Daily Media Summary (10-21-2019)








The Bureau of Public Affairs today, October 21, 2019 subscribed to several local dailies including Heritage, Hot Pepper, The NewsThe New Dawn,Daily Observerand The Inquirer newspaper. We captured Headlines from the back, front and the inside of these papers to prepare today’s edition of the regular news summary.   


The News Summary highlights news about President Weah Signing 15 Bills into Law to enhance governance and development; news of Liberia leading UNGA adoption of Resolution declaring September 28 as Int’l Day for UAI; the disbursement of US$300K by the Gender Ministry to ‘Extremely Poor’ citizens beneficiaries in Maryland and Grand Kru counties as well as the resumption of classes today by UL Instructors amongst other news stories.    


Dominant Stories


Pres. Weah Signs 15 Bills into Law to Enhance Governance, Development

On Friday, October 18, 2019, President George Weah signed several bills into law, geared towards enhancing the government’s national development efforts as summarized in the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD), a release from the Executive Mansion said. According to the release, President Weah’s signing of the bills into law followed their passage by members of the 54th Legislature. The 15 bills include the Act to Grant Chapter to the Starz College of Science and Technology, Act to Ratify ECOWAS Custom Code, Act to Ratify the agreement between the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) and the Republic of Liberia for the Partial Financing of the Barclayville-Klowne-Sasstown Road Construction, and the Act to Ratify the Bilateral Investment Treaty between the United Arab Emirates and the Government of Liberia, the Daily Observer newspaper writes.

Related Caption:To Enhance Governance & Development…President Weah Signs Several Bills Into Law(The News) 

Liberia Leads UNGA Adoption of Resolution Declaring September 28 as Int’l Day for UAI


The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, unanimously adopted a resolution submitted and sponsored by Liberia under the title, “Proclamation of September 28 as International Day for Universal Access to Information (UAI).”Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., Liberia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, who introduced the resolution to the UNGA for adoption, described access to information as “essential for the democratic functioning of a society — shaping political, social and economic perspectives; and vital for the sustainable development of countries”, the Daily Observer newspaper asserts.

Related Caption:Liberia Leads UNGA Adoption of Resolution…Declaring Sep.28 In’l Day for Universal Access to Information(The News), Liberia Leads UN General Assembly Adoption of Resolution Declaring September 28 As International Day for Universal Access to Information (Heritage)

New Faces In Government

The President Dr. George Manneh Weah has made additional appointments in government. The appointments effected ministries, agencies and commissions as well as the University of Liberia (UL) and it takes immediate effect though subject to confirmation by the Senate where applicable. At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Edwin Juah was appointed as Assistant Minister/European Affairs. Esiaka Sheriff appointed as Assistant Minister for Research, Planning & Development at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the Ministry of Mines & Energy, George Gontor goes as Deputy Minister/Energy while Williams T. Thompson II appointed ass Assistant Minister for Energy. At the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. George T. Forpoh Jr. appointed ass Deputy Minister/ Regional Development, Research & Extension At the Ministry of National Defense, Tarplah Davies was appointed Deputy Minister for Operations replacing the late Deputy Minister Ernest Varfee. At the Ministry of Post & Telecommunication, Varney Okai was appointed as Deputy Minister for Operations. In Civil Law Court, CLLr. J Kennedy Peabody goes as Resident judge Sixth judicial circuit replacing Associate justice Yusif Kaba among others, says The News newspaper. Related Caption: President Weah Names several In Gov’t (The Inquirer)

Other Stories

Gender Ministry Begins Disbursement of US$300K to ‘Extremely Poor’ Citizens Beneficiaries are in Maryland, Grand Kru counties

Authorities at the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social protection (MGCSP) said they have started the disbursement of “social cash to the extremely poor and food insecure citizens” in Maryland and Grand Kru counties. Gender Minister Williametta E. Saydee-Tarr made the disclosure over the weekend at a news conference in Monrovia. She said that those that are registered in the category will benefit from US$300,000. “Under this quarter payment, over 3,000 households will be given cash to help them secure the needed support for their families, pens the Daily Observer newspaper.




All Liberian Diaspora Conference” Set for December in Washington DC Dual Citizenship, Economic Improvement, War Crimes High on the Agenda

Washington D.C.– Liberians from all regions of the world will be gathering near Washington, D.C., on December 6-7 for the first “All Liberian Diaspora Conference”. According to the Daily Observer newspaper, The Conference is expected to bring together dozens of Diaspora organizations, international organizations, Local, and state officials, recognized Liberian experts and notable friends of Liberia. They will will join representatives of U.S. government as well as international agencies in a bid to unite the Liberian Diaspora on major issues affecting Liberia.


Liberia Hosts First-Ever Confab Of African Bar Association

The 2019 Annual Conference of the African Bar Association (AfBA) gets underway in Monrovia, today, Monday, October 21, 2019 at the Ministerial Complex in Congo Town, outside the Liberian Capital, Monrovia.
The AfBA is the umbrella organization of legal practitioners on the continent.

The conference, which is being held under the theme: ‘Tackling Contemporary Issues Facing the African Continent: How Lawyers can Drive A Renaissance’ is expected to bring together over 300 lawyers from across the continent and host Liberia. According to an LNBA release quoting the Local Organizing Chairperson, Cllr. J. Bima Lansanah, this is the first time Liberia is hosting the African Bar Annual Conference. Cllr. Lansanah said Liberia was earlier chosen by AfBA’s President Hannibal Uwaifo as the venue to host a Regional Security Workshop for Military and Paramilitary Organizations for the continental body, but the workshop is now embedded as a key activity within this year’s annual conference, the Heritage newspaper says.


Bea Mountain Dedicates police Station

Last Thursday, October 17, 2019 Bea Mountain dedicated a newly constructed Police station in Darlo Gola Konneh District, Grand cape Mount as a way of giving the people of the county. According to the Inquirer newspaper, the police Station, which is first of its kind in the county has several modernized facilities, including offices, bathroom, conference hall, and waiting rooms, very comfortable for inmates stay with a 30KVA generator. Speaking at the occasion, Bea Mountain General Manager, Debar Allen lauded the police and the Joint Security for the level of work they have done over the years, most especially, by maintaining the peace we enjoy today.


UL Instructors Resume Classes Today

The University of Liberia Faculty Association (ULFA) has urged all of its member teaching at the state run university to resume classes Today. The Release was signed over the weekend by its leadership headed by Cllr Molley N Gray sr. and the Secretary General Assistant Prof. John B Gbozee. According to the leadership of ULFA, the lease is a result of a resolution which derive from a general emergency meeting held at the Fendell Campus on Wednesday, October 16 2019 at which time the disengage from teaching until their September salary is fully paid, the Inquirer newspaper says.




Health Minister Calls For Collective Efforts..To Move Liberia Forward

As a way of improving the Health Sector, Liberia Health Minister, Dr. Whilemina Jallah has called on her compatriots to collectively work together in moving the sector forward for its quality service delivery system, according to release. Receiving keys of Cargo trucks valued USD$400.00 from us Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Christine Elder, at the Minister of Health’s Central Medicine Store in Caldwell Tuesday, October 15, 2019,  said the best way to develop a nation is with collaboration and patriotism coupled with sincerity. Dr. Jallah then encouraged medical data collectors and data entry personnel across the country to send their entries on time so that information can return to the Ministry’s supply unit so the in the public sector, “All the malaria repaid diagnostics test for the public sector, and a significant percentage of malaria treatment for adults and children. We recently approved a one-time purchase of essential medicines, The News newspaper reports.