U S High Level Businessmen delegation arrives in Liberia to invest in Economy.

A high level visiting American based business investors have arrived in Liberia to invest in the Liberian economy, including the agriculture, sports, and seaport and housing sectors.

The high powered American investors who were led by Liberia’s Ambassador accredited to the United States H.E. Mr. Jeremiah Solunteh ,  include  Mr. Siafa Vani ,  President of  Blue Green Enterprises INC,  Mr. Mark Yancey,  Vice President of Project Development IBBI International Project Development,  Mr. Roger Hickey, President and Founder of Fresh Park, INC .

On Wednesday May 27, 2014 the delegations paid a courtesy call on Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan at his Foreign Ministry’s office in Monrovia. 

While introducing the team of businessmen Ambassador Solunteh recounted the prospect of the new investment which he described as huge opportunities that will affect the country’s postwar economy, particularly sugar cane, seaport, sports and housing sectors.

The Liberian Ambassador praised the investors and called on well meaning Liberians and the Government of Liberia to promote and embrace these initiatives which he said come with huge opportunities impacting the nation by creating jobs for the Liberian populace.

 Welcoming the visiting US Business Team, Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan lauded the excellent initiatives and thanked Ambassador Solunteh and members of the delegation for coming to invest in Liberia’s postwar economy at this critical period when the nation is on the path of recovery.

Minister Ngafuan assured the group of his Ministry’s support and willingness to assist them to carry out their business plan in Liberia, adding “we will work with our colleagues in other line ministries to ensure that this investment is fruitful and rewarding, saying I would like to be invited in the future for a dedication program where we will be opening new projects.

He particularly applauded the team for coming to Liberia, with the determination to rehabilitate and take over the Hotel Africa and Ducor, and invest in other priority areas aimed at providing job opportunities for the Liberian people.

He lauded the move by a young and patriotic Liberian who thought of coming to   invest in Hotel Africa and the Ducor parlance hotel and to build student housing units at the University Of Liberia Fendel campus outside Monrovia.

Speaking at the meeting with the Foreign Minister, Mr Saifa Vani who is interested in real estate business said he is here in Liberia after nearly two decades from the United States to assist in the rebuilding process of Liberia adding “am not here necessarily to maximum profits but to contribute my quota to the country’s postwar reconstruction and development drive.

Mr.  Vani   is a typical Liberian citizen hailing from Kolahun District, Lofa Country who left the country after graduating from St Patrick High School   to pursue advance education in the United States.

Two of the visiting guests who expressed interest in investing in the sugarcane, sports, seaport and power supply also thanked the government for the peaceful atmosphere created under this administration.   In the area of sport, the investor said his entity will concentrate on recreation centers through building sporting academy aimed at training Liberian kids to be productive and to participate in international competitions such as international Olympic.

In the sugarcane production, the U S business group said plans are underway to secure 40 acres of land to establish sugarcane plantation whereby sugarcane would be used to manufacture other sugar and other finished products at the adding the investment will include building 10 megawatt power plant to supply electricity to some local communities in the area.