New Democrat reports.
River Gee Eyes Community College
River Gee County Superintendent Daniel G. Johnson has disclosed that plans are underway to establish a community college in the country. He said the county administration has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Don Bosco, providing 100 acres of land to construct the college. He made the disclosure to Information Minister Lewis Brown during a one day visit the Minister paid to the county, as part of his ongoing development impact assessment tour of Maryland, Nimba, Bong, Grand Gedeh and River Gee counties, INSIGHT reports.
Posts Ministry Numbering Houses For Mail Delivery
The INSIGHT newspaper reveals that Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications says it has begun numbering houses in the Congo Town Community outside Monrovia, ahead of its home mail delivery exercise. Minister Fredrick Norkeh disclosed that the Ministry has already assigned numbers to 2,885 houses in Congo Town. Dr. Norkeh told the Liberia News Agency (LINA) Monday in Monrovia that the exercise was necessary to enable the Ministry easily locate people and deliver their mail without hindrances, INSIGHTreports.