Daily Media Summary 2018-10-02

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of the Government of Liberia providing 1.2 million USD to the National Elections commissions for the conduct of By-Elections in Sinoe and Montserrado counties respectively; LRA Commissioner General directive to employees of the LRA to Pay real property tax as well as President Weah’s congratulatory message to the Republic of Guinea on its 60th Independence observance are stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.


Other stories include news on MVTC impending plans to Enroll 1,800 students and President George Manneh Weah’s presentation of his government’s Pro-Poor Agenda at the 2018 UNGA.


President Weah Applauds Guinea On 60th Independence Observance

 The Heritage newspaper reports that  President George Manneh Weah has sent a congratulatory message to the Government and the people of the Republic of Guinea on the official observance of the 60th Independence Anniversary of that neighboring state. Top of form in the message to Professor Alpha Conde, President Weah, on behalf of Liberia, extended warmest felicitations and best wishes to the Government and people of the Republic of Guinea as they celebrate this unique occasion. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Weah further stated that as the People of Guinea commemorate their 60th independence Anniversary, Liberians are equally happy to join their Guinean counterparts in celebrating this historic milestone. The Liberian leader further hoped that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between Liberia and Guinea will forever be strengthened in the spirit of African solidarity as both countries work together in furtherance of the principles of the Mano River Union, ECOWAS and the African Union for the promotion of the regional and international peace and security. President Weah then prayed that the Almighty Allah will continue to endow Professor Alpha Conde with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads the people of Guinea together prosperity.


RELATED CAPTION: Weah Applauds Guinea… on 60th Independence observance (The News)

LRA directs its Staff to Pay real property tax

An inside story of the New Dawn newspaper reads that the Commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Thomas Doe nah directs officials and staff of the Authority to comply with their property tax requirements on or before November 30, 2018. According to a press release, the Commissioner General urges employees who are owners of real property (ies) to declare said properties with the LRA and pay required taxes. Section 25 (4) of the Liberia revenue Act of 2013 provides that: Board Members, officials and Staff of the Authority are required to be tax compliant at all times. Commissioner General Nah in a September 21 memo, called on all employees who are renting or leasing properties from third parties to withhold the applicable rent income tax and remit same to the LRA. He says pursuant to the LRA Executive Order 8, all the penalties and interest on tax liabilities will be waived through 23, 2018.


Related Caption: LRA’S Workers Given Ultimatum –To Pay Real Estate Tax( In Profile)


NEC Receives US$1.2M for Montserrado, Sinoe By-elections

The Government of Liberia yesterday, October 1, released US$1.2 million to authorities of the National Elections Commission (NEC) to conduct the pending Representative and Senatorial by-elections in Montserrado Electoral District #13 and Sinoe County. NEC Chairman, Cllr. Jerome George Korkoya, who informed journalists yesterday in Monrovia, expressed the Commission’s gratitude to the government for the “timely disbursement” of the funds and assured the country of NEC’s preparedness to deliver on its mandate. “I am pleased to announce that the Government has paid to the NEC the sum of US$1.2 million. This amount represents the total cost for the two pending by-elections,” Korkoya said. A vacancy at the House of Representatives in Montserrado Electoral District #13 became necessary when the then Representative Saah Joseph contested and won the Montserrado County Senatorial by-elections on July 31, thereby replacing then Senator George Weah (now President of Liberia) at the Senate. Joseph received the majority vote against seven other contestants, including popular DJ Bernard Blue Benson, who came second. According to the Daily Observer newspaper, he frowned on all those who are reportedly campaigning in total disregard for the calendar of events leading to the two by-elections as arranged by the Commission.


RELATED CAPTION:By-Elections Nearing, NEC confirms US& 1.2 million for Sinoe, Montserrado counties by-elections. (New Dawn)


Pres. Weah Paddles Pro-poor Agenda at UNGA

President George Manneh Weah has just paddled Liberia’s flagship development framework, “the Pro-poor Agenda for development and prosperity” with hundreds of world leaders and representatives from non-governmental organizations in attendance, the Executive Mansion has said in a release. According to the release, the president underscore determine efforts by the CDC-government aimed at uplifting the people of Liberia from the claws of poverty to the bright days of prosperity and happiness. The Daily Observer newspaper said President Weah spoke on Wednesday, September 26 at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in the United States of America; there he outlined government’s plans for national development. He said the well-being of the Liberian people, coupled with the transformation of the state is a monumental priority of his government as articulated in the Pro-poor Agenda for prosperity and development.


MVTC TO Enroll 1,800 MYS BOSS Warns Against Demonstration

The Minister of Youth and Sports, D. Zeogar Wilson, has warned the new students of the Monrovia Vocational Training Center or MVTC to do away with all acts of violence that could undermine their learning process. Minister Wilson urged the new batch of the students to learn how to resolve their issues through dialogue rather than demonstrations. The MYS boss was speaking Monday, October 1,2018  at the orientation of 1,800 students for the 12th Class of the MVTC. Situated on the Somalia drive in Paynesville, outside Monrovia, MVTC is a government –run Vocational training institute that trains young people in Liberia to work in a modern society through acquired vocational skills. He said amidst the man difficulties, students must take courage by taking their education very seriously. “Some of your friends are not thinking the way you are thinking. This is a wise decision you have made and so you must take your education very seriously,’’ said the MYS boss pens the Heritage newspaper.



Weah bemoans Liberia’s backwardness—Inspects Costal Defense project

President George Manneh Weah has bemoaned Liberia’s underdevelopment saying all its neighbors, many of whom sought shelter here during the struggle for independence on the continent are all faraway in terms of development. “ We need to catch up “ Mr. Weah said Monday 1 October, while emphasizing that Liberia’s neighbors are now developed while the country still remains behind after 171 years of existence. “ Look around you, what do you see? Looking at Liberia, you don’t need GDP. What we need is action because the GDP will be written on the paper but how does does that change the people that the GDP is intended for? mr. Weah ponders. Mr. Weah notes that Liberia got diamond, gold iron ore and other raw materials, but the citizen’s lives do represent the lives of people that have resources, reads the New Dawn news outlet.


Nimba Student Center Project On Course

The  National Coordinators of NAM, Fredrick P.W. Gaye , is encouraging Nimbaians, irrespective of the tribe or religion, as well as the government, Philanthropic organizations and individuals, to support the project, if some of the difficulties student face on the University of Liberia Fendell campus have be addressed. Let us overwhelmingly embrace this project that our brothers and sisters in the United States have initiated. It is not only about Nimba; the library and other serves at the center will be accessible to the public, ‘’Gaye noted. According to him, the center is intended to host Nimba students who are already attending and other expected to attend the University of Liberia (UL) Fendell Campus, outside the capital Monrovia, the In Profile newspaper relates.


Wildlife Trafficking Threats Assessment Report validated


According to the In Profile newspaper a report including Wildlife Trafficking Threats Assessment has been validated in Monrovia by the Liberian stakeholders who are involved with in the enforcement of wildlife conservation and protection.  The Forestry Development Authority (FDA), the National Fisheries, and Aquaculture, the Liberian Environmental Protection Agency, among others affected the validation exercise held in Monrovia on September 28, 2018. An FDA release said the participants agreed to form a coordinated front to ensure that wildlife abuse in every from or manner is curtailed as a way of providing maximum protection for the wildlife population throughout the country. Presenting a background of the wildlife illegal trade and trafficking threats assessment report to the body as a basis to make informed decision, the Biodiversity Conservation Specialist from USAID-WABIC, Michael Bessike, called on the concerned stakeholders to take ownership of the study and make it institutionally prudent as far as the intended purpose is concerned.


To Attend ALJA 2018 National Convention: PUL President Departs For USA Today

Asserts the IN Profile newspaper Press Union of Liberia (PUL) President, Mr. Charles Coffey, departs the county today, Tuesday, October 2, 2018 for the Minneapolis, Minnesota, the United States of America (USA). President Coffey’s trip to the USA is in response to an official invitation extended to the PUL for participants in the Association of the Liberian Journalist in the Americas (ALJA) 2018 National Convention. ALJA is a conglomeration of retired and current Liberian Journalists residing in the Americas, while the PUL is the umbrella of journalists in Liberia. According to the official invitation from the administration of ALJA dated July 2, 2018 and addressed to Mr. Coffey, a copy of which is in possession of the Heritage, the ALJA 2018 National Convention will be held from  Thursday October 4 through Sunday, October 7th and will be held under the theme: Improved Media & Government Relationship, Recipe for a stable and Peaceful Liberia. The event will bring together several local and diaspora based Liberian journalist, public officials and friends of the Liberian media.



District 9101 Governor Allen Calls For  Collaborative  Efforts  Ends weeklong Visits  To Liberia   

The District Governor for District 9101 of Rotary International, Akiladi Allen, has called for collaboration between Rotary Club in Liberia, the government and other institutions. Mr Allen said through their Collaborative efforts, Ratarians will undertake meaningful initiatives that will impart the lives of the people. He thanked members of the four Rotary Clubs in Liberia for their tremendous services they continue to render Liberians and foreign residents. Mr Allen said in the absence of collaboration, Rotarians in Liberia will find it very difficult in reaching out the hundreds of thousands of people across the country. NAFAA Undertakes Coastal Clean-up. The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, through the Division of Marine Fisheries and Environment has embarked on a Coastal Clean-up exercise of waterway facilities at the Montserrado pier on Bushrod Island. The exercise commenced Friday, September 28,2018  and is intended to protect the pier’s marine environment from the effects of beach litters. Beach litters are items made of used by people and consciously discarded into the sea, rivers, pens the In profile newspaper.



MVTC TO Enroll 1,800 MYS BOSS Warns Against Demonstration

The Minister of Youth and Sports, D. Zeogar Wilson, has warned the new students of the Monrovia Vocational Training Center or MVTC to do with all acts of violence that could undermine their learning process. Minister Wilson urged the new batch of the students to learn how to resolve their issues through dialogue rather than demonstrations. The MYS boss was speaking Monday, October 1, 2018 at the orientation of 1,800 students for the 12th Class of the MVTC. Situated on the Somalia drive in Paynesville, outside Monrovia, MVTC is a government –run Vocational training institute that trains young people in Liberia to work in a modern society through acquired vocational skills. He said amidst the man difficulties, students must take courage by taking their education very seriously. “Some of your friends are not thinking the way you are thinking. This is a wise decision you have made and so you must take your education very seriously,’’ said the MYS boss pens the Heritage newspaper.



Immigration Commissioner Lemuel Reeves Dies

The commissioner General of the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS), Cllr. Lemuel E.A. Reeves, Sr. has died. Although the cause of his death is yet to be announced, he is the first senior official of the President George M. Weah’s led government to have died in office. According to sources at LIS and from the Reeves family, Cllr. Reeves expired on Sunday, September 30, 2018 at a local health center on 24th street Sinkor. “We regret to announce the death of Cllr. Lemuel E.A. Reeves, Sr., Commissioner Genera, LIS. This sad event occurred on September 30, 2018at the Fidelity Hospital on 20th street adjacent the JFK Memorial Hospital, “the LIS said in an official statement on its social media page. The Daily Observernewspaper says that his death news on social media shocked many who have expressed condolences and sympathy to the bereaved family and the state. Commissioner Reeves was a dedicated professional with extensive experience in law enforcement and providing access to justice in rural and marginalized persons; an effective team builder who performs well in multi-ethnic, multi-cultural environments, his profile reads on the LIS website.


EU, Stakeholders in Beach Clean-up Campaign

The Daily Observer newspaper is reporting that over five hundred volunteers at the weekend participated in a beach clean-up and awareness campaign as part of the European Union (EU’s) global efforts to promote a clean and safe environment, especially the ocean by addressing the issues of pollution, marine litter and waste management. The volunteers covered a distance of over 1.3 kilometers on the beach behind the German and Nigerian Embassies in Congo Town, outside Monrovia, and collected a total of 300Kgs of trash with some containing hard and soft plastic mineral, landfills and medical wastes. The clean-up campaign was held in collaboration with the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC), the Paynesville City Corporation (PCC) and Accountability Lab. The volunteers were mobilized from communities along the beach, community-based Enterprises (CBEs), and included members of the Diplomatic Corp and staff of the United Nations in Liberia.



YES Ends Peace Summit in Lofa

The Youth Exploring Solutions (YES) on Friday, September 21, concluded its inaugural Youth Leader Peace Summit in Zorzor District, Lofa County. The two-day event held under the theme “Peace, Matters to All,” was geared towards providing capacity building for youth leaders across the district in conflict management and peace-building relating to trust-building and communication, team-building and leadership, social cohesion, social awareness and social identity. The event was held in commemoration of the International Day of Peace. As accredited for non-profit and volunteer grassroots organization, the summit also highlighted the rule of law and responsibilities, conflict resolution and management, active non-violent action and vision for Liberia and Guinea to foster sustainable peace. The event took place at the campus of the Zorzor Rural Teachers Training Institute (ZRTTI) from the 20th to the 21stof September say the Daily Observer newspaper.



5-Day NHA, Habitat for Humanity Workshop Ends in Monrovia

A five-day orientation of key stakeholders on market development approach workshop that began on Sept 24, ended last Friday, September 28, at the National Housing Authority (NHA) headquarters in Monrovia.The workshop was part of NHA and Habitat For Humanity International’s (HFHI) partnership project under the Cities Alliance Liberia Country Program, facilitated by HFHI’s Financial Inclusion and Capital Markets specialist from HFHI’s Terwilliger Centre for Innovation in Shelter for Europe, Middle East and Africa region, John Mucheru, supported by Matthew Ndote, the Chief of Party (COP) for Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) based in Liberia. The orientation training commenced last Monday and formed part of ongoing capacity building projects and brought together participants drawn from the NHA’s Slum Upgrading Unit (SUU), other relevant NHA departments, Slum Dwellers International affiliate in Liberia, the YMCA, and members of the Federation of Urban Poor Savers. According to the Daily Observer newspaper, during the orientation session with a team from the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), the discussion centered on inclusive housing market development approach and housing microfinance loan creation for low-income households as part of HFHI’s role in the project; while NHA will continue to play an important coordination role across all relevant stakeholders.


KEEP Dedicates US$5K Reading Room in Arthington

With support from the Mesurado Consistory No. 237, Kids Educational Engagement Project (KEEP) over the weekend dedicated a reading room in Arthington, outside Monrovia.

The project is valued at U$5,500 (excluding books). The facility is to benefit over 250 students and those who love reading. At the well-attended ceremony, Assistant Education Minister for Early Childhood Education, Felecia Doe-Somah called on parents to support school administrators, teachers and students for better education outcome.Arthington Township was honored to receive the newly rehabilitated, and furnished reading room containing over five thousand books from KEEP.“ This reading room will help you to improve your mind, understanding, and thinking and will also open your mind to things that are happening around you. Reading with understanding will help to inform you, and prepare you to understand other subjects,” Madam Doe-Somah challenged parents in the community to work closely with the school’s administration to experience the difference in the learning of their children in preparing them for the future, the Daily Observer newspaper asserts.




LIMPAC, ACBF Complete Women Entrepreneurs Empowerment Programs

The Liberia Macroeconomic Policy Analysis Center (LIMPAC) in collaboration with African Capacity Building Fund (ACBF) with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has completed 3-day events for the empowerment of women in agriculture and entrepreneurship.

The event included a one-day Policy Advocacy Forum, and two days leadership training for women agriculture cooperatives, and women entrepreneurs.

It was held with the objective to promote sustainable agriculture in Africa with women at the forefront through the “Empowerment of Women in Agriculture (EWA)” project.

The events are piloted in Liberia, Rwanda, and Malawi, which were held at a resort in Monrovia from September 19, brought together about 150 participants, representing women farmers, leaders of women farmer cooperatives and networks, government, civil society, and research and academic institutions. The Daily Observer newspaper says during the Advocacy forum, challenges affecting women productivity, especially women in agriculture, and entrepreneurship were discussed and the women also provided useful recommendations to help government resolve their problems.


US Patent Issued to Liberian Scientist for Multiplex Infectious Disease Test

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued US Patent No. 10,072,309 to Dr. Dougbeh Chris Nyan for his invention of a rapid multiplex pathogen diagnostic test that detects and identifies many infections in less than an hour. Nyan is a Liberian medical doctor and scientist with expertise in infectious diseases and developing simple diagnostic tests for hard-to-reach settings and the global healthcare community. This proprietary technology is applicable to developing pathogen diagnostic test kits for simultaneous detection and differentiation of multiple infectious such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, C, and E, West Nile virus, Ebola, Malaria, Dengue, Lassa and Yellow fever viruses, West Nile virus, Zika, and a variety of other infectious. The technology was published in Nature-Scientific Reports and the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.According to the Daily Observer newspaper, the Nyan-Test is capable of detecting at least 3-7 pathogens in less than an hour, thus enabling healthcare workers to identify infections and carry out specific treatment.