Daily Media Summary 2016-08-15


Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

Monrovia, Liberia 



Today’s edition of the summary of local dailies highlights news  of the memorandum of Understanding between the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission and the Liberia Revenue Authority  to establish a formal framework to strengthen collaboration for the effective and expeditious investigation of corruption and related crimes within the LRA, the issuance of tax exemption through Executive Orders - 77, 78 and 79 respectively by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the touring of the A.M. Dogliotti Medical College of Medicine facilities by the Cabinet. Other stories dominating the papers include the condolence message from the Guinean Ambassador to Liberia following the death of Dr. Edward B. McClain, Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President of Liberia.




LACC, LRA Sign MOU To Strengthen Fight Against Corruption


The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) and the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) on Friday, August 12 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a formal framework to strengthen collaboration for the effective and expeditious investigation of corruption and related crimes within the LRA. Quoting a press release, the Daily Observer reads that the agreement also covers the receipt, filing and verification of all declarations of assets and interest made or to be made by members of the LRA Board of Directors, the Commissioner General and other officials and staff of the LRA. The MOU designates the LRA to investigate all acts of corruption discovered or reported to have occurred or about to occur within the LRA involving officials, employees, contractors or non-staff persons.



Related Captions: LACC, LRA Sign MOU In Fighting Corruption (In Profile Daily), LACC, LRA Sign MoU To Fight Corruption (INQURER), LACC, LRA Sign MOU TO Strengthen Collaboration In Fighting Corruption (Heritage)




Key State Institutions Get Tax Exemptions

The New Dawn newspaper reports that several key state institutions here have been given tax exemption through Executive Orders - 77, 78 and 79 respectively, issued by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf over the weekend. The National Transit Authority, Liberian Broadcasting System, Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation and the Liberia Electricity Corporation are exempted from customs duties on fuel and lubricants, selected items and GST on fuel. Executive Order No. 77 exempts the National transit Authority and Liberia Broadcasting System from Customs Duties on fuel and lubricants and seeks to minimize the cost of transportation provided by the NTA in serving the general public, as well as enables LBS to disseminate information to the general public through the state-owned Liberian Broadcasting System. Executive Order No. 78 also exempts the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation from Customs Duties on selected items to ensure the provision of safe-drinking water and sewerage services for the population.



Related Captions: Several Institutions Exempted From Customs Duties (In Profile Daily), NTA, LBS, LWSC & LEC Get Customs Duties Exemptions (The INQUIRER), LBS, LWSC, NTA Get Duty-Free On Fuel, Lubes (Daily Observer)




Coming To Medical Schools Aid Cabinet Tours A.M. Dogliotti College of Medicine - Donates Assorted Items

According to an Executive Mansion release, the Cabinet, led by its Director General, Jordon Sulonteh on Friday, August 12, 2016 made a donation and toured the facilities of the A.M. Dogliotti College of Medicines and School of Pharmacy at the University of Liberia. Speaking on behalf of the delegation, Presidential Press Secretary, Jerolinmek M. Piah informed the students that the President intends to address their plight in stages, beginning with the humanitarian intervention over the weekend. Also speaking on behalf of the students was their leader, Dyujay G. Karnga. He commended the Cabinet for the visit and informed the delegation that one of the contentious issues confronting them at the institution is the stipends for 298 medical students, which he said has been delayed for some times now. Following their engagement, the Ministerial delegation was taken on guided tour of the facility. At the end of the tour, some assorted food and non-food items, including several bags of mineral water, sardines, Chee-wees, and toiletries were presented amidst a pledge to make available 50 bags of rice during the course of next week, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: Cabinet Tours A. ME. Dogliotti College…Donates Assorted Items (In Profile Daily),Cabinet Tours A.M.E. Dogliotti (The New Dawn)




Civil Law Court Closes Several Media Outlets For Illegal Use of Frequency

According to FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Civil Law Court has effectuated the closure of Sarafina Ventures and Communications Inc. (LOVE FM 105.1 and Love TV Channel 7) and LIB 24 Radio operated by LIB 24 Incorporated, based on a Petition for Preliminary Injunction growing out of a Petition for Declaratory Judgment filed by the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) through the Ministry of Justice. A statement issued by the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism said the closure of the station is predicated upon the fact that Sarafina Ventures and Communication Inc. (Love FM 105.1) has not regularized its status nor paid its license and other fees for over 5 years in keeping with relevant provisions of the Telecommunications Licensing Authorization Regulations. LTA regulations also require that any use of radio frequencies must be in accordance with a valid radio spectrum license or radio frequency authorization.


Related Captions: Civil Law Court Closes Love FM and TV Channel 7, LIB 24 Radio (Heritage), Govt Closes ‘Urey’s Media Outlets’…Claims Legal Frequency, US$50,000.00 Unpaid Taxes (In Profile Daily),LIB 24 FM Shut Down (The New Dawn), Civil Law Court Closes Several Media Outlets For Illegal Use of Frequency (FrontPage Africa)




Dr. McClain’s Funeral August 22 Guinea Consoles Liberia on His Passing

The Government of the Republic of Liberia has announced that from Wednesday, August 17, to Friday, August 19, the Book of Condolence for the late Honorable Dr. Edward B. McClain, Jr.  Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President of Liberia will be opened in the Foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 11:0o’clock ante meridian to 3 o’clock post meridian.  On Saturday, August 20, at 4 o’clock post meridian, the body of the late Dr. McClain will be conveyed under appropriate military escort from the Samuel A. Stryker Funeral Home in Sinkor, to the Providence Baptist Church on the Ashmun Street where wake keeping will be held from 5 o’clock pm to 9 pm. On Monday, August 22, funeral rites will be said over the remains of the late Honorable Dr. Edward B. McClain, Jr. at the Providence Baptist Church at 10 o’clock ante meridian, to be followed by internment at the Melton Family Plot in Upper Caldwell, reports the Daily Observer.

At the same time, the Daily Observer Newspaper quoting a Foreign Ministry Release says Guinean Ambassador accredited near Monrovia and Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps, H.E. Mr. Abdoulaye Dore, has on behalf of his Government expressed heartfelt condolence to the Government and people of Liberia for the death of the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President of Liberia, Dr. Edward B. McClain, Jr. He extended his Government’s condolences during a courtesy call on Liberia’s Foreign Minister Marjon V. Kamara on Friday, August 12, 2016.  Ambassador Dore added the vacuum created by the passing of  Dr. McClain will be felt  not only in Liberia but in entire sub-region and hoped that the exemplary life lived by the late McClain would be emulated by those left behind.


 Related Captions: Guinea Consoles Liberia for the Death of Minister of State (Heritage), Guinea Consoles Liberia For The Death Of Minister Of State (The INQUIRER), GOL Announces McClain’s Funeral (In Profile Daily)







Liberia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic Establish Diplomatic Relations

Representatives of the Governments of the Republic of Liberia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) have signed a Joint Communiqué establishing diplomatic relations. According to a dispatch from Beijing, People’s Republic of China, the impressive ceremony took place at the Kempinski Hotel Lufthansa Center in downtown Beijing on Friday, August 12, 2016. Signing the Communiqué on behalf of the Government of Liberia was Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Liberia to the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency Mr. Dudley McKinley Thomas, while the Ambassador of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to the People’s Republic of China, Her Excellency Mrs. Vandy Bouthasavong, signed on behalf of the Government of Lao PDR. Lao People’s Democratic Republic, also known as Laos, or commonly referred to its colloquial name of Muang Lao, is a landlocked country in the heart of the Indochinese peninsula of Mainland Southeast Asia, bordered by Myanmar (Burma) and China to the northwest, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the south, and Thailand to the west, reports theHeritage newspaper.





Financial Autonomy Act Goes For Concurrence -As Senate Defeats Sen. Oscar Cooper's Motion for Reconsideration

The Senate at its 52nd Day Sitting last Thursday narrowly defeated (9-8) Senator Oscar Cooper's motion for reconsideration filed against the passage of the controversial Legislative Financial Autonomy Act, which grants the Legislature the right to control its own finances. According to the Daily Observer, the Act now goes to the House of Representatives for concurrence and onward submission to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for her signature and subsequent printing into hand bills. The Bill was submitted to the Senate plenary two months ago by Bong County Senator Jewel Howard Taylor, and grants among other things that funds allotted to the Legislature in the National Budget for each fiscal year, shall, on a quarterly basis, be deposited by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning into the account of the Legislature at the Central Bank of Liberia. The Act also provides compliance with all provisions of the Public Procurement and Concessions Act of 2010 (restated), the Public Finance Management (PFM) Law, the Internal Audit Agency Act and National Budget Law.





Liberia’s Oldest Citizen Dies At 153 Madam Bleaorplue Got Nation Highest Honour before Death

Liberia’s oldest woman, who was on July 24, 2016 decorated by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has died in Paynesville. Madam Klayonoh Bleaorplue, who was reportedly born on March 7, 1863, died on August 2, 2016 at the residence of her relatives in Bernard Farm. According to a senior member of the family, following the honoring ceremony, Madam Bleaorplue started feeling pain in her chest and was rushed to the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Sinkor. A family member also added that the centenarian was hospitalized for a week and discharged on the 2nd of August and taken home where she quietly passed away at home the same day, according to the Daily Observer.




Defense Confers With US Congressional Delegation

Liberia’s Defense Minister, Brownie J. Samukai has lauded the Congress, the people and government of the United States of America for their unwavering support to Liberia before, during and after the Liberian civil crisis. Minister Samukai recounted the historical ties which, over the years, have found a strong bond of friendship between the government and peoples of both countries as demonstrated by United States massive support to Liberia’s Defense Sector. Minister Samukai made specific reference to the US congressional appropriations through the Foreign Military Financing Program (FMFP), which immense benefit, according to Minister Samukai, has enable Liberia’s institution to purchase defense related articles, Services, and training from the US, reports the In Profile Daily.





Sen. Edward Dagoseh Wins Two Top US Awards

According to the INQUIRER newspaper, the Legislative Black Caucus of the United States of America has named Sen. Edward Dagoseh winner of its outstanding parliamentary leadership and commendation awards 2016. The two awards will be conferred on the Grand Cape Mount Senator during the Caucus London 2016 African Summit slated to be held from the 30th to the 31st August this year in the United Kingdom. Senator Dagoseh will be the first African Parliamentarian to win the award which for a long time had been conferred on African presidents and distinguished academicians on the continent. Responding to his preferment for the Top US Awards, Sen. Edward described his selection as another milestone in his political career and lauded the Black Caucus of the United States for recognizing him.


Related Caption: Liberian Senator Wins International Awards (Heritage)




Sargassum Seaweed Control Strategy Validated

Experts from West Africa including oceanographers and environmentalists have validated a strategy to address Sargassum Seaweed surfacing along the West African coast. The validation meeting involving representatives of affected countries concluded on Wednesday, August 10, in Monrovia with the experts devising strategies to address the situation through study. Following studies of the strategies, another forum will be organized to reach a working protocol that all affected countries will abide by. Meanwhile, another phase of the meeting geared towards scrutinizing the Abidjan Convention followed, with officials of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Convention’s Secretariat x-raying each point contained in the convention to recommend what should be injected or removed, according to the Daily Observer.