Daily Media Summary 2018-06-18

Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The news of Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel Tweah’s tour of the headquarters of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) and the gruesome murder of a 9th grade student in Zalemia Town in Zorzor District, Lofa County, are stories highlighted in today’s edition of our Summary of the local dailies.



Finance Minister Tours LRA

The Minister of Finance and Development Planning Samuel Tweah’s tours the headquarters of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) and assures staff of President George M. Weah’s full commitment in supporting the collection of lawful revenue to fund the government’s Pro Poor Agenda. Commissioner General Elfreda Stewart Tamba welcomes and briefs Minister Tweah of developments at the LRA, enumerating key achievements, challenges and prospects of the government’s revenue collecting machinery. According to a press release, CG Tamba, along with her two deputies, later led the Finance boss on a guided tour of the LRA headquarters during which time he entered every office and interacted with employees, thanking them for their services to Mama Liberia. ‘I just stop by to say thank you and that the President appreciates the work you do here every day for the country,’ Tweah notes as he thanks employees, shaking their hands in their respective offices. Minister Tweah, while visiting the Real Estate Tax Division, underscores the need for citizens or property owners to pay their real property taxes. In his final message, the Minister urges employees to keep working harder as that is the only way revenue can be collected for the government to succeed in meeting its development agenda, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: Finance Minister Tours LRA—Lauds Revenue Collection, Assures Pres. Weah’s Support To Strengthen Revenue Collection(Hot Pepper), LRA Assured Of President's Commitment(In Profile Daily)


Man ‘Beheads’ Woman In Lofa

A 9th grade student of the Sumokota Public School in Zalemia Town in Zorzor District, Lofa County, Krubo Gibson, has been allegedly beheaded by Smithwou Ballah after shooting her husband, Mulbah Sumo, a senior student of the Lofa County Community College. According to the Hot Pepper, the deceased and her husband, Mulbah Z. Flomo were on their farm on June 14, 2018 when the alleged perpetrator identified as Smithwou Ballah shot at Mulbah Flomo with a single barrel gun and later ran after his wife, Krubo Gibson and shot her as well. The alleged perpetrator allegedly beheaded Krubo Gibson, cutoff her right hand, right foot and immediately removed her private parts in the name of destroying evidence. The report further said the husband who was shot first managed to get to a nearby town (Fassabu) and was rushed to a hospital in Zorzor, Lofa County, but was later transferred to the Tellewoyan Hospital in Voinjama after going into coma for hours despite earlier news of his death. The daily says the alleged perpetrator is said to be in police custody.


Related Caption: Brutal Murder In Lofa(The INQUIRER); Killing Stirs Chaos in Lofa(The New Dawn)



Weah’s Govt. Committed To Promoting US-Liberia Relations


Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar M. Findley, says the government of President George M. Weah is committed to continue to promote the longstanding historical ties subsisting between Liberia and the United States.According to a dispatch from the Embassy of Liberia in Washington, Minister Findley was speaking on June 13, 2018, when he met with the Ambassador and staff of the Embassy of Liberia in the United States. He was on his first official visit to the United States as Minister of Foreign Affairs. According to the New Dawn newspaper, Minister Findley noted that his visit to the United States was intended to familiarize himself in order to ensure that Liberia remains effectively engaged in further enhancing the special relations between both countries. Reaffirming the new Liberian government’s commitment to further cementing the ties between both countries, Minister Findley said: “the U.S. is a strategic partner of Liberia.” Minister Findley also noted that Liberia’s foreign policy under the new government is focused on economic diplomacy, and he urged the embassy to encourage American business leaders and entrepreneurs to consider Liberia as an attractive business destination. Minister Findley lauded Ambassador Lois C. Brutus and the staff of the Liberian Embassy near Washington for their dedication and sacrifices in the interest of Liberia. Earlier, Ambassador Brutus welcomed Minister Findley and delegation and assured that the staff at the embassy will continue to work diligently to promote the interest of Liberia. Minister Findley was accompanied by Assistant Foreign Minister for American Affairs, Maxwell P. Vah, and the Assistant Minister for Public Affairs, Sylvester K. Pewee.  The meeting was also characterized by questions and answers and a healthy exchange of ideas between Minister Findley and the embassy staff. 

VP Taylor Presents Token Of Gratitude To Queen Elizabeth, II On 92nd Birthday


Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor has presented a colorful quilt bearing the flag and cultural symbols of Liberia to British Ambassador, David Belgrove, for onward presentation to Queen Elizabeth II on her 92nd birthday. In her energetic and detailed speech delivered in Monrovia at the Mamba Point Hotel on June 14, 2018 during the observance of the Queen’s birthday, VP Taylor on behalf of President George Manneh Weah and the government said Liberia was especially appreciative to the Queen and the people of the United Kingdom for the long existing ties that both countries have enjoyed. Great Britain is one European country that recognized Liberia’s independence in 1848, following which both countries established diplomatic and bilateral ties. Though there were some instances where Liberia suffered setbacks in the relations especially when Britain and France encroached on its territory in the east, north and west, the British Government was the first to provide an armed vessel and later some gunboats to Liberia. In 1963, Queen Elizabeth II paid a visit to Liberia in consolidation of the friendship, writes the Daily Observer.

Education Minister Sonii Announces Teacher Recruitment Drive

Education Minister Prof. Ansu D. Sonii has announced that the Ministry is commencing a recruitment drive to fill teaching positions across the country in advance of the 2018/2019 academic year. Speaking at a press conference held at the Ministry, he called on all qualified Liberians wishing to help educate the next generation to begin filing their applications, saying: « We want to welcome the application of qualified personnel wanting to work with the Ministry. There will be an in-service training conducted before the next academic year to ensure teachers with command of the subject matter are dispatched to the classrooms. » He emphasized that beginning the 2018/2019 academic year, all school administrators will be mandated to ensure that any student who does not pass all six subjects required by WAEC must repeat the class. Minister Sonii noted that this is essential for elevating the quality of education provided in the Liberian school system and adequately preparing graduating students for further studies or employment. He also announced that changes would be made to both the academic calendar and to the length of the school day, according to an Education Ministry release issued at the weekend. He emphasized that the school year will begin on September 3, and that no school will be permitted to open before or after that date, noting that the government is mandating the extension of school hours from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to allow teachers sufficient time to teach the required curriculum, asserts the Hot Pepper newspaper.


Related Caption: MOE Changes Academic Calendar: School Runs 8am-3pm(In Profile Daily)


Senate Reviews Presidential Tenure

The Liberian Senate has received a proposal from its Committee on Judiciary, Claims and Petition to reduce presidential tenure here from six to five yearsCurrently, a Liberian president is constitutionally elected for a six - year term and is allowed to seek a second term, thus ruling for 12 years when re-elected. But the Constitution Review Commission (CRC) through its recommendation to the Senate’s Judiciary Committee recommends a reduction in presidential tenure from six to five years. The Senate Plenary which is the highest decision - making body of the Upper House has not taken any action, but Grand Gedeh County Senator G. Alphonso Gaye says the reduction should take effect. The committee headed by Grand Cape Mount County Senator, Cllr. Varney Sherman says the tenure of the president is seriously under review. According to him, the CRC in its submission to the Senate Judiciary Committee placed emphasis on the presidential tenure. The Judiciary Committee is reviewing the 1986 Liberian Constitution for a possible national referendum to be scheduled for 2019. The CRC recommends that the tenures for senior and junior senators and the members of the House of Representatives be reduced also to acceptable tenures, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Caption: Senate Wants President’s Tenure Reduced(The INQUIRER)


Fishing Company Fined US$50K

The In Profile Daily reads that Chinese fishing company, Africa Zhong Sheng Hai, has been fined US$50K by the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) for allegedly smuggling a whole consignment of fish on the Liberian Market. According to NaFAA press release, the operators of the Africa Zhong Sheng Hai fishing company on June 8, 2018 secretly offloaded huge consignments of fisheries products from Fishing Vessel Fu Hai Yu 6666 at the China Union BMC Pier, at the Freeport of Monrovia without import permit from the Fisheries Authority. The daily reads that the quantity of consignment that was offloaded was 132.277 tons of fish products. According to NaFAA, the revenue intake that should have been paid by Africa Zhong Sheng Hai Fishing Company was not paid to government as required.  NaFAA said its latest action is in continuation of others actions taken against Illegal cold storages that have been uncovered and compelled to regularize their status before operating in Liberia by the new management of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority.


Related Caption: NafAA Levies US$50,000 Fine On Africa Zhong Sheng Hai Fishing Company—For Unauthorized Importation Of Fish(Hot Pepper)


Senate Ratifies Climate Change Agreement

According to the New Dawn newspaper, members of the Liberian Senate have ratified the United Nations’ framework on climate change known as the ‘The Paris Agreement.’ Following ratification on Thursday, 14 June, the Senate subsequently forwarded the agreement to the House of Representatives for possible concurrence. The Senate took the decision based on a recommendation by the Foreign Relations Commission which says the instrument is in the interest of the state. “After reviewing and critically analyzing the Paris Agreement, Liberia stands to benefit financial and technological support in maintaining low climate resilience through effective adaptation and greenhouse gas emission reduction,” the committee headed by Maryland County Senator H. Dan Morais says. According to Sen. Morais, the agreement by ratification will assist Liberia as a developing country to adapt to the effect of climate change and access funding from the Adaptation Fund, Green Climate Fund and other funds pledged by developed countries in mitigating the effect of climate change. The committee further maintains that it has gone through examination of ratifications by 178 Countries of the 195 countries and realized Liberia is among the 17 Countries that have not ratified. The Committee says this is not the place for Liberia as signatory to this Agreement and adaptation since 2015. It says it has also done due diligence of the content of Paris Agreement on climate change and realized that its adaptation will bring immense benefits to protecting Liberia Green Forest which is the largest in West Africa. Speaking to reporters following the passage last Thursday, 14 June at the Senate’s Plenary, Senator Morais noted that the decision is in compliance with Article 34(f) of the Liberian Constitution of 1986, writes the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Caption: Senate Ratifies Paris Climate Change Agreement (FrontPage Africa)

CBL Rescues 5 Insurance Companies

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) places five insurance companies here under Provisional Administration (PA) to avoid total collapse of those institutions. According to a press release, companies affected include the African Insurance Corporation of Liberia (AICOL); Capital Express Assurance Company (CEAC); Continental General & Life Insurance Corporation (CGLIC); Family Dollar Universal Insurance Services Inc. (FDUIS); and the Global Trust Assurance Company (GTAC), respectively. The move by the CBL is in keeping with the authority vested in it by the Insurance Act of 2013 and consistent with Sections 10.10 and 10.12. It followed an assessment by the Bank of the capital positions of the five companies for the period ended March 2018. The assessments show that the companies have significant capital deficits and have consistently fallen below the capital requirements for licensed insurance companies since the first quarter of 2017. The CBL says Provisional Administrators (PAs) placed in these institutions are empowered to take all necessary actions in preserving business/assets of the companies; and to protect the interests of policyholders.

Related Caption: CBL Places 5 Insurance Companies Under Provisional Administration (Daily Observer)


FDA Managing Director Warns VPA Partners

According to the Daily Observer, in no uncertain terms and without biting his tongue, the managing director of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA), C. Mike Doryen, has categorically sounded another caveat to all Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) implementing partners to put to practice their obligation to squarely fit government’s much proclaimed pro-poor agenda, FDA release has said. Doryen said at no time will his administration allow any partnership that tends to only best suit donors or partners’ interests in the name of building and strengthening FDA capacity without tangible outcome to benefit the forest sector. According to the release, Mr. Doryen gave the warning on Wednesday, June 13, at the Monrovia City Hall while serving as one of the co-chairs at the Technical Session of the 6th Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) meeting of the VPA signed between the Liberian government and the European Union (EU) in 2012, and subsequently ratified in 2013. The VPA is a trade agreement, which aims to ensure that Liberia’s timbers are legally verified before being exported to the European market.

LBDI Fetes Muslims

The Liberian Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI) on Friday, June 15 identified with the Muslim Community through the donation of 140 bags of rice and vegetable oil to several mosques. Mosques that benefited from the donation included the Gbah Jakeh in Bomi, Gbarnga, Kakata, Margibi County, Mawa and Fasa in Montserrado, Morris’s Farm and Amegashie central mosques in Jacob Town and other places. The donation, according to LBDI Vice President for Strategic Planning and Performance, Lawrence A. George, is the bank way of identifying with Muslims as they concluded their fasting and a way of giving back to Muslims who are also clients of the bank.  “We believe that as a bank, we should give back to our members who celebrate in any form, shape, and manner and so on behalf of the bank, we say thank you for your prayers for the nation, and so we are with you in everything that you do,” he assured the members of the Muslim community, reports the Daily Observer. 

Liberia, EU End 6th JIC Conference-As FDA Boss Sounds Caveat


According to the In Profile Daily, the Managing Director of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA), C. Mike Doryen has categorically sounded a caveat to all Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) implementing partners particularly the SGS to praticalize its obligation in the truest sense of the word to squarely fit government’s much proclaimed pro-poor agenda. Doryen said at no time will his administration allow any partnership that tends to only best suit donors or partners’ interests in the name of building and strengthening FDA capacity without tangible outcome to benefit the forest sector. The daily says Mr. Doryen sounded the caveat recently at the Monrovia City Hall while serving as one of the co-chairs at the Technical Session of the 6th Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) meeting of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) signed between the Government of Liberia and the European Union in 2012 and subsequently ratified in 2013. The VPA is a trade agreement which aims to ensure that Liberia’s timbers are legally verified before being exported to the European market.


MYS/Agriculture Tvet Revamp Underway

The Monrovia Vocation Training Center (MVTC) and the Basic Domestic and Occupational Training Center (BDOTC), under the watchful eyes of the government, have in recent years been producing many young Liberians in various skills.  While various disciples offered by the centers are important in the Technical Vocation Education and Training (TVET) sector, the government, through the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MYS) has decided to revamp the agricultural side of TVET. This is intended to prioritize agriculture under the government’s pro-poor agenda. In this direction, MYS has embarked on efforts aimed at activating agricultural training programs in the TVET sector by bringing on board partners in finding ways to refurbish the training institutions, according to the In Profile Daily.