Foreign Minister Ngafual Extols Outgoing Chinese Ambassador

 Liberia’ Foreign Minister  Augustine  Kpehe  Ngafuan  has extolled the  outgoing  Chinese  Ambassador  to Liberia ,  H.E   Zhao Jianhua  for his  numerous contributions in cementing  stronger bilateral relations  with  Liberia while on his  tour of duty  here as Ambassador.   

Minister Ngafuan was speaking on Tuesday, December 4, 2013 at a Special Luncheon held by the President of Liberia in honor of the outgoing   Chinese Ambassador to Liberia.    

Minister Ngafuan particularly lauded the Chinese Government through the outgoing Ambassador to Liberia. He described Ambassador  Zhao as one of the best products China has  sent to Liberia who distinguished himself and went  above  his  call of duty  to achieve  excellent  relationship  with  Liberia.   

“Mr. Ambassador, this is our way of saying we are grateful; let me say you have not just been a friend to Liberia, but a friend to the Ministry   of Foreign Affairs. We are grateful for all the things you have done for us; we will miss u dearly.  You have been a double Ambassador; an Ambassador from your country to Liberia and from Liberia to your country. You went above good relationship and achieved excellent relationship”, Minister Ngafuan told the departing Chinese Envoy.

Also,  while commending the outgoing Chinese  Diplomat,  the Dean  of the Liberia’s   Cabinet, on behalf of the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  lauded the Government and  People  of China  especially the family of the outgoing Chinese  envoy  who he said had allowed Ambassador Zhao Jianhua  come  to Liberia to share  his blessings of peace with the  Liberian people  at this critical time in the country’s history.     

“We are grateful to you for leaving your country to come to Liberia. Please transmit to your family for me, on behalf of the ministry our best gratitude”, the Minister bid farewell to the outgoing Ambassador on behalf of Liberia.

For his part, Ambassador Zhao thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affair and the government of Liberia for the honor bestowed upon him, saying “I am really overwhelmed by this special arrangement and I am pleasantly surprised.

While thanking   Government for the excellent cooperation, the outgoing Chinese Ambassador particularly applauded Foreign Minister Ngafuan and his team at the Foreign Ministry for what he called the Ministry’s invaluable assistance and support accorded him while serving his tour of duty here.

 Ambassador Zhao further stated that under the productive administration of Honorable Nfafuan,   the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has played a pivotal role in strengthening and achieving excellent bilateral relations with China, which he said has made his tour of duty in Liberia very productive.         

“I would like to seize this opportunity to extend my gratitude for   the support and assistance you accorded me since I took assignment here.  You have been very efficient. You have been supportive and you have also been very creative in further strengthening our bilateral relations. I can proudly say our bilateral relations have   entered into a new phase of our cooperation. I could not have achieved all of these, if it were not you and your Ministry,” the Chinese Envoy told the Liberian Foreign Minister at the ceremony.