Daily Media Summary 2017-11-14

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies include among other news of President Sirleaf’s visit to the Rochas Foundation African College in Nigeria, her anticipation that the erection of a statue in her honor in Imo State will inspire young girls and women in the continent to reach their potentials and the training of thirty-seven procurement staff in the country.

President Sirleaf Commends Rochas Foundation

The INQUIRER newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has commended and visited the Rochas Foundation African College and met with, among whom were five Liberian children in attendance. She commended the Rochas Foundation for bringing together children from across Africa and impacting the lives of young African children. “I’ve never experienced anything like the Rochas Foundation. “I could do no less than reflect 25 years ago, in my country when children like them couldn’t go to school because there were no schools. “Children like them were conscripted into the army, where they held guns that were bigger than them,” President Sirleaf noted. According to a dispatch from Owerri, Imo State- Nigeria, President Sirleaf made the statement on the campuses of the College when she addressed students of Rochas Foundation. Addressing students, she recounted how thing have changed from previous years especially in her country and how ingenuities such as this one have helped to improve the lives of privileged children, among others. Speaking, State Governor, Rochas Okorocha said President Sirleaf is a pride to Africa and an inspiration to all the women in Africa and beyond, adding that her coming to the State, especially the school was exciting. Governor Rochas Okorocha said the Foundation was not set up to show wealth, rather a platform to foster the kind of unity Africa desires.

Pres. Sirleaf Hopeful Her Statute Will Inspire Young Girls and Women In The Continent

According to INSIGHT newspaper, President of Liberia, Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is hopeful that the erection of a statue in her honor in Imo State will inspire young girls and women in the continent to reach their potentials. She made the remark while delivering a lecture on the topic “Women in Politics” at the International Convention Centre Owerri adding that as a continent Africa has some good reasons to celebrate. The statue was unveiled after the lecture. While unveiling the statue, Governor Rochas  Okorocha said Sirleaf has done Africa in particular proud and the world at large, stressing that the Liberian President deserves every honor because she has remained a woman of inspiration.

Related Caption: President Sirleaf Extols Governor Okorochas, People Of Imo State For Honoring Her (Heritage)

Visiting Kosovo Leader Sees Parallels Between Liberian And Kosovan Women

The former President of the Southeastern European state of Kosovo, Her Excellency Atifete Jahjaga, has drawn parallels between her nation and Liberia, especially the resilience of women during the two countries’ recent conflicts and their contributions to post-conflict peace consolidation and development. Resident Jahjaga, who, after a successful career in public service–including 13 years in law enforcement–became the youngest woman in the world to be elected president, was in Liberia this week as one of the leaders of the National Democratic Institute’s (NDI) international election observation mission. While awaiting the new date for the runoff polls, Atifete Jahjaga took time to meet in Monrovia with Liberian women who have suffered sexual violence and others who are policy advocates on women’s issues.  She also visited a shelter in Paynesville for children who have been victims of sexual abuse. Kosovo is a landlocked country that emerged from the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia at the end of the twentieth century, pens the INSIGHT newspaper.

37 Undergo Public Procurement Training

The FrontPage Africa newspaper says thirty-seven procurement staffs from government ministries and agencies as well as partner institutions have begun five-day training in public procurement in Liberia. The training, which is being conducted under the auspices of the Public Procurement and Concession Commission (PPCC) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), is designed to address the huge capacity deficit in Liberia’s procurement sector. PPCC Chief Executive Officer James Dorbor Jallah said the training is part of ongoing preparation by the UNDP, which has benefited over 300 persons in the procurement field. Mr. Jallah named the move as a start of reform in the procurement sector, which forms part of their public financial management reform drive. UNDP County Director Beyai said a collaboration with Liberia’s procurement agency is part of UNDP’s own way of enabling Liberia to have a strong accountability system. The training according to the UNDP Liberia boss is being facilitated by a career procurement professional from his entity’s project support office in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Related Caption: CIPS Level 3 Training Underway In Monrovia (Daily Observer)

Liberia Celebrates World Orphans Day

According to the New Dawn newspaper, Liberia on Monday, 13 November joined nations the world over in celebration of World Orphan Day. The Executive Director of Orphans Concern Liberia, Amos Sawboh says second Monday in November each year is dedicated to highlighting the plight of orphans globally. Mr. Sawboh says the situation of orphans in Liberia is not something to be silent about because the country suffered the Ebola outbreak, which left many children orphans and they are being forgotten about. He explains that his group plans to visit few orphanages across Monrovia and to later read a statement to the United Nations, requesting the day to be commemorated just like the Day of the African Child. Mr. Sawboh continues that orphans in orphanages should be given hope by assuring them though they don’t have parents, but there is hope that they can live a better life, and become whoever or whatever they aspire to become.

For Securing Paynesville From Criminals: Paynesville Business Association Identifies With LNP

A local business organization, under the banner "Paynesville Business Association,” Monday donated several items to the Liberia National Police (LNP). The items include 100 bags of 25kg rice,15 pieces of mattresses, 24 pieces of rubber chairs and 15 dozen of bottled water for upkeep of officers in the 15 counties. The president of the Association, Sheik Y. Jalloh, said the donation is intended to acknowledge the services being provided by the LNP for the business community, since the ascendency of Col. Gregory Coleman as Inspector General.
Deputy Inspector General for Administration, Col. Sadatu Reeves, thanked the Association for the timely response and promised that the donations will be used for its intended purpose, reads the Heritage newspaper.

Internews Conducts Media Forum- Forum Focus: “Promoting Democracy and Preventing Violence through Dialogue”

Internews, an international non-profit organization, has planned a one-day forum aimed at engaging media and civil society in a discussion on the lessons learned from the October 10, 2017 elections, challenges ahead and the way forward for the runoff election. The event, which will feature two panel discussions focusing on the theme, “Promoting Democracy and Preventing Violence through Dialogue,”’ is scheduled for Thursday, November 16 at the Paynesville Town Hall. The panels, which will comprise stakeholders from the media, civil society and law, will address the topics, “Lessons Learned from the October 10 Elections, Challenges and the Way Forward for a Possible Runoff Election’’ and “Promoting Free, Fair and Transparent Elections through Civic and Voter Education.’’ According to an Internews release, the aim is to encourage civic and voter education through the provision of accurate information about the electoral process; examine the Supreme Court case and its impact on the electorate; and encourage media to report in a conflict sensitive manner through accurate, balanced and objective reporting aimed at empowering   citizens to make informed choices at the polls, reads the Daily Observer.

Related Caption: One Day Civic Dialogue On Post Oct. 10 Elections In Liberia (The INQUIRER)

UL Receives Huge Consignment of Books

According to the Daily Observer, a large consignment of textbooks on various academic subjects was received last Friday by the University of Liberia (UL). The books include the latest editions of textbooks on law, political, social and natural sciences and English literature. Mrs. Thelma C. Doe, UL Director of Libraries, said the textbooks were donated through the agency of the Kofi Annan Institute of Conflict Resolution; a graduate program specialized in training students in conflict management. Mrs. Doe said the books are very useful, to the extent that the UL authorities think they will enhance the reading culture among students. The textbooks, Mrs. Doe said contain up-to-date research materials useful to the students. The daily says the UL administration has already dispatched some of the books to the Straz-Sinje Technical and Vocational College in Sinje, Garwula District, Grand Cape Mount County.