Liberia Signs MOU with the United Arab Emirates for Visa Waiver; Liberia and UAE’s Diplomats to Benefit

The Government of the Republic of Liberia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to allow Diplomatic Passports holders of both countries to enjoy Visa free privilege between the two states.


The ceremony took place in the conference room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


According to a Foreign Ministry Release, Acting Foreign Minister Hon. B. Elias Shoniyin signed on behalf of the Liberian Government while the Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates (UAE Hon, Shabab Alhosoni signed for his government.


According to the MOU, Diplomats of both countries will have a Visa Free entry into either of the two countries, while Liberian Service Passports holders traveling to the UAE on official duties maybe accorded Visa Free privilege as well.


Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, Hon. Shabab Alhosoni described the ceremony as unique platform where the two sides can meet face to face to dialogue and strengthen their relationship.


He added that the signing of the MOU by the two countries serves as a foundation for Liberia and United Arab Emirates relationship, adding “we look forward to do more in our future engagements.”


Commenting further on Liberia-UAE relations, Assistant Minister Shabab Alhosoni reaffirmed his country’s fullest commitment to deepen cooperation in several areas of engagement very soon.


Hon. Shabab Alhosoni also disclosed plan by his government to finalize all documentations aimed at implementing the commitments made to Liberia.


In response, Acting Foreign Minister Hon. B. Elias Shoniyin thanked the Government and People of the UAE for its efforts leading to the finalization of the Visa waiver agreement for diplomats of the two states.  


He termed the MOU as a critical instrument between Liberia and the United Arab Emirates,which he said has developed a framework for the two countries to engage and deepen cooperation in other fields.


Acting Minister Shoniyin also recounted that the signing of the MOU between Liberia and the UAE has removed critical and important barriers including the movement of diplomatic officials in both countries to allow them engage and deepen ties in new and rewarding areas of corporation.  


The Acting Foreign Minister also used the occasion to reaffirm Liberia’s determination to expand bilateral engagements with the United Arab Emirates in critical areas such as manpower development and partnership.


 The Acting Minister specifically mentioned plan by the two countries to finalize the Health Services and Aviation agreements; agreement on agriculture, education and infrastructure development as well as other critical areas that are consistent with the Liberia’s development agenda.