Daily Media Summary 2016-08-31


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News of President Johnson Sirleaf condolence message to the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Germany following the death of former Vice-Chancellor and President of Germany, His Excellency Walter Scheel; the joint celebration of the Liberia’s 169th Independence Day Anniversary and National Flag Day by the Liberian Embassy in Abuja and the issuance of Executive Order No. 70 by President Johnson Sirleaf on the suspension of tariff on rice are among stories dominating today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.



Ellen Consoles Germany On Death Of Former Vice –Chancellor


The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Germany following the sad news of the death of former Vice-Chancellor and President of Germany, His Excellency Walter Scheel. Born in Solingen, Germany on July 8, 1919, Mr. Scheel served as President of Germany from 1974 to 1979 and before then served as Vice-Chancellor of Germany from 1969 to 1974. He died in Bad Krozingen, Germany on August 24, 2016. According to the release, in the message to the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, His Excellency Mr. Joachim Gauck, President Sirleaf noted that Mr. Scheel will be remembered as a devoted and passionate negotiator and one of the pioneers of Germany’s Ostopolitik policy which sought to reconcile Germany and Europe. She further indicated that the late Mr. Scheel enunciated admirable policies that significantly contributed to the growing political and economic unity in Europe.



Related Captions: Ellen Consoles Germany For Former Vice-Chancellor Scheel’s Death(In Profile Daily), Liberia Consoles Germany…As Boakai Signs Book Of Condolence(The NEWS)



Abuja Mission Celebrates Joint Independence & Flag Days

The Liberian Embassy in Abuja last week Wednesday celebrated the country’s 169th Independence Day and National Flag Day jointly. A dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in the Nigerian Federal Capital says the joint elaborate event was held on August 24th at a continental hotel in Central Abuja. The dispatch adds that Ambassador Al-Hassan Conteh, Liberia’s Ambassador to Nigeria and Permanent Representative to ECOWAS, in his Independence and Flag Day remarks noted that since the WHO declared Liberia free of Ebola on May 9, 2015 and twice subsequently, Liberia has embarked on a post-Ebola development strategy within the context of the country’s development strategy known as the Agenda for Transformation (AfT). He said this will renew Liberia’s momentum of sustainable development that would enable the country to attain middle income status by 2030.  Liberia is now open for business and investment. He emphasized that the Government of Liberia has opened the market of the country to Nigerian businesses, including banking, insurance, spare parts and aviation.  Many Nigerians continue to reside peacefully in Liberia and vice versa, according to the Heritage newspaper.



Related Captions: Abuja Mission Observes Joint Celebration(In Profile Daily), Abuja Mission Holds Joint Celebrations(The NEWS), Liberia’s Abuja Mission Celebrates Joint Independence & Flag Days(FrontPage Africa)


President Sirleaf Issues Executive Order No. 80;Extends Executive Order No. 70: Suspending Tariff on Rice

According to FOCUS newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has issued Executive Order No. 80; effectively as of August 25, 2016 extending Executive Order No. 70 on the suspension of tariff on rice. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Government of Liberia is committed to ensuring that the prices of certain basic commodities on the Liberian market are at levels that do not impose unnecessary burden on the population. The government conducted an assessment and evaluation of the causes of increases in the prices of various commodities and intends to initiate measures to ameliorate the situation. The release added, “Now Therefore, the Government of Liberia in its desire to continue bringing relief to the public hereby extends Executive Order No. 70, suspending the import tariff on rice as classified under tariff No. 1006.30.00 (in packaging of more than 5kg or in bulk); 1006.30.00 (in packaging of at least 5kg); and 1006.40.00 (broken rice) under the Revenue Code of Liberia Act 2000 as amended.” 


Related Captions: President Sirleaf Suspends Tariff on Rice(Daily Observer), Tariff On Rice Suspended(New DEMOCRAT)



Gov’t Provides Over 10,000 Local, Int’l Scholarships

According to officials of the Ministry of Education, the Liberian Government has provided about 10,400 local and international scholarships to Liberian students over the past 10 years. Of this number, 10,000 scholarships were awarded to local students, while 400 went to international post-graduate students based on the “merit system”. This was disclosed by the Director for Scholarship at the Ministry of Education, Theophilus  Snorton and the Administrator for the Liberian Government Bilateral Scholarship Program at the Ministry, Samuel G. Williams, during a Montserrado county Valedictorian Award ceremony held on the University of Liberia  main campus in Monrovia over the weekend, the Heritage newspaperreports.


Related Captions: Gov't Provides Over 10, 000 Local, Int'l Scholarships(FOCUS),Govt Provides Over 10, 000 Scholarships(The NEWS)


PUL President Wants Salaries Of Public Officials Sliced To Support Education

Press Union of Liberia (PUL) President K. Abdullai Kamara has recommended that the salaries of government officials be sliced and the amount realized used for the education of Liberian youths. Kamara is also requesting that the 2016/2017 fiscal budget be reorganized to ensure that “the national cake is distributed in a manner that serves the greatest interest of all Liberians. He   made the recommendation in his keynote address at the graduation ceremony of the All God’s High school held in Sinkor, Monrovia over the weekend, Heritage newspaper reports.


Related Captions: Kamara Wants Salaries of Public Officials Sliced To Support Education(FOCUS),Kamara Wants Salaries Of Public Officials Sliced(The NEWS)



Mamadee Diakite To Be Buried Today

The Funeral takes place in Monrovia today of deceased popular radio talk show presenter, Mamadee Diakite. Mamadee as he was affectionately called, died at the S.D.A Cooper Hospital yesterday where he had been taken overnight for medical attention. Popularized by the Truth Breakfast Show on Truth FM, Mamadee later moved on to established Prime Communications Network Incorporated, where he served as General Manager and presenter of the popular Prime Morning Drive on Prime FM 105.5 up to his death, reports the New DEMOCRAT newspaper.


Related Captions: Mamadee Diakite Burial Today…Prime FM Talk-Show Presenter Gets Pouring Tributes(In Profile Daily), Mamadee Diakite Is Dead(The NEWS), Media Mourns Popular Talk Show Host Mamadi Diakite(FrontPage Africa)




Ellen Commends Japan for Reinforcing Africa’s ownership

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has commended the Government and people of Japan for their desire to reinforce Africa’s ownership of its development initiatives. According to a dispatch from Nairobi, Kenya, President Sirleaf made the commendation at the Sixth International Conference on African Development (TICAD) taking place in the East African nation. President Sirleaf said the hosting of TICAD VI for the first time in Africa symbolizes Japan’s desire to reinforce Africa’s development initiatives derived from TICAD as the continent pursues its ambitious Agenda 2063 and provides an opportunity for alignment of TICAD VI with this Agenda 2063, commencing with the First Ten Year Implementation Plan. She said it allows Africa opportunity to build synergies among the Africa Agenda, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the proposed Nairobi Declaration, reports the NEWSnewspaper. In a related development, delivering a speech at the Tokyo International Conference, on the theme: "Building a Resilient Health System in Liberia," the FOCUS newspaper reports under the caption “Community Role Key to Resilient Health System”, that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has said community engagement is "the best response mechanism and is key to building a resilient health system" across the African region. The Liberian leader emphasized that the involvement of community volunteers builds confidence and increases public health awareness at very low cost.


US$24bn For Africa’s Health Sector

The New DEMOCRAT newspaper reports that Global Fund has committed itself to investing US$24 billion in Africa over the next three to five years. The announcement was made ahead of the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD-VI), which is Japan’s flagship program for African development. The two-day conference was however, held in Nairobi, Kenya at the weekend.  A World Bank release quotes the Executive Director of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Mark Dybul as saying, “Reducing and preventing HIV, TB and malaria is critically important to alleviate the burden on health systems.”



2016 G20 Summit Eyes Biggest African Media Representation

African journalists might have covered previous G20 summits; however, this year’s summit will see the biggest African media representation. China, as the G20 Summit 2016 host, has accredited 28 African journalists from 27 countries on media fellowship and cultural exchange at the China Africa Press Center (CAPC) in Beijing to cover the event. On August 25, 2016, CAPC’s officials briefed the journalists about their accreditation and their activities including engagement with participants at the Summit, states the In Profile Daily.



Chinese Envoy Meets With Liberian Journalists…Promises More for Liberia

The Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) accredited to Liberia Zhang Yue has reiterated his country’s unwavering support to all aspects of Liberia’s development process, especially in the area of capacity building.  Amb.  Yue recalled that the Government of China has over the years created numerous learning opportunities for Liberians in different sectors of the society, and is committed to doing more for Liberians and Liberia. The Chinese envoy was speaking Monday, August 29, 2016 when he met with three Liberian journalists, who had just returned from the 2016 seminar for journalists and information officers from English-speaking African countries. The seminar, which brought together 32 journalists and information officers together from 13 English-speaking African countries, was organized by the Human resource Development Cooperation in the Framework of China’s foreign Aid, and with sponsorship from the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Heritage newspaper asserts.

Africa Spends Billions on Funding for Domestic Health

A back page story of the NEWS newspaper reads that the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Margaret Chan, has revealed that African countries spent about US$126 billion of their domestic funding for health in 2014. She estimated that an additional $65 to $115 billion domestic funding can be mobilized annually over the next ten years. A World Bank release quotes Chan as saying, “WHO is working with countries in Africa to generate those funds and help them shape the policies that will put them to best use”. 

Over 28, 000 Girls Targeted… for HPV Vaccine


In an effort to reduce cervical cancer in Liberia, the Ministry of Health is targeting 28,436 ten-year-old girls to receive the vaccine Gardasil to protect them from the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the virus that causes cervical cancer. Cervical Cancer, one of the most common cancers in women worldwide, occurs when abnormal cells on the cervix grow out of control. The cancer can be successfully treated when diagnosed early, the NEWS reports.



WARFP US$1.7 Million Fisheries Project Makes Progress In Robertsport…Liberia Project Coordinator Discloses Additional Funds secured

A US$1.7 million fisheries project in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County  under the auspices of the West Africa Regional Fisheries Project (WARFP) construction works have begun to move at a fast pace. A top official of the WARFP-Liberia says the fisheries project is being funded by the World Bank in direct response to improving the socioeconomic conditions of fishermen and women in the country. WARFP Liberia’s Project Coordinator Mr. Yevewuo Subah Friday told the Daily Observer in an exclusive interview that the Robertsport fisheries project, when completed, would pave the way for other projects in other fishing communities around Liberia.



River Gee and Grand Kru Left Out of PSL Initiative

According to the FOCUS newspaper, as the operators participating in the Partnership Schools for Liberia initiative prepare for a September opening of schools, the Ministry of Education has disclosed that River Gee and Grand Kru will be left out of the initiative to allow private operators to manage public schools. According to the ministry officials, schools were randomly selected to allow for proper evaluation. Katherine Pavelieh, a consultant with the ministry, said the operators responding to request for proposal were initially asked to name three or four counties of interest. The goal was to ensure that PSL was spread all across Liberia to demonstrate that this was a program that could be done across the country. 



Liberia's Corrections Bureau Graduates Largest Recruits in 12 Years

"By virtue of your employment in this entity, we highly expect of you the following: Discretion, consciousness, integrity, courtesy, punctuality, honesty, impartiality, and transparency." These were words of admonition to the 11th graduating class of the Bureau of Corrections (BCR) from Lofa County Senator Stephen Zargo, Chairman on National Security at the Liberian Senate. The Senator was the keynote speaker during the ceremony which took place at the Liberia National Police Training Academy (LNPTA) in Paynesville, near Monrovia. Class 11th of the BCR is the largest since 2004. The colorful event was marked by spectacular drill performances centered on command and control, teamwork, trust building, intelligence and efficiency displayed on the open-air sports pitch at the academy. The graduation ceremony was climaxed with a formal program that featured speeches, awards presentation, and administering of oath of office, reports the FOCUS newspaper.



Sea Erosion Still Threatening D. Tweh

Flood has again taken over the D. Tweh community; this time posing a serious threat to the D. Tweh High school. This is not the first time that sea erosion has threatened the community but it seems the ravaging and remorseless sea is resolute and adamant to have the oldest high school submerged. According to the Principal of the D. Tweh High School, Mr. Edwin Ngabe, the water continues to embarrass them whenever there is torrential rainfall; hence the government should indeed contain this precarious situation, the INQUIRERreports.