President Sirleaf Extends Independence Messages To Iraq And Lesotho

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extended two separate messages of congratulations to the Governments and Peoples of the Republic of Iraq and the Kingdom of Lesotho respectively on the joyous occasions commemorating the 81stand the 47th Independence Anniversaries of the two countries.

In her Message to the Iraqi President, His Excellency Jalal Talabani, the Liberian President on behalf of the Liberian Government and People of Liberia conveyed heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of Iraq.  

President Sirleaf also prayed that as Liberians join the People of Iraq in celebrating this historic event, the Almighty God will shower President Talabani with abundant wisdom and good health as he steers the affairs of his compatriots, and as he leads his country into noble heights.    

At the same time, President Sirleaf, in her message to His Excellency, Mr. Tom Motsoahae Thabane, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho, noted that the Government of Liberia looks forward to further strengthening the bilateral relations subsisting between both Liberia and Lesotho and closely collaborating on the implementation of the objectives of the African Union.