Faculty and Students of the FSI Welcome Director General

The Faculty and Students of the Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute (FSI) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have expressed happiness for the save return of Dr. Augustine Konneh, Director General from the United States of America after undergoing a knee surgery.


During a surprise program which took place on Thursday May 28, 2015, Faculty, Students, and well wishers welcome the Director General and praised God for his successful procedure to enable him resume his usual hard working role at the FSI.


In a welcome statement, Mr. Mulbah G. Kawoi, Coordinator of the Institution said that he was very pleased to welcome Director Konneh to the Faculty and Students who he said was very concerned about his health and wellbeing and was praying that he goes through the surgery safely.


Speaking at the occasion on behalf of the Faculty and Staff of the institution, Amb. Robert Y. Lormia, III said that it was good to see the Director who he referred to as a man who sees far ahead and is a good leader. Amb. Lormia also commented that having a man like Dr. Konneh around makes things easier at the Institution and he is so pleased and happy to have him around. He thanked the Administration of the Foreign Ministry for assisting Director Konneh seek medical attention abroad.


In addition to the Faculty, Amb. George W. Wallace who is the Advisor to the President on Foreign Affairs and also a lecturer at the FSI commented that Dr. Konneh is a strong and astound man who does not see obstacle or pain as hindrance to his job. He further said that having Dr. Konneh around means that the school will continue to grow.


Speaking on behave of the students, 2014/2015 Class President Talifa Rogers Sauh said that the class was very happy to once again have Dr. Augustine Konneh back and prays and hopes that he will continue to stay with them. According to Mr. Sauh, the Faculty and Staff has imparted great knowledge on the students under the leadership of Director General Konneh and he joins the class and everyone to welcome him and promised that every member of the class is ready and able to serve in the Foreign Service because of the knowledge and training the class has gotten from each and every instructor of the institution.


In his response the honoree, Hon. Augustine Konneh said that he was overwhelmed with the honor and praises bestowed upon him and did not expect to receive such an honor because he feels that it is all his duty to his country. Dr. Konneh said that it is best to build an institution very well instead of building an individual because according to Dr. Konneh, when you build an institution anyone can come and run that institution after the builders have left. "It is better to build an institution than to build individuals", Hon. Konneh said.


According to Dr. Augustine Konneh, the FSI is a place where people are expected to be trained and that he said the school is striving towards getting students trained so well so that they can go out and represent the country to the best of their ability. He noted that the Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been of great help and support to the institution and he hails them for that. Dr. Konneh further said that the honor the students' bestowed upon him makes him stronger and remain on his feet to do his duties. He further encouraged students to study well as the future of the Liberian Foreign Service solely depends on them.