Daily Media Summary 2018-06-05

Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s summary includes stories on President George Manneh Weah’s congratulatory message to Italy, proclamation on World Environment Day, and the launch of First Lady Mrs. Clar Weah’s Foundation among other stories.

Weah Applauds Italy On 72nd National Day Celebration

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release; President George Manneh Weah has sent a congratulatory message to the Government and People of the Republic of Italy on the occasion commemorating the 72nd Anniversary of the Festa della Repubblica, Italian National Day and Republic Day. Festa della Repubblica, in English, Republic Day is the Italian National Day and Republic Day, which is celebrated on 2 June each year. The day commemorates the institutional referendum held by universal suffrage in 1946, in which the Italian people were called to the polls to decide on the form of government, following the Second World War and the fall of Fascism.  President Weah, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes, to H. E. Mr. Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic of Italy, and through him, to the Government and People of Italy as they commemorate this historic event. The Liberian leader recounted that Liberia and Italy have enjoyed longstanding and affable relations spanning 165 years. He further recalled that the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigations between both countries had subsequently led to the recognition of Liberia’s sovereignty by the Republic of Italy in 1962. 

Today Is World Environment Day


President George Manneh Weah has by proclamation declared Tuesday, June 5, 2018, as “World Environment Day” to be observed throughout the country as a “Working Holiday”. The United Nations General Assembly, by a Resolution adapted in 1972, declared June 5th each year to be observed as “World Environment Day” by all Member States. According to a Foreign Ministry release, as a member of the world environmental community, Liberia will join in the celebration of the World Environment Day under the general theme: “Beat Plastic Pollution” and on the national theme: “Say No to Plastic Pollution.” President Weah has called upon all people residing in the territorial confines of Liberia to cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in executing appropriate programs befitting the occasion. The observance of World Environment Day provides the opportunity to focus worldwide attention on the importance of the environment, and to empower people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development. The celebration of the Day also promotes the active participation of communities in environmental issues, including the “Green Economy” and the management of the ecosystem, the New Dawn newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release. 

Clar Weah Launches Humanitarian Foundation


Liberia’s First Lady Mrs. Clar Weah has launched a humanitarian foundation named “Clar Hope Foundation,” which aims to work with orphanages, less fortunate children, older folks, disadvantaged young people and do other projects like renovation of 200 schools in urban and rural areas. Launching the Foundation Monday, 4 June in Congo Town, Mrs. Weah said the foundation focuses on four strategic pillars which include education, health, gender equality and economic development. Dozens of donors made cash and material contributions to the Foundation at the launch Monday, while others made pledges. Mrs. Weah says the Foundation will undertake tangible projects such as construction of a maternity hospital, ensuring other health support initiatives, advocating against various forms of violence against women, implementing agriculture productivity program for rural and urban women and building and renovating schools. She cites the rehabilitation and education of orphans, street girls and drug addicts as few of the things she wants to do with the Clar Hope Foundation. According to Mrs. Weah, she established the Foundation in February this year out of her passion to help Liberians, especially the disadvantaged move towards prosperity in support of the pro - poor agenda of the Liberian Government. She notes that many Liberians, especially the underprivileged are living in poverty, saying she wants to give them hope wherever they are, whether at the orphanages or in the ghettos. She appreciates all donors who traveled to Liberia and those here that have given support to the Foundation, especially the trust they have placed in her to support what she truly believes in without knowing her intentions, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: First Lady Launches Foundation To Transform Lives (Heritage), and First Lady Launches Foundation (Inquirer) 

Court Sentences 2 for Kidnapping Pastor


The 12th Judicial Circuit Court in Barclayville, Grand Kru County, southeast Liberia sentences two defendants for four years for committing the crime kidnapping during its May term of court. Defendants Alphonso Blamo, Elizabeth Senoh, Jerome Nyanti and Victoria Wiah on Friday April 28, 2017 kidnapped Pastor Dester Wiah in Jarkapo, Dorbor Statutory District. But two were convicted after they entered a guilty plea for kidnapping a clergyman. During the February term of court, Grand Jury indicted Jerome Nyanti and others, who committed the act. The Convicts individually asked Almighty God for mercy. Resident circuit court Judge Peter W. Gbenewleh in his final judgment said, considering the circumstances surrounding the case, backed by their individual confessions in open court were sufficient evidence the two defendants are guilty of the crime thereby, sentencing them for four years. Judge Gbenewleh ruled the convicts will serve their respective sentences in any suitable prison facility in the Republic of Liberia, stressing that the sentence will serve as deterrence. Elizabeth Senoh, who is said to be suffering from old age, was set free by the circuit court,but Jerome Nyanti has since denied being linked or responsible for the mysterious disappearance of Pastor Dester Wiah, who mysteriously disappeared a year ago while sweeping in his yard in Dorbor district, writes New Dawn newspaper. 

Immigration Border Patrol Gets Marine Unit


At least 40 officers of the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS) have completed an 18-day intensive training in operating and maintaining dinghies (boats) along the coastal lines. Six females and thirty-four males were trained by the Liberia Coast Guard (LCG) of the Armed Forces  of Liberia (AFL) and were trained and certificated as part of a marine unit for the LIS border patrol first class.  The training of the LIS Officers also operationalizes the utilization of the six (6) dinghies procured to enhance border patrol along the country’s coastline procured to enhance border patrol along the country’s coastline. The six females were enthusiastic about the training as they were seen professionally demonstrating and displaying their skills alongside their male counterparts in front of an impressive audience, including the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), representatives from the Ministries of National Defense and Justice, as well as the Commander and trainers of Liberia Coast Guard (LCG), pens the FrontPage Africa newspaper 

Pastor Jailed For ‘Possessing’ US$48k Counterfeit Bank Notes


Pastor John Iledare, a Nigerian prelate, and resident of Duazon in Margibi County, is being detained at the Monrovia Central Prison on the order of the Monrovia City Court pending prosecution for allegedly possessing US$48,612,000 counterfeit bank notes. Police arrested Iledare on May 26, 2018, for allegedly being in possession of the counterfeit banknotes in the denomination of 50s and 100s. It is the biggest counterfeit scandal to hit the country market amid increasing upward change in the exchange rate which now stands at L$143 to US$1. Iledare, who has been in the custody of the police undergoing investigation, was forwarded to the Monrovia City Court at Temple of Justice and ordered detained at the Monrovia Central Prison on three counts of criminal conspiracy, forgery, economic sabotage and money laundering. Those charges are in violation of Chapter 15, sections 15.70, 15.80, 15.52 of the revised penal law of Liberia. The Nigerian prelate, according to officers of the Liberia National Police, admitted during the investigation of being in possession of the counterfeit banknotes in the presence of his lawyer identified as Atty. Amos Holmes, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


NHA Creates Rural Upgrading Department

As part of President George Manneh Weah’s mandate to modernize rural housing across the country, the National Housing Authority (NHA) has announced the creation of a Rural Upgrading Department responsible to oversee affairs on rural communities in the country. According to a press release, NHA Managing Director Hon. Duannah Siryon said the creation of the Rural Upgrading Unit (RUU) has become necessary so that the NHA will be able to have available at its fingertips information about rural housing in the country. “For example,” Hon. Siryon said, “if we want to know how many affordable units that should be built in any rural community, we should have the information on hand right away without delaying because of feasibility study,” reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

“Liberia Can Achieve Universal Health Coverage’…Minister of Health Dr. Wilhemina Jallah says

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Minister of Health Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah has reaffirmed Liberia’s capacity to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC), where all communities will have access to quality health services. Making reference to the experience of the devastating 2014-2015 Ebola Virus Disease outbreak, Dr. Jallah indicated “if we Liberians want to reach UHC, we can do it as a country. “We need to take responsibility and demonstrate strong ownership of our health system, from the community level, frontline primary health care facilities right up to specialized tertiary hospitals. This will be complemented by the contributions our partners are making to improve our health care delivery system,” she said, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

KEEP, UNICEF Sign Program Cooper Agreement

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports kids’ Education Engagement Project (KEEP) on Friday, June 1, signed a Program Cooperation UNICEF-Liberia for a one-year project, “Developing Minds, Empowering Communities” which is funded by the Indian Government under its partnership with the UN Office of South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). The project will see the construction of a Learning Resource Center in Rivercess County to house a public library and a vocational training center, as well as provide for the training of teachers and rural women. Mrs. Brenda Brewer Moore, Executive Director to KEEP, and Mr. Samuel Mawunganidze, Deputy Officer-In-Charge of UNICEF-Liberia, signed the PCA on behalf of their respective organizations. 

Liberian Government, Partners Create Awareness On Pro-Poor Agenda


In an effort of creating awareness on the Government of Liberia’s ‘Pro-Poor Agenda for Development and Prosperity, the Ministry of Internal with support from the Cater Center has convened a three-day conference with traditional leaders of Liberia. Speaking at the start of the event on Monday, June 4 in Gant, Nimba County, the Deputy Minister for Operations at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Emmett K. Reeves said the meeting with the chiefs and traditional leaders marks the beginning of series of engagements geared towards explaining the meaning the Pro-Poor agenda, its impacts and roles of every Liberian including government ministries and agencies, reports FrontPage Africa newspaper. 

Mercy Crops Graduates 169 Students In Renewable Energy


An international NGO, Mercy Crops Liberia has graduated 169 students in its Light Up Liberia Program focused on a four month renewable energy training in technical and vocational institutes. Speaking over the weekend at the Monrovia Vocational Training Center in Paynesville, outside Monrovia, the Assistant Minister for Science and Technology at the Ministry of Education, Saku Kukuly, noted that the ministry will do all it can to include the renewable curriculum into the national curriculum. He noted that the ministry will train some of the graduates to serves as trainers in those technical and vocational institutes across the country, In Profile Daily reports.

Nigeria National Arrested With Liberian Passport

According to the In Profile Daily, the Liberia Immigration Service has arrested and sent to Court, a 42-year-old man identified as Chukwuma Jude Obi, a Nigerian national at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) in Margibi County, for traveling with Liberian Passport. The complaint was filed by Officer Victor Reeves, who said Defendant Obi was on his way to the Federal Republic of Nigeria on board the Arik Aircraft by way of the Roberts International Airport, where he was interviewed by officers of Liberia Immigration Service and was found to be a Nigeria national. Accordingly, whoever knowingly procure contrary of him or another documentary or other evidence of naturalization of citizenship for him or another person shall be subject to a fine of not more than five thousand United States Dollars, or be in imprisonment not more than three years or both.