Daily Media Summary 2017-07-12

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News concerning the disbursement by the European Union of EUR10 million to support the 2017 National Budget of Liberia; Liberia’s participation in the Chiefs of Defense Conference in New York; the Supreme Court’s position on the disqualification of Montserrado County’s Representative Aspirants Mr. Abu Bana Kamara by the National Elections Commission in violation of the Code of Conduct, are among stories dominating today’s summary of the local dailies.


The summary also highlights stories on the official visit of Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey as well as the presentation of the Letters of Credence to President Sirleaf by the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Ukraine to Liberia,  His Excellency Ambassador Alexandre OVCHAROV.





EU Disburses US11.2m To Liberia

The European Union has announced that it has disbursed EUR10 million about USD11.2 million to the Liberian Government to support its budget for 2017. The EU said it had made the disbursement, which is the third payment under its budget support program to the Liberian government because it (Liberian Government) has made satisfactory progress in improving its public financial management. The New Dawn newspaper reads that the money, which was directly disbursed in to the government’s treasury account according Ambassador Tiina Intelmann, Head of the European Union Delegation to Liberia, is towards specific targets relating to security and rule of law in line with the Agenda for Transformation, the country’s medium-term development strategy.


Related Captions: EU Injects EURO Million Into Liberia’s Budget (Daily Observer), EURIO Million Injected Into Liberian Nat’l Budget-EU Urges Gov’t To Use It To Provide Vital Public Services Liberian Deserve (FOCUS), European Union Gives Budgetary Support (The INQUIRER)



Liberia Takes Seat At 2017 Chief Of Defense Staffs Confab

The New Dawn newspaper reads that the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) Deputy Chief of Staff, Brigadier-General Prince Johnson III, has described the just ended Chiefs of Defense Conference as a great learning experience for Liberia. The 2017 Chiefs of Defense Conference, which brought together about 100 countries and held under the theme: Meeting the Challenges, took place at the United Nations headquarters in New York from July 6 – 8, 2017. Brigadier-General Johnson, III and AFL Chief of Operations – Headquarters, Colonel Daniel Holman represented Liberia. According to a dispatch from Liberia's Permanent Mission to the United Nations, the conference, among other things, discussed issues surrounding the rapid deployment of troops, training, soldiers' conduct, discipline and the need to increase the number of female peacekeepers which is placed at approximately six percent. Deputy chief of staff Johnson, III said on the margins of the conference, he used the time to negotiate on behalf of Liberia, securing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United Nations that details the number and types of military personnel as well as equipment and logistical services that will be provided by the country's armed forces.

Related Captions: AFL DCOS Represents Liberia at UN COS Conference (Daily Observe), AFL Deputy Chief Of Staff Johnson Represents Liberia At UN Chiefs Of Staff Conference (The INQUIRER)



“We are Proud of You”- President Sirleaf Lauds Graduates of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Children Academy

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has lauded young graduates of the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Children Academy for their achievements. “We are proud of you for your achievements,” she said. Seventeen (17) pupils graduated from K- II to the 1st Grade. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the statement on Monday, July 10, 2017 at the Lutheran Church in Bong Mines when she attended the 6th Graduation and Day-Care Closing Program of the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Children Academy (EJSCA). According to the INQUIRER newspaper, in a brief interaction with the students, the Liberian leader thanked them for their academic achievements and applauded parents of the graduates for all the support to their children. 


Related Caption: “We Are Proud Of You”-President Sirleaf Lauds Graduates Of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Children Academy (FrontPage Africa), “We Are Proud of You” Pres. Sirleaf Lauds Graduates of EJSCA (FOCUS)



S/Court: Rejected Aspirant Shows Disrespect For Law

Justices at the Supreme Court are clear that it is a serious disrespect to the law for Montserrado County representative aspirant Mr. Abu Bana Kamara to challenge his disqualification as a candidate by the National Elections Commission, while he still occupies an appointed job in violation of the Code of Conduct. The Supreme Court ruled in March that the Code of Conduct is legal and binding. The instrument has provisions that say all presidential appointees must resign two years ahead of contesting public offices, and further specifies that those holding tenure offices must resign three years ahead of such elections. Up to the day of the his hearing at the Supreme Court on Tuesday, 11 July, Mr. Kamara’s counsel admits that he still remains an Assistant Minister for Administration at the Ministry of Post and telecommunications and made such confession while filling his form with the NEC. Chief Justice Korkpor wonders if Cllr. Johnson and his client are trying to disrespect the ruling of the Supreme Court, suggesting that “otherwise” the counsel would have done justice by protecting the law while seeking the protection of his client as well, reads the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Supreme Court Condemns Lawyers’ Insincerity Over Code of Conduct, Says They are Disrespecting The Law (FrontPage Africa), S/Court Reserves Ruling In Abu Kamara’ Case (The INQUIRER), High Court Reserves Ruling in  Kamara’s Petition for Prohibition (FOCUS)









President Sirleaf Receives Turkish Foreign Minister - Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu

The FrontPage Africa newspaper says President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Tuesday, July 11, 2017, received in audience Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey.  President Sirleaf extended warm welcome to Mr. Çavuşoğlu and his delegation to Liberia and held bilateral discussions at different levels aimed at strengthening cooperation between both countries. President Sirleaf informed Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, that the strengthening of the country’s economy as well as providing employment opportunities for the citizens. The Liberian leader among other things informed Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu about some Turkish-owned companies operating in Liberia especially in the mining sector. She said the Liberian government is committed to seeking more partnerships to improve the lives of its people meaningfully.


Related Caption: Education, Agriculture, Others top Liberia, Turkey Bilateral Talks…Turkey invited to establish diplomatic mission in Monrovia (Daily Observer)



President Sirleaf Receives Letter Of Credence Of New Ukraine Ambassador

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 received the Letter of Credence of the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Ukraine to Liberia, His Excellency Ambassador Alexandre OVCHAROV. Receiving the Letters of Credence of the new Ambassador of Ukraine, President Sirleaf said the relationship between the Republic of Ukraine and the Republic of Liberia is relatively new, yet promising. She noted that the Government of Liberia was pleased to acknowledge the Ukrainian Peacekeeping Unit in UNMIL for its contribution in maintaining peace through surveillance and air patrols, transportation of personnel, and support to UNMIL. For his part, Ambassador Mr. Alexandre OVCHAROV said the Government of Ukraine highly appreciates the valuable support of the Republic of Liberia to the Ukrainian position and initiatives at the United Nations, especially support to the candidature of Ukraine at the elections for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council for the period 2016-2017 held in 2015 during 70th session of the UN General Assembly. He furthered, Ukraine is grateful to the pivotal role she continues to play in the world affairs as well as the leadership in the African region and West Africa sub-region.


Related Caption: President Sirleaf Receives Letter of Credence of New Ukrainian Ambassador (FOCUS)



Farmington Hotel Gets 15-yr Tax Waiver

The National Investment Commission (NIC) clarifies that the Government of Liberia awarded 15 years tax holidays to the Management of the Farmington Hotel near the Roberts International Airport in Margibi County, and not 30 years as being rumored, saying the NIC had never granted 30 years tax waiver to any company operating in Liberia. National Investment Commission Chairman, George Wisner, further clarifies that the 30-year lease agreement signed by the Management of the Farmington Hotel does not mean that the hotel is tax-free, explaining that there is a difference between investment incentives and lease agreement. Chairman Wisner explains that government gives investment incentives to encourage businesses, sometimes due to the high cost of doing business, and to avoid market failure or because of a particular sector that the government hopes to develop, which may necessitate certain rights of waiver, reads the New Dawn newspaper.


‘Prioritize Agriculture in Liberia’ Commerce Ministry Official

Deputy Minister Roland Carey has called on Liberians to prioritize agriculture in a bid to ensure food security and generate income. Carey noted that prioritizing agriculture will also enhance the diversification of the Liberian economy which, he noted, will create more opportunities for Liberians. Minister Carey made the call Tuesday at the opening of a one-day donors and development partners roundtable discussion on the implementation of the Liberia Agriculture Sector Investment Program (LASIP) held at a local hotel in the Monrovia suburb of Sinkor. He stressed that agriculture is the key that will set Liberia on a genuine path to achieving structural transformation and increased growth, the FOCUS newspaper reads.



Top FAO Official Pledges to Support Agriculture in Liberia

The Country Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Mac Abdala, has pledged support for the Liberia Agriculture Sector Investment Program (LASIP). Representative Abdala stated that the FAO has a comprehensive country program framework which has been signed to support advocacy, policies, development and capacity building. The FAO Country Representative made pledge Tuesday at a donor and development partners roundtable discussion on the implementation of LASIP held at a local hotel in the Monrovia suburb of Sinkor, the FOCUS newspaper reads.



ECOWAS Launches Elections Emergency Response

The ECOWAS Office in Liberia has formally launched an EU - Funded Emergency Response Mechanism (Africa Peace Facility Project), titled emergency support to preventive diplomacy and related action to ensure a free and peaceful election in Liberia. Amb Tunde Ajisomo, Special Representative of the ECOWAS Commission President to Liberia said the idea behind the project is that they have been following Liberia’s political issues and are aware of the coming elections. He says it’s all about institutionalizing mechanisms for ensuring peace and security, here, adding that ECOWAS wants the elections process to remain transparent and peaceful, asserts the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: ECOWAS, Partners Launch Platform for Peaceful, Free, Fair Elections (FOCUS)


ECOWAS, Partners Want Liberia Uphold Rule Of Law

The FrontPage Africa newspaper says several stakeholders in Liberia have been meeting to ensure that the upcoming October election is peaceful. Stakeholders that met include; Police Inspector General Gregory Coleman, Internal Affairs Minister Henrique Tokpa, UNMIL Secretary General Farid Zariff and members of African Union, ECOWAS, and European Union. Special Representative Amb. Babatunde Olanrewaju Ajisomo said the central goal for the project is to have a free and fair elections adding that the commission has been following Liberia’s election. He added that the election this year is critical and the commission is looking forward to peaceful transition. “The project is in line with ECOWAS Protocol on mechanism conflict. Our approach is to respect the rule of law, and its consonance with the ECOWAS protocol,” he stated.



China Offers Scholarship Credential To 70 Liberians

Chinese Ambassador accredited near Monrovia Zhang Yue told a gathering at the Chinese Ambassador Scholarship and Chinese Enterprise Scholarship ceremony Tuesday that China is mastering its support to promoting interpersonal relationship amongst Chinese and Liberians through sports and education. “Today, I just signed the next budget for the next year of scholarship and we will grant more scholarships to Liberians,” Ambassador Yue asserted. Yue noted that China also remains active in developing the minds of Liberians through the provision of scholarship to deserving students at various institutions of higher learning across the country. The scholarship is part of the 70 slots given to Liberians by the Chinese Embassy to seek international studies in China. Apart from the 70 slots, Ambassador Yue revealed that the Chinese government has provided 200 scholarships to the Liberian government for local students for the past seven years. For his part, Liberia’s Youth and Sports Minister Saah Charles N’Tow said the friendship demonstrated by China towards Liberia speaks a volume of her commitment to Liberia’s development drive, reads the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Sen. Wesseh Proposes Peace Holiday

River Gee County Senator Commany B. Wesseh is proposing to the Liberians Senate the need to adopt a working holiday and a national award for peace in recognition, acknowledgement and re-commitment to the restoration, consolidation and promotion of peace in Liberia. Sen. Wesseh told the Senate on Tuesday, 11 July that for 14 years from 1989 to 2003, Liberia was engulfed in a war with itself that saw about 250,000 people or seven percent of the population dying and more than one million people being internally and externally displaced. He says he is proposing for the kind consideration of the Senate and the entire Legislature the passage into law an Act creating a National Day of Peace to be celebrated on 18 August of each year as a working holiday. He calls for programs of thanksgiving and of peace education that emphasize ‘’never again to war’’, based on the cause and lesson of the Liberian civil war, and of peace festivals, cultural, sporting and other activities,  writes the New Dawn newspaper.



Solid Waste Management Training Kicks-up

In an effort to improve the human capacity of LEGIT city authorities (Gbarnga, Gompa and Zwedru) in Liberia, USAID Local Empowerment for Government Inclusion and Transparency (LEGIT) Project embark on a five-day Organized Community Solid Waste Management Training in the City of Gompa. The training program commenced on Monday, July 10, 2017 at the Beer Garden Hall, brought together City authorities (Cities Cooperation Staffs inclusive of the City Mayors) of Gbarnga, Gompa and Zwedru; CSOs/CBOs, as well as Representatives from the Petty Traders Organization from bong, Nimba and Grand Gedeh Counties, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.