President Sirleaf Applauds Kenya On Its 53rd Independence Anniversary

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a congratulatory message to the Government and people of the Republic of Kenya on the occasion marking their 53th Independence Anniversary on December 12th.


December 12, marks a double occasion – as on this day Kenya gained its independence from British colonial rule in 1963 as well as the day when it became a republic in 1964. Independence Day, also known as Jamhuri Day (“Jamhuri” – a Swahili word – which means “Republic”) is one of the most significant national holidays observed in Kenya.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, in her message to the President of Kenya, His Excellency Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, extended warmest congratulation and best wishes as the people of Kenya observe this joyous occasion.


She hoped that the bond of friendship and cooperation subsisting between their two countries will be further strengthened for the mutual benefit of their respective peoples. 


The Liberian leader fondly recalled the honor to have participated and experience first-hand, the wave of patriotism displayed by the people of Kenya on their National Day.


She prayed that as they continue to work together in exploring new frontiers for deepening cooperation between their two countries, the Almighty God will endow His Excellency Mr. Kenyatta with abundant wisdom and strength as he continues to lead his people to sustainable peace and greater prosperity.