President Sirleaf Consoles Nigerian Leader

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to her Nigerian counterpart, His Excellency Goodluck Ebele Jonathan over news of the deaths of at least 95 Nigerians.

The 95 Nigerians lost their lives when a truck carrying fuel skidded off the road and exploded in the oil rich Delta State, further injuring at least 50 other persons.

The President, in her message to Nigerian President Jonathan, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name extends to him and through him to the Government and People of Nigeria, particularly the bereaved families, deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences for the irreparable loss sustained on this mournful occasion.

The Liberian Leader further stated that as Liberians join the People of Nigeria in mourning the tragic event, it is her fervent prayer that the Almighty God will grant comfort and solace to the Nigerian Leader and his compatriots during these dark hours of national mourning.

President Johnson Sirleaf then wished that the Nigerian Leader will accept with renewed assurances her highest consideration.