President Sirleaf Hails United Republic of Tanzania Independence Anniversary

The Liberian Leader, Her Excellency President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated the People and Government of the United Republic of Tanzania on the occasion marking its 53rd Independence Anniversary.


President Sirleaf, in her congratulatory message to Tanzanian Leader, His Excellency Dr. Jakaya Morisho Kikwete, extended heartiest congratulations and sincere best wishes on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name to the Government and People of the United Republic of Tanzania.


The Liberian Leader said that as Liberians join the gallant People of Tanzania in celebrating this historic milestone in their nation’s history, she entertained the hope that the cordial and brotherly relations and cooperation so happily subsisting between the two countries will continue to grow in the years ahead.


President Sirleaf also wished that the Almighty Allah will endow President Kikwete with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his compatriots to greater prosperity.