Daily Media Summary 2018-09-03

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of the People’s Republic of China committing US$54M grant to Construct Overpasses at SKD Boulevard and Ministerial Complex; the call by former Liberian President  Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for Liberians to support the Weah led  administration are among stories highlighted in today’s edition of our summary.


China Gives Liberia Us$54m Grant To Construct Overpasses at SKD Boulevard, Ministerial Complex

Liberia and China have pledged to strength ties between the two countries Both countries made the pledge when President George Manneh Weah met President XI Jinping, during bilateral discussions ahead of the 2018 Beijing summit on the Forum on China-African Cooperation at the Great Hall of the people on Saturday, September 1, 2018.The Liberian leader reiterated his country’s firm adherence to the one China policy and expressed heartfelt gratitude for China’s valuable support, especially the selfless help in Liberia’s fight against the Ebola epidemic. President noted the mutually beneficial cooperation between both countries benefits has brought perceptible benefits to the Liberian People. ”Liberia supports and is willing to take part in the Belt and Road cooperation,” he stressed. Meanwhile, after the meeting the two leaders witness the signing of two cooperation agreements totaling US$54 million (320 million RMB). The first is the construction of two overpasses at SKD Boulevard and the Ministerial Complex; while the other is the provision of emergency food aid, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


RELATED CAPTION: China to construct US54m overpass bridges(New Dawn)


FOCAC Beijing Summit To Set New Path For China-Africa Cooperation

As African leaders gather in Beijing for the summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), expectations run high for the two sides to strengthen their already solid friendship and further enhance pragmatic cooperation to bring tangible benefits to the Chinese and African people. The summit schedule for Sept. 3-4, aims to build a closer China-Africa community with a share future, further dovetail China’s Belt and Road initiative with African Development, set a new path for a higher level of China-Africa cooperation, and deepen people-to-people exchanges. More concrete projects are expected to come into being during the upcoming series of FOCAC events, including the High-Level Dialogue of China-Africa Leaders and Business Representatives and the 6th China Africa Business Forum. “The FOCAC summit has now become a regular summit between Africa and China and there are big projects coming out of the partnership within the FOCAC summit,” African Union Commissioner for Social Affairs Amira Elfadil said earlier, adding that the African Union is going to play a big role by participating in the summit. The expected outcome of the summit will speed upgrading industrialization and modernization of the continent, and push China-Africa cooperation to a higher level, said the Chinese diplomat, the In Profile Daily says.


WaterAid Launches Solid Waste Management Project…Focus on Sanitation in Greater Monrovia

The British Charity WaterAid has launched a sanitation project aimed at addressing issues of solid waste management in Greater Monrovia and environs. Garbage situation in Greater Monrovia is alarming, resulting to the need for stakeholders to jointly develop and strengthen a comprehensive solid waste management strategy for Greater Monrovia. The Sanitation Project is intended to support Greater Monrovia for the Development of a Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Strategy. Speaking recently at the official launch of the Project, WaterAid Regional Director, Mariame Dem stressed the need for collaborative efforts in addressing sanitation challenges in Montserrado County,the Heritage newspaper reads. 

Support President Weah Government for Liberia to Move Forward Ellen with Liberians


Former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has said the development and unification of Liberia is the collective responsibility of all Liberians and not the President alone. In an interview with the state owned Radio, ELBC recently at her Congo Town Residence, outside Monrovia, former President Sirleaf pointed out that one leader does not make development to work for any nation, stressing that it requires the commitment, collective work ad ownership participation of all. Former President Sirleaf admonished Liberians to take advantage of available opportunities and exert every effort to support the Government of President George Mannehhh Weah, so that Liberia will move forward from where she left it, the Heritage newspaper reads.


Roll Up Your Sleeves And Ensure Tasks  are Performed With Efficiency, Effectiveness CSA Boss Entreats Employees

An inside story of the Heritage newspaper reports that the Director General of the Civil Service Agency, CSA, Madam Wede Johnson, has entreated employees of the CSA to roll up sleeves and ensure that tasks are performed with efficiency and effectiveness. “Firstly, let me use this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of you for being very receptive to me since I took over as Director-General. I am grateful and I am happy to work with all of you; as we begin this new administration, I am encouraging all of you to join me in making CSA great again. I am sure together, we can achieve more”, she told a general staff meeting at the CSA Headquarters in Monrovia. She opined “now and going forward, I am encouraging all to please take attendance at work very serious because it will help us to effectively and efficiently deliver on our mandates and functions.”


On Human Development Policy Innovation in South Africa: Minister Tweah Selected to Cheer the Harvard Ministerial Roundtable

Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel D. Tweah Jr, has been selected by his alumnus of Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program for his demonstrating brilliant leadership, experience in office and thoughtfulness on the issues that are focused of high level initiative during his participatory roles, commitment and high intellectual discussion. He is expected to cheer Harvard Ministerial Roundtable on Human Development Policy Innovation at the Westcliff Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa from November 25-27, 2018, the Heritage newspaper asserts.


SyndiGate launches new digital content marketplace

The New Dawn newspaper reads that Leading content marketing agency, SyndiGate, has launched DISCO (marketplace.disco.info), a revolutionary digital content marketplace where buyers can access, search for, and acquire an instant license to use or republish content, all of which are fully rights-cleared. DISCO combines proprietary technology with world-class journalism and is an essential tool for publishers, broadcasters, and brands in the Middle East who are looking for trustworthy, multilingual content that generates and engages audiences, and drives revenue.