President Sirleaf Congratulates Swiss Confederation

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extended a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Swiss Confederation on the historic occasion commemorating the Federal Charter of 1291 of the Swiss Confederation.


In her message to His Excellency, Didier Burkhalter, President of the Swiss Confederation, President Johnson Sirleaf stated, “I am delighted to convey to your Excellency, and through you, to the Government and people of the Swiss Confederation, my sincere congratulations and best wishes. Relations between Liberia and the Swiss Confederation have been excellent and long”. 


The Liberian leader indicated that her Government remains positive that the ties of amity and enhancing cooperation between the two countries will be incessantly strengthened in the years ahead in the best interest of both countries and peoples.


President Johnson Sirleaf then wished for President Didier Burkhalter, personal well being and for the People of the Swiss Confederation progress and prosperity.