Daily Media Summary, 05-2-2014
The Bureau of Public Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia
News of the Government of Liberia’s acknowledgement of the WAJA award to the former President of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), Peter Quaqua, the observance of World Press Freedom Day by the PUL, and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the people of Numopoh District in Sinoe County and Golden Veroleum Liberia are among the dominant stories selected for today’s news summary.
Dominant Story
Journalist Begin Freedom Day Celebration
Liberian journalists, under the banner of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), have begun activities for the official observance of this year’s World Press Freedom Day, to be held in Bopolu, Gbarpolu County. World Press Freedom Day which annually falls on May 3, is a universal observance, which highlights the significance of the free press in a democracy with appropriate programs. The global theme for the 2014 celebration is “Reaching, New Goals: Free media fortifies the post-2015 Development Agenda,” but has been modified in Liberia to note that the “Fee Press Exposes Poverty and Brings Development”, reports the New Democrat Newspaper.
Related Caption: PUL Begins World Press Freedom Celebration(Heritage Newspaper),PUL Begins World Press Freedom Celebration (The New Republic), PUL Begins World Press Freedom Celebration (In Profile Daily), PUL Begins World Press Freedom Celebration (FrontPage Africa)
Government Welcomes Quaqua’s WAJA Election
According to the Heritage newspaper, the Liberia Government has welcomed the recent election of former Press Union of Liberia (PUL) President Peter Quaqua, as President of West African Journalists Association (WAJA). Speaking at the Ministry of Information regular weekly press briefing Thursday, Acting Information Minister Atty. Isaac W. Jackson, said the election of Mr. Quaqua demonstrates that Liberian journalists are recognized outside of their country, noting that this is a “a pride “ for Liberia.
Related Captions: Gov’t. Welcomes Quaqua’s WAJA Election (The Analyst), Gov’t. Welcomes Quaqua’s WAJA Election (INSIGHT)
Numopoh, GVL sign MOU
More than 500 hundred citizens of Numopoh Administrative District in Sinoe County has signed a Memorandum of understanding (MOU) and incorporated a social agreement for the purpose of Oil Palm cultivation and area development in Delkilo. According to the National Chronicle, the MOU specified development such as the construction of school and clinic, road building and refurbishments, provision of safe drinking water, scholarships, adult literacy training, employment, and the development of 1,566 hectares (3,869 acres). The official MOU signing ceremony was attended by UNMIL’s Civil Affairs and GVL’s Regional Comptroller, Manohyarran Pillai, Development Superintendent, T. Romeo Quioh and GVL’s Senior Staff.
Related Captions: Numopoh, GVL sign MOU (New Dawn), Numopoh, Citizens Approve GVL (The New Republic), Numopoh, GVL sign MOU (In Profile Daily), Numopoh and GVL Sign MOU (INSIGHT)
SIFCA Injects US$750K into Maryland Economy
According to the News newspaper, an official of the Cavalla Rubber Corporation (CRC) has disclosed hat SIFCA, which operates the CRC, injects some US$750,000 into the economy of Maryland County monthly through salary payment. SIFCA, an Economic Community of WEST African States (ECOWAS)-based agro-industrial company, through its subsidiaries, holds a 50-year concession agreement to develop a rubber processing plant on 30,000 hectares of land in Maryland County. CRC Deputy Managing Director John Barkemeni said SIFCA, which also owns the Maryland Oil Palm Plantation (MOPP), spend over US$00,000 as salaries monthly to over 2,000 direct employees and 3,000 indirect employees of CRC.
Related Captions: SIFCA Injects US$750K into Maryland Economy Monthly (FOCUS), SIFCA Injects US$750K into: Maryland Economy Monthly (Heritage)
Other Stories
CRC Plans to Resuscitate Harper Port
The Management of the Cavalla Rubber Company (CRC) in Maryland County is holding discussions with authorities of the National Port Authority (NPA) to rehabilitate the Port of Harper into a modernized and standardized functioning facility. CRC Deputy Managing Director, John Barkemeni made the disclosure during a visit by Information Minister Lewis Brown to the concession area as part of a five-county assessment tour of major development projects in rural Liberia. The Analyst newspaper quotes Mr. Barkemeni as saying that the CRC management plans to use the port to ship its rubber products and palm oil produced by its sister Company, Maryland Oil Pal Plantation (MOPP).
Related Caption: CRC Plans to Resuscitate Harper Port (INSIGHT)
World Bank, GSM Firms on Universal Telecom Access
The News newspaper writes that Post and Telecommunications Minister Fredrick Norkeh has said the World Bank and GSM companies in Liberia have pledged over US$1 million to help Government ensure universal access to telecommunications in the country. In an interview with the Liberia News Agency (LINA) Monday, the Minister said the issue of access will target areas that are facing technology challenges. Minister Norkeh said the donation will address accessibility in rural areas, particularly Southeastern Liberia, that fall below the 10,000 person threshold used as benchmark for providing telecommunication access in the past by both government and private companies.
Related Caption: World Bank, GSM Firms on Universal Telecom Access (FOCUS)
Gov’t Warns Labour Unions
The Inquirer reports that the Government of Liberia (GOL) through the Ministry of Labour has warned Liberia’s Trade Unions to stop operating from hand-bags but open offices that will make their members to easily reach them. Addressing worker on Thursday during the celebrating of Labour Day at an elaborate program held at the J.B. Magill Labor Center in Gardnerville, Liberia’s Labour Minister Cllr. Juah Lawson, said most trade unions risk not being accredited if they cannot open an office but continue to run same from their respective hand bags. She said it is important for a Trade Union that is collecting dues from its members to have an office space where they can be reached.
Turkey Assures Justice
The Turkish Government has assured justice for four Liberians shot in that country. The four Liberians, Bemore N. Toe, Patience Roberts, Deddeh Simmonds and Blessing Vinton, were recently shot by an unknown gunman at a coffee shop in Sisli Mecediyeko around the Trump Tower in Istanbul, Turkey. The Liberia Government also confirmed that the four Liberians shot in Turkey are now undergoing mending the situation including instructions from the Turkish Minister to his counterparts from the Ministries of Health, Justice and Interior on the issue of the four Liberians, pens the New Democrat newspaper.
Unicef Briefs Journalists
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Office in Liberia has concluded a day sensitization briefing for journalists on the pending African Vaccination Week (AVW). Activities marking the observance of this year's AVW take place in Liberia from May 6-9, 2014. African Vaccination Week came into force in 2010 following the adoption of a resolution by African Ministers of Health to institutionalize an annual African Vaccination Week for sustaining advocacy, expanding community participation and improving immunization service delivery. This year, all 46 member states of World Health Organization (WHO) in the African Region are expected to fully participate in the activities in order to strengthen immunization programs. The week would be observed to draw attention and increase awareness of the importance of every person's (particularly every child and woman) need and right to be protected from vaccine preventable diseases. African Vaccination Week is usually held from the 22-27 April but due to the Ebola outbreak in Liberia; it was postponed to May 6-9, 2014. The African Vaccination Week will be held under the theme: "Vaccination - a shared responsibility". Thursday briefing was aimed at allowing UNICEF to give journalists first hand information about the activities, reports theNews newspaper.