Daily Media Summary 2017-10-03
The Bureau of Public Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia
Today’s stories include Carter Center’s call for Political Parties to refrain from announcing elections result, Liberia’s congratulatory message to Botswana and Guinea-Bissau, and NOCAL and ExxonMobil’s donation made to Phebe hospital to enhance its Laboratory expansion.
Carter Center Urges Political Parties to Refrain From Announcing Elections Result
The Carter Center (CC) has warned political parties to refrain from releasing parallel results prior to the publication of provisional results by the National Election Commission (NEC). The statement of the Center followed a pre-election statement summarizing key findings from the campaign period and pre-electoral environment in the lead-up to Liberia’s presidential and legislative elections on October 10. The CC also called on both political parties and the NEC to be clear in informing voters that only results reviewed and released by the NEC are official. “While stakeholders have the right to gather and disseminate information regarding the process of the election — including results collected from polling stations — any results released by a political party before the official results which are not reviewed and finalized by NEC have the potential to increase confusion and misunderstanding and could cast doubt on the legitimacy of the outcome.” The CC recommended that political parties with concerns about the misuse of state resources should document possible violations and file formal complaints with the relevant authorities, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.
Related Captions: Post Lists Of Polling Staff…Carter Center Urges NEC …Advances Other Recommendations (INSIGHT), and Carter Center Issues Liberia Pre-Election Statement (The INQUIRER)
Liberia Lauds Botswana, Guinea-Bissau On Independence Anniversaries
The INSIGHT newspaper quote a Foreign Ministry release: President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent two separate messages of congratulations to the Governments and peoples of the Republics of Botswana and Guinea-Bissau on the 51st and 43rd independence anniversaries of the two countries, respectively. The Independence Day of Botswana, commonly called Boipuso, is a national holiday observed in Botswana on September 30 of every year. The date celebrates Botswana's Declaration of Independence from the United Kingdom on September 30, 1966. In her message to H.E. Mr. Ian Khama, President of the Republic of Botswana, President Sirleaf said she is delighted to extend heartfelt congratulations to the Government and people of Botswana, through Mr. Khama. Meanwhile, President Johnson Sirleaf during the week sent a congratulatory message to H.E. Mr. José Màrio Vaz, President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau. In her message, the Liberian leader extended heartfelt congratulations to the Government and people of Guinea-Bissau on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia.
Nigerian Governor Showcases Foundation College For Africa-Enrolls five Underprivileged Children From 55 African Countries Including Liberia, In Honor Of His 55th Birthday This Year
The Executive Governor of Imo State and founding president of the Rochas Foundation College for Africa, Owelle Anayo Rochas Okorocha, has welcomed several dignitaries to the formal opening of his foundation. A dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Nigeria said the President of Ghana, Nana Afuko-Addo, former President of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, former Vice President of Nigeria, Chief Alex Ifeanyichukwu Ekwueme, the Emir of Lafia, Alhaji Isah Mustapha-Agwai and the Governors of Oyo, Niger, Kebbi and Awka Ibom States graced the all-day activity in the Imo State capital last Friday. The Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria, Professor Al-Hassan Conteh, represented President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Also, several other ambassadors accredited to Abuja from the Republics of Guinea, Ethiopia and Ghana were present at the event, the dispatch added. During a visit to the newly built, modern headquarters of the Rochas Foundation College, Governor Okorocha and his beneficiary students gave an outstanding welcome to their guests. Among the dozens of students are five Liberian children who arrived there a few days ago to benefit from the free education at the Foundation, writes the Daily Observer.
NOCAL, ExxonMobil Donate To Phebe Lab Expansion
Many people crossing borders from neighboring countries and counties to seek medical services at Phebe Hospital in Bong County, central Liberia, speaks of the dedicated staff at the hospital, a release from the hospital has said. Under the leadership of Jefferson Sibley, M.D., Phebe Hospital and School of Nursing builds upon a reputation of long-standing dependability. As past leaders ensured Phebe’s continuity through Liberia’s ups and downs, Dr. Sibley is taking it a step further to ensure proper diagnostics can positively impact the vast catchment population the hospital serves. Part of its strategy to ensure a better patient outcome is engaging in partnerships that will enhance this core focus. According to the release, one of the areas that is changing positively to ensure quality patient care is in the area of laboratory strengthening, according to the Daily Observer.
UNMIL Trains LNP Officers In Crowd Control, VIP Protection, Others
A four-week training for 148 Liberia National Police (LNP) officers, including 9 females, has come to a close at the National Police Training Academy. The training which was recently conducted by UNMIL’s Unit (FPU) covered techniques in crowd control, vehicle search weapons handling, VIP protection and maps reading. “I would like to acknowledge the progress made by LNP officers over the past months as seen during the demonstration and commend the hard work and professionalism of both China FPU officers and LNP proves to be progressing in its capacities,” said UNMIL Police Commissioners Simon Blatchly at the closing ceremony, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.
Over 6,000 Security Ready For Election
According to the Inquirer newspaper, authority at the National Elections Commission (NEC) has disclosed that over Six Thousand state security personnel have been trained and ready to be deployed in order to provide protection during and after the October Presidential and Legislative Elections. Making the disclosure recently over a local radio station in Monrovia, the Executive Director of the National Elections Commission, Lami Lahai said those. Security personnel are drawn from the Liberia National Police (LNP), Liberia Immigration Service (LIS) and Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA), reports the INQUIRER newspaper.
“Say No To Violence” – Youths Join ABIC’s Situation Room
Youths in Kakata City, Margibi County from different high schools have begun creating awareness that violence is not the answer for a peaceful election in the country. The awareness program which was organized by the Angie Brooks International for Peace and Security Situation Room gathered students who paraded through the principal streets of Kakata along with some motorcyclists adding their voices to the calls for a non-violent electoral process in the country. They agreed that Liberia is the only country that they have and that sustaining its peace and stability matters especially to them who are still pursuing education. During the indoor program, the students agreed that they will not allow politicians to use them to promote violence because it is in the midst of violence that progress in stalled including education, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.
Ecobank Roll Out mVisa Across 33 African Countries
Ecobank has partnered with Visa to roll out Ecobank Scan+Pay with mVisa solutions to their consumers in 33 African countries. The strategic tie-up signals interoperability on a cross border level – and potentially huge gains – as it affords consumers with the ability to use their mobile phone to directly access the funds in their bank accounts to pay person-to-merchant (P2M) or person-to-person (P2P). Ecobank Scan+Pay with mVisa delivers instant, secure cashless payment for goods and services by allowing customers to scan a QR code on a smartphone or enter a unique merchant identifying code into either a feature phone or smartphone. The payment goes straight from the consumer’s bank account into the merchant’s account and provides real-time notification to both parties. This serves to accelerate digital commerce and combat some of the challenges merchants have faced using traditional point of sale systems, including the cost of installation coupled with the requirement of electricity and internet connectivity, reports the Daily Observer.
Related Caption: EcoBank Launches Visa Across 33 African Countries (Heritage)