Daily Media Summary 2017-06-01

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s edition of our Summary of the local dailies highlights news of the President of the ECOWAS Commission, His Excellency Mr. Marcel Alain de Souza, promised to ask the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government and others to do a “standing ovation” for the Chair of ECOWAS Authority, Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her government for what he called “the splendid job” she has done for the sub-region and her country and President Sirleaf’s assertion that peace provides a conducive environment for development.


ECOWAS Commission President de Souza Highlights Liberia’s Elections Posture-Promises President Sirleaf, Liberian Gov’t ‘Standing Ovation’ On The 78th Ordinary Session Of The ECOWAS Council of Ministers

The President of the ECOWAS Commission, His Excellency Mr. Marcel Alain de Souza, has promised to ask the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government and others to do a “standing ovation” for the Chair of ECOWAS Authority, Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia and her government for the splendid job she has done for the sub-region and her country. According to a Foreign Ministry release, Mr. de Souza made the assertion during his remarks at the opening of the 38thOrdinary Ministerial Meeting of the ECOWAS Mediation and Security Council taking place at the Farmington Hotel in lower Margibi County. Speaking further, the ECOWAS Commission President providing updates on the sub-region, specifically on the democratic front, said Liberia is the only country that is set to go to presidential and legislative elections in October this year. He praised the Liberian Government for its handling the electoral process so far. Formally opening of the meeting, the Chairperson of the Ministerial Council, Madam Marjon V. Kamara who is also Liberia’s Foreign Minister welcomed her colleagues and guests. “Our President, the Government and people of Liberia are greatly honored by your presence, she said, adding, that the decision to convene these mid-year statutory meetings in Liberia is a very reassuring statement of confidence in the progress which Liberia has made in consolidating peace over the past 13 years that bears testimony to the strong and visionary leadership of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who, with support of partners has kept the Liberian nation on a peaceful course. “ECOWAS, the United Nations and many friendly governments have been indispensable partners in this respect,” Foreign Minister Kamara emphasized. Foreign Minister Kamara paid tribute to the President and staff of the ECOWAS Commission for the positive results of their hard work which continues to bring credit to the regional body. According to the FOCUS newspaper, Foreign Minister Kamara, among other things, expressed her expectation that the 38th MSC Meeting will further enhance their collective initiatives to strengthen the peace and security architecture of the sub-region.

Related Captions: ECOWAS 78th Council of Ministers’ Meeting Opens Today(Daily Observer), ECOWAS Standing Ovation Awaits President Sirleaf(INSIGHT), ECOWAS Commission Prexy Slates ‘Standing Ovation’ for Ellen(Heritage), Previewing ECOWAS Summit: ECOWAS At Ground Zero - Summit Set For Kickoff in Monrovia(FrontPage Africa), ECOWAS Commission President Promises Ellen Standing Ovation(The New Dawn) and ECOWAS 78TH Council of Ministers Begins Today(Heritage).The Daily Observer also reports under the caption “ECOWAS Becoming Hub Of Stability”, that the President of the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, Marcel Alaine de Souza, noted that peace and tranquility is gradually taking root in this once volatile region. President de Souza said adherence to the rule of law and democracy is making the region a hub of stability, though there are problems in Mali and Guinea Bissau. Mr. de Souza made the assertion during his remarks at the opening of the 38th Ordinary Ministerial Meeting of the ECOWAS Mediation and Security Council at the Farmington Hotel in lower Margibi County. 

“Peace Provides A Conducive Environment For Development” – President Sirleaf


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says peace provides a conducive environment for development. She said if there is anything all Liberians agree on - it is the need to preserve the peace that enables us to be better reconcilers. She commended participating political parties for honoring the forum organized by the Inter-Religious Council of Liberia. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf was speaking Wednesday at the Monrovia City Hall where she opened the National Political Forum for Peaceful Elections.  The Liberian leader said more than half a century ago, precisely seventy-three years, Liberians experienced the transition from an outgoing elected President, Edwin J. Barclay to an incoming elected President – William V.S. Tubman after a peaceful free and fair elections. She said on January 16, 2018, Liberians will have the opportunity of a similar experience, which will be the defining test of our nascent democracy.  She added that this will be the trigger for continuation and strengthening of international partnerships.  “As I travel around the country, I see wide acclaim and high expectations for this transition and I am pleased that I am a pivotal part of it, she told political leaders, civil society and the international community, reads the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Captions: Peace Enhances People to be Reconcilers says Pres. Sirleaf; It provides a Conductive Environment for Development(FOCUS), Ellen: “Peace Provides A Conducive Environment for Development”(Heritage), “Peace Provides A Conducive Environment For Development”(The New Dawn)


As High Level Energy Meeting Begins: Liberians Assured of Cheaper Electricity


The General Manager of TRAMSCO CLSG has assured Liberians of cheaper electricity supply upon the completion of connectivity works. TRANSCO CLSG is a regional transmission company responsible for the transmission of affordable and reliable electricity to millions of citizens in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Speaking to journalists at the start of a two-day high-level Donors Coordination meeting in Monrovia, Mr. Mohammed M. Sheriff assured that there will be affordable electricity across the four West African Countries including Liberia, the Heritage newspaper reports.

Pres. Sirleaf Hails Gallant UN Peacekeepers-For Role In Liberia

The FOCUS newspaper says President Sirleaf has paid tribute to the gallantry of United Nations Peacekeepers in ensuring peace and security in Liberia and for returning the country to the path of reconstruction. She praised the peacekeepers for the restoration of stability in Liberia and recounted the enormous sacrificial contributions made to help Liberia attain peace. She recalled the many days of turmoil; noting that it took our African brothers and sisters as well as international peacekeepers to come to our rescue to save us from ourselves. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the remarks on Monday, May 29, 2017 during a solemn ceremony marking International UN Peacekeepers Wreath Laying cum Flag Raising Day under the theme: “Investing in Peace Around the World” held at the Pan African Plaza.

Ombudsman Will Not Handle Election Matters

The Ad Hoc Committee constituted to work on the proposed Act creating the office of the Ombudsman to oversee the Code of Conduct, on Tuesday presented its work to the Senate plenary. The committee was set up by the leadership of the Senate after lawmakers received a letter from President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf nominating members to the office of the Ombudsman for their confirmation. In their debate on several provisions of the Act, the Senators were unanimous in agreeing that issues dealing with electoral matters under Sections 5.1 and 5.2 should not be directly under the supervision of the Ombudsman, but should instead be the responsibility of the National Elections Commission (NEC) and provisions in the Constitution be made accordingly, the Daily Observer reads. 

Investment Incentives for New Farmington Hotel as House Grants Approval


A front-page story of the INSIGHT newspaper reads that the House of Representatives has granted approval pending Concurrence by the Liberian Senate a proposal to grant investment incentives to the newly constructed Farmington Hotel Resorts, Inc. in Margibi County. The latest decision was based on a report presented to the plenary, the highest decision making body of the House by its Joint Committee on Investment and Concessions and Judiciary. The Joint Committee recommended the ratification of an investment Incentive Agreement between the Republic of Liberia and the Famington Hotels Resorts, Inc, the paper says.

USAID Launches 2 Projects at Cuttington University

Under its Sustainable High Impact Infrastructure for Education and Agriculture Project (SHINE), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has launched two major projects on Cuttington University main campus in Suakoko District, Bong County. The projects include the renovation and expansion of Tubman Library and construction of five new staff houses. Speaking at the ceremony Tuesday, USAID-Liberia Education Director Makom Phelps, said implementation of the projects is in furtherance of the U.S Government’s continued support to the advancement of education in Liberia, the Heritage newspaper reads.

Related Caption: USAID Launches 2 Projects at Cuttington University(Focus)

MOA Provides Agro-Inputs for Rice, Cassava Farmers

The President of the National Agro-Inputs Dealers Association says, the government through the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) has provided a consignment of agro inputs to the association for onward distribution to farmers across the country. The National Agro-Inputs Dealers Association of Liberia which was established in 2016, groups dealers in agricultural inputs and is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and the USAID-funded Feed the Future Liberia Agribusiness Development Activity (LADA). Speaking to the Liberia News Agency in Gbarnga recently, Rebecca S. Kalayi said the MOA has provided NPK-15-15 and urea fertilizers, upland and lowland seed rice, and cassava cuttings for distribution among registered farmers in the country, the INSIGHT newspaper reads. 

Menstrual Hygiene not Taboo as Liberia Observes Menstrual Hygiene Day


An inside story of the FOCUS newspaper reads that for the first time in Liberia, a non-governmental women’s right organization dubbed “Medical Liberia” has instituted programs marking this year’s World Menstrual Hygiene Day. The group which has been in support for women and girls, who have been affected by sexual gender-based violence (SGBV), has commenced a three-day program marking the celebration of the day. According to the Medical Liberia, this year’s celebration is aimed at educating girls about their menstruation cycle while being in school, the paper reads. 

Cuba Scholarship Beneficiaries Appreciate Chargé d’Affaires


According to the Daily Observer, Liberians who have benefited from scholarships awarded by the Cuban Embassy last Tuesday showed their appreciation by gowning the Chargè d’Affaires Yordenis Despaigne Vera and Second Secretary, Carmen Maury Toledo, for contributing to their education. The beneficiaries, who are members of the “Cuba-Liberia Friendship Association”, acknowledged the Cuban Embassy officials for their role in promoting Cuba-Liberia relations. In remarks earlier, Chargè d’Affaires Vera said many Africans travel to Cuba to engage in cultural and sporting activities. Despite the economic blockade of Cuba, his country remains committed to providing support to Africa in the area of human resource capacity building, he said. Assistant Minister American Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sie-Teba Neufville, recalled Cuba’s contributions to the liberation of Africa from colonial domination and against apartheid, for which President Fidel Castro provided men to fight alongside their African counterparts. He acknowledged the role Cuba played in the Ebola fight in West Africa in 2014, when Cuba sent 53 medical doctors to Liberia. Minister Neufville disclosed that on the basis of Liberia-Cuba relations, negotiations will soon be concluded with Cuba for medical doctors to come to Liberia to train doctors and other health workers.

Chief Justice Identifies With Wounded AFL Soldiers

A back-page story of the INQUIRER newspaper reads that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, Cllr. Francis S. Korkpor along with Associate Justice Kabina Ja’neh yesterday visited the Edward B. Kessely Military Barracks and identified with two soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) that were wounded while on peace mission. Soldiers Beyan Gvoloson and Titus got wounded while serving on the United Nations Peace Mission in Mali from a rocket attack that placed them on critical list, but later flown to Level 1 Hospital in Dakar, Senegal where the soldiers received advanced medical treatment and brought home (Liberia). Identifying with them, Chief Justice Korkpor informed the soldiers who are said to be recovering from their nightmare, but looking ready to take assignments that the Judiciary was deeply concerned about their plight, especially about the incident in Mali, the paper asserts.

Presidential Task Force Acts On GAC Reports

In furtherance of the General Auditing Commission (GAC) report compliance review exercise, the Special Presidential Task Force (SPTF) has taken series of interim actions on the implementation of the reports as recommended by the Public Account Committee (PAC) of the National Legislature. According to a release from the Task force, Minister Jonathan Fonati Koffa who chairs the SPTF, said following a comprehensive compliance review process, the Task Force has referred 11 individuals and 6 institutions in the GAC report to the Ministry of Justice for further investigation and prosecution, the In Profile Daily says.

LCCBC, Partners Launch Women Empowerment Initiative

Liberia Coca-Cola Bottling Company (LCCBC), UN Women and the Government of Liberia officially launched a partnership on the “Next Level and 5BY20 Joint Initiative” to support women economic empowerment in the country. The initiative which is intended to provide increase access to business skills and access to financial assets was launched yesterday at the Monrovia City Hall in Sinkor. In brief remarks the launcher, Madam Yvonne Bright Harding said in order for women to prosper in business, they need a combination of hard work, financing and policies designed to advocate and support women entrepreneurs in Liberia, the INQUIRER news daily reads. 

41 Agro Dealers Trained In Use Of Inputs, Business Skills


At least 41 agro-inputs dealers chosen from Montserrado, Bong, Nimba and Lofa counties have acquired training in the safe use of agro-inputs and business management skills. The training was organized by the Liberia Agribusiness Development Activity (LADA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Central Agriculture Research Institution, and was recently conducted in Paynesville and Gbarnga, respectively. The Daily Observer reads that LADA, which is the United States government’s food security program for Liberia, aims to work with agro-inputs dealers to build their capacities through training, and the provision of finance so that they can reach smallholder farmers with quality and affordable services. Currently, the organization has trained a total of 63 agro-inputs dealers and facilitated the establishment of the “Agro-inputs Dealers Association of Liberia (ADAL)” in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture. ADAL brings together agro-inputs dealers from the 15 counties of Liberia to provide quality services to farmers.

Tubman University Graduates 170

The William V.S. Tubman University in Harper City, Maryland County,Liberia has held its 4th commencement convocation, putting out 170 graduates from all five colleges operating at the university. The Country Representative of Partners In Health (PIH), Mr. Bryant Eustis, who served as commencement speaker, calls on the graduates to ensure that their tomorrow is better than their today. Mr. Bryant says tomorrow could be better if only the graduates are focused and want to put Liberia on par with other countries in the region.  He describes Tubman University as a resilience institution and admonishes the graduates to be resilience in whatever they do or say as they are now the image of the university in the larger society, Tubman University, formally Tubman College, was certified in 2009 by the Commission on Higher Education at the Ministry of Education to operate as a full-fledge  university. According to theNew Dawn newspaper, since its inception, the institution has been running five colleges, including the College of Education, College of Health Sciences, College of Engineering and Technology, College of Management and Administration, and the College of Agriculture and Food Science, respectively.

Education Ministry Trains 10,000 Teachers Nationwide

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Ministry of Education, with funding support from USAID through UNICEF under the Education Crisis Responds Liberia project, has embarked on a training rollout for 10,000 Teachers nationally across the 15 counties. The daily says the training rollout has been planned in four phases. Phase one covers five counties in the southeast; phase two five counties within the central region, while phases three and four cover Montserrado and four other counties.