Daily Media Summary, 10-30-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.



News of President Johnson Sirleaf’s condolence message to the Government and People of Zambia for the death of their President, Michael Chilufya Sata, the World Health Organization’s acknowledgement of a decline in the spread of the Ebola virus in Liberia and the Liberia Business Association call for government to empower Liberian-owned businesses are stories dominating our summary of today’s local dailies.



President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Consoles Zambia For The Death Of President Michael Chilufya Sata

The FrontPage Africa newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to Mr. Edgar Lunga, acting President of Zambia on the sad news of the death of Michael Chilufya Sata, President of Zambia, who died in London's King Edward VII Hospital on Tuesday night, October 28, 2014.  In her message to the Zambian Acting President, the Liberian Leader expressed heartfelt condolences on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name for the irreparable loss sustained. President Sirleaf also prayed that God will grant H.E. Edgar Lungaand the People of the Republic of Zambia, especially the bereaved family strength, courage and fortitude as they go through the period of National mourning.

Related Captions: Liberia Consoles Zambia For President’s Death(In Profile Daily), Ellen Consoles Zambia For The Death Of President(Heritage), President Sirleaf Consoles Zambia (The Inquirer)


WHO: Ebola infections 'slowing in Liberia'

The World Health Organization (WHO) says there has been a decline in the spread of Ebola in Liberia, the country worse hit in the outbreak. WHO Assistant Director, General Bruce Aylward said it was confident the response to the virus was now gaining the upper hand.  But he warned against any suggestion that the crisis was over. He said the new number of cases globally was 13,703 and that the death toll would probably pass 5,000. The figure of 13,703 is a significant leap on the previous WHO situation report on Saturday, which showed cases rising above 10,000 for the first time - to 10,141. But Dr. Aylward said that this increase was due to data being updated with old cases, rather than new cases being reported, according to the INSIGHT newspaper.

Related Captions: Ebola Cases ‘Slowing In Liberia’(The News), Ebola Cases In Liberia Appear To Fall(FOCUS), Ebola May Be Slowing In Liberia, W.H.O. Says(The New Dawn), Ebola Number Puzzle: Cautious Optimism Amid Cases Drop(FrontPage Africa), Ebola Infections ‘Slowing In Liberia,’ WHO Now Says(Daily Observer)


LIBA Calls On Govt. To Empower Liberian Businesses

The Vice President of the Liberia Business Association (LIBA), David K. Sembeh, has called on government to empower Liberian-owned businesses to enable them meet their corporate social responsibilities, In Profile Daily reports.

Related Captions:  LIBA Calls On Gov’t To Empower Liberian Businesses(Heritage), LIBA Calls On Gov’t To Empower Liberian Businesses(The News)


Pres. Sirleaf Seeks Senate’s Ratification Of US$150m Forest Accord

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has asked the Senate to ratify a six year US$150 million partnership agreement signed between the Governments of Norway and Liberia. The partnership, which runs from 2014-2020, seeks to ensure that 10 percent or more of the Liberian forest is reserved while providing programs to build capacity and strengthen governance in national entities concerned with forest management. She clarified that the cooperation will not restrict commercial forestry outside the 10 percent reserved forest. Meanwhile, the senate has mandated its Committees on Forestry, Agriculture and the Judiciary to review the document and advise the body, INSIGHT reports.


Related Caption:  Ellen Seeks Senate Ratification Of US$150m Accord(Heritage)

"Treat Liberians With Dignity, “US Envoy

The INSIGHT newspaper reports that United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Ms. Samantha Power, has said Liberians across the world should be treated with respect and dignity. Liberians in the U.S. and other parts of the World should not be stigmatized because of the Ebola virus, she added. The American Envoy indicated that her Government recognizes that the virus is taking its toll on the country’s economy, health sector, education, and other vital areas, stressing that “the US is committed to working with Liberia to get all of these sectors back on track”. She made the statement Tuesday at a joint press conference with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Monrovia. According to Ambassador Power, the U.S is working with the Government of Liberia on an Ebola Response Plan and the US is pleased with the result.

US UN Envoy Assures Unflinching Support To Rebuild Liberia

The United States (U.S.) Ambassador to the United Nations (U.N.) has assured President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of the U.S. Government’s unflinching support to the total eradication of the Ebola virus disease and the rebuilding of the country. The INSIGHT newspaper quotes Ambassador Samantha Power as saying that though Liberia had come through many difficult chapters in its history, the country was on track towards prosperity and deepening democracy until the outbreak of Ebola. “I can commit to you on behalf of the President [Barrack Obama] and the American people that we will work together to ensure that you get back on track and that we will see the backend of this epidemic,” Ambassador Power promised. According to an Executive Mansion release, Ambassador Samantha Power made the statement when she addressed a joint press stakeout with the Liberian leader in the foyer of the Foreign Ministry following closed-door discussions on Tuesday, October 28, 2014.

Related Caption: U.S. Ambassador To U.N. Assures Country’s Unflinching support to The Eradication Of Ebola And Rebuilding(In Profile Daily)

Ellen Consoles Egypt

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the Government and People of the Arab Republic of Egypt following the killings of 30 Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai Region.

In her message to His Excellency Abdel Fattah Sisi, President of Egypt, President Sirleaf expressed shock and extended deep condolences on behalf of the Government of Liberia to the Government and People of the Arab Republic of Egypt especially the bereaved families for the tragic loss sustained. “We condemn in the strongest terms, these killings as act of terrorism and crime against humanity”, the President declared. President Sirleaf also expressed confidence that the entire international community will join the fight against terrorism and that terrorists will find no shelter anywhere from justice.  While expressing regrets over the situation, the Liberian leader stated that the Liberian people feel the pain of their Egyptian counterparts, and remain prayerful that the characteristic- resilience courage and fortitude of the Egyptian people will carry Egypt through this difficult period of national loss and morning. She then wished for the Egyptian leader personal well being and for the Egyptian people unity, peace and progress under the dynamic leadership of President Sisi, the Heritage writes quoting a Foreign Ministry release.

Related Caption:  Pres. Sirleaf consoles Egypt(The New Dawn)

SKD  To Host 100-bed Chinese Ebola Center

The vicinity of the Nation’s biggest Sports Stadium will be used as the site of a 100-bed Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) the Government of the People’s Republic of China has disclosed. Chinese Government through its Ambassador accredited near Monrovia, Zhang Yue told reporters recently that medical equipment and building materials valued at US$82 million have begun arriving on a special flight from China to construct the 100-bed ETU at the Stadium, INSIGHT reports.


Related Caption:   SKD-ETU Project In Sight(The News)

World Bank Pledges Continued Support To Procurement Reforms

World Bank Liberia Country Manager Inguna Dobraja has pledged the Bank’s continued support to the public procurement process in Liberia. Speaking at the launch of the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC) Strategic Plan in Monrovia Tuesday, Dobraja noted that such support was necessitated by the loss of institutional capacity and human capital in Liberia as a result of the 14-year civil conflict. “This Strategic Plan”, is just one example of such support”, Heritage reports.


Kanvee Named “Ebola Goodwill Ambassador”

One of the Liberia’s acclaimed Gospel artists, Amb. Kanvee Adams has been accredited and recognized as the Goodwill Ambassador on Ebola by KORA Awards, the Pan-African version of the Grammy Awards in Africa. KORA is “Les Trophees KORA de la Musique Africaine” or simply “KORA – All Africa Music Awards”, In Profile Dailyreports.


Related Caption:  Kanvee Named “Ebola Goodwill Ambassador-By Africa’s Grammy Group(The News)

Labour Minister Hails Business Community

The Minister of Labour, Attorney Neto Zarzar Lighe Sr. has lauded business and individual establishments operating in the country for the level of commitment and supports to the government for fighting against the deadly Ebola virus in the country. The Labour boss made the assertions during a separate acquaintance meetings held with stakeholders of the Labour sectors at his office in Monrovia. According to him, the meeting was intended to solicit stakeholders’ expectation on the Ebola virus disease outbreak, the status of employed expatriates, both currently on the job and others who have traveled due to the EVD, their possible return and work permit retention and other post Ebola employment issues. Minister Lighe said the Ministry of Labour was impressed by measures put in place by employers to prevent the spread of the virus at workplaces in the country, especially those with functional health centers, and involved with the treatment of people with Ebola. He noted that his Ministry, a sector Ministry charged with the responsibility to ensure that there exists decent work environments at all times, considers the Ebola virus disease as an occupational safety and health issue that requires a collective fight by both government, partners, employers, employees and the general public, FOCUS newspaper reports.

Related Captions: Labour Boss Lauds Business Entities(The New Dawn), Labor Minister Extols Businesses(Daily Observer)

Finance Minister Inducts Directors In Office

The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, has recruited and inducted into office Directors for several departments, including the departments of Fiscal Affairs, Administration, Economic Management and Budget, and Development, respectively. The Directors, most of whom are employees of the Ministry were being appointed by President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Finance Minister Amara Konneh through a venting process. The new Directors were inducted into offices on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at a former program. Speaking at the program, Finance and Development Planning Minister Amara Konneh, encouraged the Directors to read the Public Financial Management (PFM) and the Public Procurement Concession Commission (PPCC) laws to guide themselves on the job. He said the new Directors are placed on 90 days probation to enable them cope with the job environment, the New Dawn newspaper reports.

Related Caption: Finance Puts Recruits On 90-Day Probation(Daily Observer)


Sime Darby, LNRCS Launch Ebola Education In Western Liberia

Sime Darby Plantation Liberia (SDPL) in collaboration International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), through the Liberia National Red Cross Society, have launched a six month Ebola awareness and contact tracing campaign in Bomi  and  Grand Cape Mount Counties. The National Program Coordinator of the Liberian National Red Cross Mr. Ademola Aloan said, as part of its mandate it hopes that community residents especially those living within Sime Darby concession area will see their personal safety as a priority. Sime Darby Social Team Manager, Ms. Toushi Itoka said as a responsible business entity, Sime Darby was committed to positively impacting the lives of communities it is working with, the Inquirer reports.


Sulunteh To Speak At US College

Liberia’s Ambassador to the United States is planning to discuss the impact of the Ebola outbreak in Liberia during an appearance at a college in central Pennsylvania. Ambassador Jeremiah Sulunteh was slated to deliver a lecture at Elizabethtown College on Wednesday afternoon about Liberia, which is worse hit by the deadly disease, the aftermath of back-to-back civil wars and the need for educational development, New Democrat reports.


UNDP Hands Over Vehicles to Judiciary for Public Defenders

As part of efforts to help the Liberian Judiciary dispense justice to every sector of the country, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) presented five pickup trucks to Chief Justice Francis Kporkpor on the grounds of the Temple of Justice for use by the public defenders in four of the country's 15 counties specifically the Southeast. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Grand Gedeh, Sinoe, Maryland and Rivergee Counties will benefit from the UNDP donation.

 Air Ivoire Resumes Liberia Flights

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that the Ivorian airliner, Air Cote d'Ivoire, has become the first African airline to resume flights to Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, a key step which will make it much easier for aid workers to travel to the Ebola-hit nations. The airline partly owned by Air France-KLM (AF) commenced Liberia flights on Sunday, October 26 after kicking off its service to Guinea on Oct. 20. Most regional and international carriers stopped serving the countries after an infected Liberian man flew to Nigeria and introduced the Ebola virus there in July.

RESH Provides Psychological Training In Red-Light

A local Non-governmental organization, Renewed Energy Serving Humanity (RESH) has extended its psychological training in Monrovia and environs. The INSIGHT newspaper writes that as part of such training, RESH in partnership with the Bassa Town and Red-Light community Taskforce is expected to conclude a three-day intensive capacity building workshop with 50 members of the taskforce and opinion leaders, the General Coordinator of RESH, Ernest Gernark Smith has revealed.