Liberia’s Ambassador Kronyanh Presents Credential to Italian President Mattarella ¬-Promises to Deepen and Cement Liberia-Italy Relations

The Liberian Ambassador accredited to the Republic of Italy, H. E.  Andrew W. Kronyanh has presented his Litters of Credence to H. E. Mr. Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic of Italy officially accrediting him as Liberia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Liberia to the Republic of Italy.  


According to a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Rome, Italy, the colorful presentation ceremony took place on Friday, September 6, 2019 at the Quirinal in Rome, the Republic of Italy.


In his Opening Remarks, before presenting his credentials to the Italian leader, Ambassador Kronyanh stated “I bring you warm greetings from His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, on this auspicious occasion marking my presentation of Letters of Credence to Your Excellency Sergio Mattarella, President of the Italian Republic. 


Ambassador Kronyanh thanked H. E. President Sergio Mattarella, and his Government for the warm reception accorded him upon arrival at the Italian Capital Rome, as resident Ambassador in that country.     


 It is with great honor and pleasure for me to present to Your Excellency the Letters of the President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Mr. George Manneh WEAH as Ambassador of the Republic of Liberia to the Republic of Italy”, the Liberian Ambassador declared. 


A Foreign Ministry release quotes the dispatch from its Mission in Rome, Italy as saying that the Liberian Ambassador used the occasion to express gratitude and appreciation to the Government and people of Italy for the collaboration and tremendous support it rendered Liberia in the past, especially in the areas of Road Construction, Commerce, Banking, Forestry, and Education.


 While hailing the excellent bilateral relations between Liberia and Italy, the Liberia’s Envoy particularly praised the Italian Government for its intervention during the outbreak of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease in Liberia which claimed the lives of thousands of Liberians.   


The Liberian Diplomat recalled the timely intervention of the Government of Italy in deploying a team of Medical experts to Liberia headed by Dr AntoninoDicaro, Director of the Microbiology Laboratory and Infectious Disease.    


 He lamented that Liberians will forever appreciate the mobile Laboratory team that was dispatched by Italy to the Medicine San Frontier Treatment Center in Liberia’s northern region of Foya, Lofa County where the death toll was very high, stressing that the total financial support of Italy to the Ebola fight run over FIFTY MILLION EURO (€50,000.000.00), which included food supply, drugs and others.


He told the Italian leader that his appointment by President George Manneh Weah as Liberia’s Ambassador to the Republic of Italy is a clear demonstration of Liberia’s   interest and commitment to excellent bilateral relations with the Republic of Italy and to strengthen the already existing cordial relationship between both nations.    


 The Liberian Envoy then indicated that during his tour of duty in Italy, he intends to vigorously engage the Italian private sector aimed at attracting Foreign Direct Investments to Liberia as a means of contributing to the country’s national agenda. 


The Ambassador also noted that while in Italy as ambassador he intends to work hard so as to strengthen the bilateral engagements with the Italian Government aimed at identifying new areas of collaboration and partnership.


The Liberian diplomat used the occasion to extend an Invitation to the Italian government and companies to come and invest in the Liberian economy. Ambassador  Kronyanhobserved that after the consummation of diplomatic relationship between the two countries prior to the Liberian civil upheaval in 1990, Italy has been actively engaged with Liberia providing a number of technical supports in the areas of Road Construction, Commerce, Banking, Forestry, and Education amongst others.  


He urged the Italian Government to continue its investment in these critical sectors particularly aimed at enhancing Liberia’s Pro-Poor Agenda for prosperity and development.


Ambassador Kronyanh particularly applauded Italy for its intervention in the areas of human resource capacity building of Liberia, specifically referencing the provision of training for medical personnel at the A. M. Dogliotti College of Medicine at the University of Liberia.  


“It is worth mentioning that Italy has been the major donor to the medical college since its establishment in 1962”, he stressed.


The Liberian veteran diplomat said as a clear manifestation of Italy’s commitment to Liberia, the Italian Government in March 2008 committed itself to supporting community-based farming organizations (CBFO) in three counties in Liberia, including  Nimba, Maryland and Grand Kru respectively, following the signing of the inter-Country coordination for West Africa food security project, valued at 1.5 million Euro, an Italian government funded project aimed at strengthening the two government’s relations.  


He lauded Italy for granting a total debt waiver to Liberia in the framework of the Paris Club which he said the Government and people of Liberia will forever remain eternally grateful to Italy.    


Ambassador Kronyanh also used the occasion to appreciate the Republic of Italy for accommodating Liberians who lived and played in that country stressing thatthe Liberian people feel a deep feeling of friendship and hospitality towards the Government and people of Italy for the generosity accorded to our President during his Professional Soccer career in Europe especially in Italy, where he clinched three awards the same year.  


He indicated that with this warmth hospitality, the Government and people of Liberia look forward to evaluate new fields of cooperation in the framework of Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development tofurther increase bilateral relations in every field of common interest.


  “I would like to assure you that I am taking on this mission with a sincere spirit and with a deep sense of respect, responsibility, good will and enthusiasm.”  


In response, H E President Sergio Mattarella while receiving his credentials thanked the Liberian Envoy for his excellent presentation and extolled the excellent bilateral and historic relationship between Liberia and Italy.


President Sergio Mattarella then promised and assured the Liberian diplomat of Italian continued investments in Liberia which is expected very soon.  


Both Liberia and Italy diplomatic friendship got deepened in 1863 when a Treaty of friendship, commerce and Navigation was consummated in London, United Kingdom.  Later in 1952, a statement on establishing Commercial Relation was signed and thereafter in 1957 diplomatic relations at Ambassadorial level was established.


 Italy is among the premier nations to formallyrecognize the independence and sovereignty of Liberia, and went forth with an affirmative action with "the signing of a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation" barely a year laterfollowed by a "Statement on Commercial Relations” signed in 1952.