Daily Media Summary 2016-05-19

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of President Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to the Government and people of Cameroon on its 44th National Day, the National Elections Commission’s request for US$87 million for the holding of the referendum and the presidential and legislative elections and the commissioning of several newly appointed and confirmed officials of government are highlighted in today’s edition of the daily news summary.


Liberia Congratulates Cameroon On 44th Independence

According to theNew Dawnnewspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and people of Cameroon on the occasion marking their 44th National Day which will be on Friday, May 20, 2016. President Johnson Sirleaf,in her message to His Excellency, President Paul Biya of Cameroon, recalled the longstanding cordial ties and cooperation the two countries continue to enjoy and prayed that Liberia and Cameroon work together in furtherance of international peace and economic integration in Africa and the world.



Related Caption: Ellen Congratulates Cameroon On 44th Independence Anniversary(Heritage)



US$87M Needed For Referendum, Elections

The National Elections Commission (NEC) has announced that it needs US$30 million for the referendum and at least US$57 million for the presidential and legislative elections, totaling US$87 million. The Daily Observer quotes House Speaker, J. Alex Tyler as saying that the US$20 million already allocated by the Executive in the budget for the Referendum and the Elections in the 2016/2017 National Budget requires US$67 million more. Speaker Tyler made the assertion Wednesday, at a one-day Policy Dialogue on the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) process with national and international partners.



The New Comers

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Wednesday commissioned several newly appointed and confirmed officials of her cabinet with warning that they should be mindful, particularly urging Board of Governors of the Central Bank to de-politicize the autonomous agency. Mrs. Sirleaf reminded the new officials that the performance of government including effective response to shocks can only be achieved with the collaboration, particularly the constraints that are imposed by Liberia’s dual currency system.  Responding on behalf of the commissioned officials, Finance Minister Kamara assured Liberia’s partners including the United States, China, Sweden and others, as well as Liberians that at the helm of authority of the Finance Ministry and Central Bank, he and his colleagues will ensure that the institutions play a key role in shaping a micro-economic space that will ensure a better living standard for all, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Calls For Enhancement Of Powers For ECOWAS Parliament

The Foreign Ministry in Monrovia quotes a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja as saying the opening session of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament was characterized by calls for the enhancement of the powers of the Sub-Regional Parliament. The 2016 First Ordinary Session for the Fourth Legislature of the Parliament of ECOWAS Parliament kicked off on Monday, May 16, 2016 at the International Conference Center in Abuja, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, writes the New Democratnewspaper.



Related Caption: Calls For Enhancement Of Powers For ECOWAS Parliament Highlighted(The New Dawn)



Gbarnga Security Hub Expands Communications Network

The long awaited installation of Radio Communications Network in the Gbarnga Justice and Security Hub has now been completed and equipped with Kenwood communications equipment. The New Dawnnewspaper reports that atotal of twenty eight (28 ) towers were installed and linked and are now commissioned to include 8 counties - Montserrado (Monrovia, Morris Farm, Careysburg and Ricks Institute); Grand Bassa (Two Tires and Buchanan Lube); Bomi (Tubmanburg); Bong (Belefuanai, Totota, Gbatala, Gbarnga and Weala); Grand Cape Mount (Robertsport and Bo Waterside); Margibi (Tower Hill and Kakata); Nimba (Ganta, Saclapea, Kpein, Sanniquellie, Graei, Tapeta and Yekepa) and Lofa (Gorllue, Zorzor, Ben Howard, Voinjama and Lawa).   According to the daily, the project initially started in 2012 and estimated at US$858,513.24with equipment and fees funded under the UN Peace Building Fund and managed by the UNDP to enhance communication and coordination amongst security agencies in Liberia.



UNMIL Not Ending Until Post 2017 Elections-Chief of Public Information Clarifies

The Chief of Public Information of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), Russell Geekie, has clarified that the military group is not leaving Liberia until 2017. He said a force of 606 UNMIL police officers and 1,240 military personnel will remain in Liberia until the conclusion of the country’s 2017 presidential elections, writes the Daily Observer.


Cabinet Reviews Tier Three Performance Updates

The Cabinet has Reviewed the Tier Three Performance updates from the Ministries of Commerce, Agriculture, Information, the Civil Service and General Services. The process, according to the Daily Observer, is in a continuing bid to construct an impressive list of accomplishments by the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf administration towards setting the agenda for accomplishing critical goals in the remaining months of the administration.


Related Caption: Related Caption: Cabinet Reviews Additional Tier Three Performance Updates(Heritage)



Defense Warns Against Misuse Of Military Uniforms-Empowers Military Police to Ensure Compliance

According to the Daily Observer, the Ministry of National Defense has advised the public against the sale, distribution and wearing of any combination of military attire. The Ministry of National Defense says in order to verify the identity of our military personnel who may be wearing uniform among civilians, the Ministry has authorized the Military Police (MP) to ensure that anyone wearing uniform are properly identified as bona fide AFL personnel.


Police Weeding Out Bad Apples Pair Fired, Charged With Forgery, Criminal Conspiracy

The Liberian National Police says it has dismissed two of its officers, Patrolman Samuel Y. Wesseh (Badge #:  5421) and Thomas C. Clark (Badge #: 5412) for what it terms as criminal conspiracy and forgery. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, contravene Chapter 10.4, and 15.70 of the revised Penal code of Liberia couple with Chapter III section 21 of the new Police Duty Manual captioned, prohibited Conduct. Police Spokesman Sam Collins says the Liberian National Police is in the process of weeding bad apples from the force.



Related Caption: 2 LNP Officers Dismissed For ‘Criminal Act’(Heritage)




Public Works Assessing Roads in Nimba

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Ministry of Public Works has started a two-week road assessment in Nimba County aimed at providing possible routes for citizens residing in the rural parts of the country. Disclosing this in an interview with the Liberia News Agency (LINA) recently, Public Works Resident Engineer, Lahaison Wariety, explained that the assessment is intended to identify roads that need intervention and the kind of work to be done.



Ellen Score High Marks, Receives Commendations

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has scored high marks and received commendation for her extraordinary leadership role in the formulation of the Sustainable Development Agenda. According to a dispatch from Cairo, the high marks and commendations were recorded at the second Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development Agenda. According to a dispatch from Cairo, the host country Egypt was elected President while Liberia was elected First Vice President for Africa representing West Africa on Sustainable Development Agenda, the Heritage newspaperwrites.



Gov’t Announces July 12 as Final Date for Closure of Schools

The Government of Liberia though the Ministry of Education has announced July 12 as the final date for the end of the academic year 2015/2016. According to the Assistant Minister for Basic and Primary Education at the Ministry of Education, Madam Felecia Sackie Doe-Sumah, academic activities for all grade schools across the country are expected to finish in June in order for the students to be prepared for graduation in July, reports the Heritage newspapers.