Daily Media Summary 2017-07-04

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Monrovia, Liberia


Dominating today’s newsstand is President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to the United States of America commemorating the 241st Independence Anniversary of that country.

Other stories include the rejection of two Representative aspirants by National Elections Commission, the ratification of Gbarnga-Salayea Road Project by the Liberian Senate, the launching of new Polio vaccine by the Ministry of Health, the opening of African Union Summit in Ethiopia, the installation of more street lights in Monrovia by the Liberia Electricity Corporation, and National Social Security and Welfare Corporation’s clarification of the issuance of US$1.4 million to Cocopa Rubber Corporation in Nimba County.

 Dominant Story 

President Sirleaf Applauds U.S. On 241st Independence Day…Promises To Expand Bilateral Cooperation


The Daily Observer quotes a Foreign Ministry release that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extended felicitations to the President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump, on the country’s 241st Independence Anniversary today. Independence Day, also referred to as Fourth of July, in the United States, is the annual celebration of nationhood. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed the independence of the United States of America from Great Britain and its King, King George III. According to the release, President Sirleaf said, “As the people of the United States commemorate another milestone in their nationhood, we recall the historic bond of friendship and cooperation between our two countries, which continues to witness exponential heights.” 

Related Caption:President Sirleaf Applauds US On 241st Independence Anniversary(Insight),Ellen Congratulates America(Inquirer)

Other Stories 

Code Of Conduct Nails Two Rep. Aspirants


With less than 100 days to the October 10 Presidential and Legislative elections, the National Elections Commission (NEC) yesterday rejected two representative aspirants found in violation of the Code of Conduct (CoC). While it is not clear on what counts the two aspirants were rejected, both are presidential appointees. One is an official of Gbarpolu County, whose name has not been disclosed. The other, Abu B. Kamara, is an Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, who’s an aspirant for Montserrado County District #15. The CoC requires public officials to adhere to legal and ethical standards in the performance of their respective duties and a commitment to the system of internal control, reports the Daily Observer.

Related Caption: Code Of Conduct Hooks Two(Inquirer)

Senate Ratifies Gbarnga Salayea Road Project

According to the Daily Observer, the Senate at its 45th day sitting last week unanimously voted to ratify a financing agreement for the upgrading of the Gbarnga-Salayea road. The Senate’s decision was based on a report received from its Joint Committee on Ways, Means, Finance and Budget; Foreign Affairs; and Judiciary, Claims, Petitions and Human Rights that were mandated to act on a communication from President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf submitted to ratify a loan agreement in the tune of US$20 million. The US$20 million agreement between the government of the Liberia and the OPEC fund for International Development (OFID) was submitted to the Legislature in March 2016 by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning through President Sirleaf to generate partial financial for the upgrading of the Gbarnga-Salayea road. According to the agreement, the government will pay interest at the rate of one percent per annum on the principal amount of the loan withdrawn and outstanding. 

MOH Launches New Polio Vaccine


The Ministry of Health and partners through its expanded program on Immunization has today launched a new polio vaccine. The official launch of the Inactivated Polio Vaccine took place at the Kakata administrative building on Monday July 3, 2017. The new vaccine called Inactivated Polio Vaccine is injectable and faster to give children under one year for further protection against the Polio Virus. Speaking at the launch Assistant Health Minister, Dr. Sampson Aquoi said the IPV launch will go a long way in ensuring the survivors of the country’s future leaders, the Frontpage Africa newspaper writes.

African Union Summit Opens In Ethiopia

The 29th Biannual African Union summit opened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Monday with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe presenting a $1 million donation to the body in a push for self-sufficiency. About 60 percent of the African Union’s budget comes from foreign donors, including the European Union, World Bank and non-member countries. Mugabe, who has ruled Zimbabwe since its independence in 1980, has repeatedly called on the bloc to become self-supporting. “Africa needs to finance its own programs,” he said in comments to Zimbabwe’s state television, reports the Daily Observer.

LEC Installs More Street Lights in Monrovia

In an effort to help the Liberian National Police which announced recently an installation of civilian camera (CCTV) in various parts of the streets to create a safe environment mainly at night, the Liberia Electricity Corporation over the weekend began an exercise of replacing the damaged streets light in the city. LEC says the exercise will not only be limited to the major streets in Central Monrovia but will extend to the ELWA Junction and to other communities in and around Monrovia. Speaking to a team of journalists during a wet night on Broad Street over the weekend, the Acting Managing Director Ernest Hughes, who just took over the Board of Directors said the installation of streets lights is to help improve the security condition in the country. He added that in the absence of the streets lights, nobody is going to see the CCTV Footage of what is happening at night. He said: “one of the things we are trying to do is to make the streets of Monrovia safe. I think you heard the Police Director; they had already started with the CCTV, where they will improve the security condition of the country, the Frontpage Africa newspaper reads.

Ecobank Gets Award For Most Tax Compliance

The Inquirer newspaper reports that over the weekend, the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) observed its Taxpayers Appreciation Day at the Monrovia City Hall. This event saw at least 33 business houses and individuals, including Lonestar Cell MTN, Orange Liberia, and Monrovia Club Breweries, awarded the Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes for outstanding performance in tax contribution value and compliance; as well as Ecobank Compliant Large Taxpayer for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. The LRA Tax Appreciation Day, which is the first for the institution since it commenced operations in 2014, was intended to recognize and appreciate taxpayers based on two underlining considerations: tax contribution and tax compliance. The awards, given in subcategories of Large, Medium and Small Tax, Petty Trader, Real Property, and Highest Taxpayers for Counties, covered tax payment records for Fiscal Year 2015 – 2016. The Awardees also received one-year tax clearance certificates as complementary prizes in addition to the plaques and certificates.

NASSCORP Gives Cocopa US$1.5M, But Not For Campaign

According to the Daily Observer, Dewitt vonBallmoos, the Director General of the National Social Security and Welfare Corporations (NASSCORP), has issued a correction to the Senate’s claim that the corporation funded the Liberty Party’s campaign activities in the amount of US$1.4 million under the guise of investing in the Cocopa Rubber Corporation in Nimba County. “A few days ago, it was reported that the Senate queried an investment made by NASSCORP in the Cocopa Rubber Corporation, now Nimba Rubber Incorporated (NRI). Those reports alleged that the corporation gave a sum of US$1.4 million to the LP under the pretext of investing in Cocopa,” VonBallmoos told journalists yesterday at his 15th Street office in Monrovia.

Related Caption: Social Security Clarifies US1.4Million Issue(Inquirer)

NSC On Climate Change, REDD+ Liberia Strategies Approved

According to the Daily Observer, the National Steering Committee on Climate Change (NSCCC) under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) has approved a five strategy plan for the implementation of the REDD+ forest project in Liberia. This followed months of extensive negotiations and critical documents finalized with support from partners. In an interview with the Daily Observer yester, the National Coordinator for the REDD+ project in Liberia, Saah David Jr, said the official signing ceremony was held at the MFDP on June 28, 2017 and was attended by all forest stakeholders and representatives of the support partners. Mr. David disclosed that the four main strategic plans include but are not limited to building the capacities of communities to sustainably manage the forest and its biodiversity.

Light International School To Open University

According to Daily Observer, the principal of the Light International School System, Alpher Erkan, said the school intends to open a university in the country. Mr. Erkan made the assertion recently during a Ramada-ending dinner with media leaders held at the school’s campus in Monrovia. The dinner was an expression of friendship as an instrument to build peace and harmony in the Liberian society, he said. Mr. Erkan revealed that 99 percent of the school’s teachers are Liberian university graduates, who continue to perform extremely well in ensuring that students get quality education. 

GoL, LADA Validate National Standards Act, Food Law


The Chief of Party of the Liberia Agro Business Development Activities (LADA), Daniel Gies, says he is overwhelmed by the speed with which the establishment of National Standards and Food Safety Law is moving and the momentum it has developed within a limited period. Gies acknowledged that the decision to have a standard and food law is based on the request by farmers, particularly vegetable farmers, who have asked them to help establish an environment to help market their produce in other parts of the world, rather than being limited to the local market that is very small. A National Standards and Food Safety Law is a requirement by several international and regional bodies, including the World Health Organization (WHO), World Trade Organization (WTO), FAO, ECOWAS and is in honor of the CODEX mechanism, the Focus newspaper reads.

LINCSA Completes FACA Awareness in Three Counties as Citizens Calls for Government Speedy Registration of Single Barrel Guns

The Liberia National Commission on Small Arms (LiNCSA) in collaboration with its partners has completed the popularization of the 2015 Fire Arms and Ammunitions Control Act (FACA) in three counties (Montserrado, Sinoe and Rivercess). Sponsored by the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), the three days initiative was held from June 13-19, 2017. The Fire Arms and Ammunitions Control Act of 2015 among other things, prohibits civilians’ ownership and possession of fire arms and light weapons and their related materials. The law also speaks of the use of guns by national security personnel only when authorized and prohibits private security from carrying guns at all times. In recognition of some family using hunting as a means of surviving economically, the law gives right to hunters to own single barrel guns but must be registered and must obtain license which are renewable, the Focusnewspaper writes.

18 Liberian Footballers Depart for Swedish Visas Ahead of International Tournament

Twenty-two Liberians including 18 teenage footballers and four officials from Luyken FC on Sunday, July 2, 2017, departed the country for Lagos, Nigeria to obtain Swedish visas in order to enable them participate in the ‘Gorthia Cup’ tournament in Sweden. The team is expected back in Liberia on Friday, July 7, 2017, before leaving for the tournament. Luyken FC will be representing Liberia in one of the world most prestigious football competitions. Luyken FC is an auxiliary of the Luyken Sports Village established in 2013 by acclaimed Liberian entrepreneur Maria Luyken. Speaking to newsmen prior to departure at the Robert International Airport in Margibi County, Maria Luykun, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Luykun FC disclosed that the team was unable to obtain visas from Liberia and was told by the Swedish Embassy that visas can only be given either in Lagos or Abuja in Nigeria, the Focus reads.