Daily Media Summary 2018-06-27

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Today’s  summary highlights the passage of the draft National Budget by the lower House for the fiscal year 2018/2019; news of Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley cautioning  the newly trained freshmen protocol officers to be steadfast in their duty ; the Liberia Revenue Authority’s  assertion that it has slightly exceeds its projected revenue for May 2018 as well as the five day in house training intended to sharpen the skills of  twenty two  inspectors of  public records and document management  at the Center for National Documents and Records Agency.



House Passes Nat’l Draft Budget At US$570 Million

The House of Representatives has passed the draft national budget for fiscal year 2018/2019 at US$570.148 million or its equivalence of L$84,333,327,390.40 billion. The document has been sent to the Senate for concurrence before it would be forwarded to the Executive Mansion for the President’s signature. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the House’s decision follows a report submitted to plenary by its Joint Committees on Ways, Means, Finance and Public Accounts craving the plenary to approve it. The Joint Committee: “As per Plenary’s mandate, the Committees conducted a vigorous and thorough scrutiny of the draft national budget by ensuring a comprehensive and participatory review of both revenue and expenditure components of the draft budget. The review and scrutiny processes involved the Legislature, the Ministry of Finance, line ministries and agencies, civil society and members of the public.” According to the Committees, it identified US$8 million additional and encumbered revenue from the US$562.148 million projected by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), totaling a total revenue envelope of US$570,148,000.00 or its Liberian dollars equivalent of L$84,333,327,390.40 at an average exchange of L$147.9148 to US$1.


Related Captions: House Passes US$570M Budget(Heritage), House Passes Budget-US$570.148m Projected(In Profile Daily), Pro-Poor Agenda On Tester-As House Passes Budget At US$570m(The New Dawn), House Passes Budget…Increases It By IS$8M(The INQUIRER)


Foreign Minister On Protocol Trainees-As Foreign Service Institute Graduates 50


Related Captions: LRA Exceeds Revenue Target(In Profile Daily), Liberia Revenue Authority Exceeds Revenue Collection Target For May 2018(FrontPage Africa)


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