Daily Media Summary 2017-11-15

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Monrovia, Liberia



The European Union Delegation to Liberia and the Embassies of EU Members States warning against unnecessary delay in the current complaints arising from October 10, 2017 elections and President Sirleaf’s message of condolence to the President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald J. Trump, following the horrifying news of the death of at least 26 persons and injury of about 20 others in a shooting incident.



EU Warns Against Unnecessary Delays…Wants Complaints Concluded With Constitutional Timelines


The European Union Delegation to Liberia and the Embassies of EU Members States have warned against unnecessary delay in the current complaints arising from October 10, 2017 elections so that electoral process can be completed in accordance with Constitutional timelines. In a joint statement issued yesterday, the EU comprising of France Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom have therefore encouraged all concerned to work constructively and in good faith to conclude the current complaints process ongoing at the National Elections Commission (NEC) without unnecessary delay. The Statement disclosed that over the past twelve years the European Union has worked closely with Liberia to support both post-conflict reconstruction and long term development, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.

Related Captions: Over Liberia’s Election Delay: International Pressure Intensifies(Heritage), EU Stresses Speedy Handling Of Elections Matters(The New Dawn), EU Calls for Swift End to Political Standoff(Daily Observer), European Union Wants Political Parties Avoid Unnecessary Delay(FrontPage Africa). The INQUIRERnewspaper also reports under the caption ”EMOL Warns Against Circumvention”that the Emancipation Movement of Liberia, Inc. (EMOL) warns against the circumvention of construction due process and calls on the National Commission (NEC) to adjudicate all electoral complaints speedily to prevent constitutional crisis in the Country. EMOL is non-partisan and non-profit peace building and advocacy organization legalized in the United States and Liberia. EMOL said it is important for all Liberians at home and abroad to recognize challenges arising from elections are part of the electoral process and therefore all Liberians irrespective of party of affiliation should allow the constitutional due process in resolving these disputes. 

Ellen Consoles U.S. President Trump


President Ellen Johnson - Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to her counterpart, the President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald J. Trump, following the horrifying news of the death of at least 26 persons and injury of about 20 others in a shooting incident. The New Dawn newspaper quoting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Monrovia says a statement issued Tuesday, 14 November reads that a mass shooting occurred at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, about 30 miles (48 km) east of the city of San Antonio on 5 November. The gunman, 26-year-old Devin Patrick Kelley of nearby New Braunfels, killed 26 and injured 20 persons. The daily says this was the deadliest mass shooting by an individual in Texas. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Liberian leader, in the message to President Trump, after learning about the horrifying news said, “The people of the Republic of Liberia join me in extending to you and the people of the United States, especially the families of the victims, deepest condolences for the irreparable loss sustained from this tragedy.”

Related Caption: Ellen Consoles U.S. President Trump(Heritage)


NEC Submits Used Ballots, Sample Ballots


The National Elections Commission (NEC) has submitted a flash drive that it says contains used ballots and sample ballots (Know Your Candidate Posters) to the Hearing Officer at the ongoing elections fraud and irregularities hearing at the NEC based on a request by ruling Unity Party (UP).  NEC Executive Director Lami Lighe who took the stands while making the presentation took the time to explain the serial number issue which has been one of the major contentions raised by the aggrieved political parties crying foul. Mr. Lighe said each ballot paper has a serial number which is attached to the ballot stock, so once the ballot paper is detached from the ballot booklet, the serial number remains on the stock to protect the voters’ secrecy as require by the constitution. He argues that this is a universal best practice because if the serial number remains on the detachable part of the ballot the presiding officer would know the serial number if he or she issues a ballot paper. Meanwhile, following the submission, Cllr. Varney Sherman has requested the Hearing Officer for extra two hours to review the flash drive given to them by the NEC to determine whether it contain the same content that were previous drive given to the parties in September. After the two hours break the UP put up a witness but later asked for continuance, though the presiding officer was hesitant, but granted the UP request and insisted that it ensures that all its witnesses be exhausted at the next hearing, reads the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Caption:  NEC Official Says Elections Were Conducted in Line With International Best Practice (FrontPage Africa) 

Two Former NEC Chairpersons To Testify For UP


According to the New Dawn newspaper, two former Chairpersons of the National Elections Commission (NEC) Cllr. Francis Johnson- Allison and Cllr. James Fromayan are due to testify as witnesses for the ruling Unity Party (UP) in the ongoing elections fraud and irregularities case filed by opposition Liberty Party (LP) at the NEC in Monrovia. Mrs. Francis Johnson-Allison and Mr. James Fromayan have both served as Chairpersons at the NEC at separate times under the Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf administration. The names of the two former NEC chairpersons were presented at the hearing recently by the UP to form part of its 15 witnesses expected to testify before the Commission. The UP is backing LP's claims of elections fraud and irregularities that have stalled a presidential runoff which was due to be held on 7 November before a Supreme Court decision halted it pending the outcome of the ongoing case. 

First Africa-China Friendship Meeting Calls For ‘Share Future’ Cooperation


Africans and Chinese officials representing friendship organizations and their respective governments have echoed the significance of working toward a share future. In separate remarks at the China-Africa Friendship organization leaders meeting in Beijing on Tuesday, November 14, the Chinese and Africans stakeholders called for deepening cooperation through the Belt and Road Initiative to foster connectivity and mutual benefits for their respective peoples. Abdul’ahat Abdurixit, President of the Chinese-African People’s Friendship Association (CAPFA), reemphasized the Chinese government commitment to building a “new type of international relationship” towards a community of share benefits, asserts the FrontPage Africanewspaper.

Senators Hold “Very Crucial” Retreat in Harbel

The Liberian Senate, on Tuesday, Nov. 14, failed to hold a session at the Capitol Building, but rather reportedly went in a retreat in Harbel, Margibi County.  The retreat comes in the wake of a seemingly slow pace in activities leading to the now-canceled scheduled date of the runoff of the Presidential race, between Vice President Joseph Boakai of Unity Party and George Weah of Coalition for Democratic Change.  The runoff date was canceled after a prohibition by Liberty Party standard-bearer Charles Brumskine was granted by the Supreme Court, which requested the National Elections Commission (NEC) to investigate complaints of electoral frauds and irregularities in the October 10 elections.  Amid public speculations about fear of an interim government due to the slow pace of the NEC’s investigation of frauds and irregularities’ complaints, the leadership of the Senate issued a statement clarifying that there will be no interim administration, citing provisions in the 1986 Constitution, the.Daily Observer reports. 

IMF Executive Board Reviews Liberia’s Economic Performance -Approves US$20.7M


The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has completed the seventh and eighth final reviews of Liberia’s economic performance under the program supported by the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) arrangement. The Daily Observer quotes the IMF  as saying that Completion of these reviews enables the immediate disbursement of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) 14.764 million (about US$20.7 million). This brings total disbursements under the arrangement to SDR 111.664 million, which is about US$156.7 million. The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement its member countries’ official reserves. 

Journalists Urged To Promote Gender Issues..As FeJAL Holds Sensitive Forum


The Country Representative of United Nations Women (UN Women) has urged Liberian journalists to play leading role in the promotion of gender sensitive issues in a bid to enhance inclusive economic growth and development. Speaking at the opening of a five-day gender sensitive reporting forum organized by the Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FeJAL), Ms. Marie Goreth Nizigama, observed that there is a huge gap in the political landscape and decision making process of country. Against the backdrop, the UN official called on the media to play a paramount role in changing the narrative by giving women more equal access and coverage, reports Heritage newspaper. 

Mediation Committee To Hold Peace Talk With Political Stakeholders


According to Heritage newspaper, the Liberia Mediation Committee has earmarked the holding of a three-day peace talk with national and international stakeholders across the Country. According to the committee’s Adviser, Chief Zanzar Karwor, the planned form is intended to find a amicable solution to ongoing political development in the country. Chief Karwor said the meeting will bring together national and international stakeholders from different organizations. Chief Karwor was speaking recently following a meeting held by meeting held by members of the mediation committee in Monrovia.

Dr. Amegashie Elected WACP Chairman of Family Medicine

Dr. Emmanuel P. Amegashie has been appointed chairman of Family Medicine at the West African College of Physicians’ (WACP) 41st Congress in Dakar, Senegal recently. The congress, attended by over 400 physicians from across the sub-region, deliberated on the theme: ‘The challenges of the double burden of health in Africa.’ Sub-themes included: ‘The High Burden of Infectious Diseases; Non Communicable Diseases; Health Financing in Africa; Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases.’  Participants were drawn from 15 West African countries (ECOWAS) and among several papers presented was an address by the WACP president , Dr. Ifeoma Egbuonu. The WACP, established in 1976, is an association of medical specialists in the sub-region with headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria. The latest countries to be admitted into WACP are Mali, Guinea, Togo, Burkina Faso and Guinea Bissau. Cape Verde remains the only West African country yet to become a member, reports the Daily Observer. 

Youth Opportunity Program Receives Motorbikes To Ease Work In Counties


The FrontPage Africa newspaper  says Supervisors of Liberia’s 15 political divisions benefiting from the Youth Opportunity Project (YOP) have received one motorbike each, for the enhancement of their work. The supervisors were recruited by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) to head 15,000 youths, who will be trained for the implementation the YOP throughout Liberia. The YOP is a US$10 million initiative sponsored by the World Bank and implemented by the Ministry of Youth and Sports along with LACE

Japanese NGO Extends Scholarship Program to Liberia

The Japanese international non-governmental organization, Ashinaga Africa Initiative (AAI), is expected to shortly begin its leadership program in Liberia, the program coordinator, Hector Bagley, disclosed. The launch of the program, according to Bagley, will be the first AAI program in the country. Bagley said, “Ashinaga is traveling to Monrovia to promote the brand and to also meet with representatives of leading NGOs, media houses and relevant government agencies.” Ashinaga provides educational and emotional support for orphaned students worldwide to enable them to overcome emotional trauma and advance in their academic pursuits by becoming agents of social change, the Daily Observer reports.

Cultural Music Icon, Tokay Tomah, is Dead

Celebrated singer, composer, recording artist and cultural dancer, Tokay Tomah, who joined the Liberian National Troupe in the late 1970s, died yesterday after she collapsed on her way to work in Philadelphia, United States. Born in Buutuo, Nimba County in 1968, she was the last of six children and was therefore named Tokay, meaning ‘stay in the house’. According to the Daily Observer, she was recruited as a teenager to join the Liberian National Troupe when former President William R. Tolbert and Director of Culture Peter Ballah visited her county on a tour and were impressed by her dancing. As a member of the troupe which toured Europe, United States, and several African countries during the 80s, she served as a background vocalist for most of the famous singers including Fatu Gayflor, Zaye Tete, and Nimba Bird.