President Weah Congratulates Republic of Haiti

The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency President George Manneh Weah has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Republic of Haiti on the occasion marking the 214th  Independence Anniversary of that country.

In the message to his Haitian  counterpart His Excellency Jovenel Moise, President of the Republic of Haiti, President Weah extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in  his own name.

According to a Foreign Ministry Release, The Liberian President assured that as Haiti commemorates this monumental milestone of its history, Liberia extend its appreciation of the historic bonds of cooperation and cordial friendship subsisting between the two Countries and Peoples.

President Weah also wish that the warm relations subsisting between Liberia and Haiti will continue to flourish as both countries collaborate for the realization of global peace, security, economic and social development.


“ on this occasion, we renew our friendship and corporation with your great country in anticipation of broadening our partnership on tangible issues of mutual benefits’ the Liberian leader added.


President Weah then extend his fervent prayer that President Jovenel Moisewill enjoy sound health, longevity and wisdom, as he provide leadership for peace,unity and prosperity of Haiti.