Daily Media Summary (10-02-2019)








Today’s edition of our daily News Summary highlights stories concerning  President Weah’s congratulatory message to the Government and People of the People’s Republic of China on the occasion marking the observance of the 70th National Day of that Republic; French Embassy Launching of  VFS Global Visa Services for the first time in Liberia among other news stories.


Dominant Stories


Weah Extols China

The President George Manneh Weah, has sent a congratulatory message to the Government and People of the People’s Republic of China, on the occasion marking the observance of the 70th National Day of that Republic. In the message to his Chinese counterpart, His Excellency Xi Jinping, President George Manneh Weah extended heartfelt felicitations and sincere best wishes to the Government and People of China as they celebrate this historic milestone. The Liberian leader further expressed hope that as Liberians join their Chinese counterparts in commemorating this auspicious occasion, the bonds of friendship so happily subsisting between Liberia and China, which he said has brought immense infrastructural and human resource development, will grow from strength to strength for the mutual benefits of the two countries and people. President Weah then prayed that President Xi Jinping and the Government and People’s of the Republic of China will continue to enjoy the blessings of peace and increased prosperity, pens the Inquirer.


Related Caption: Weah Extols China on 70th National Day (The news)


French Embassy Launches VFS Global Visa Services

The Inquirer newspapers pans that the French Embassy accredited near Monrovia, yesterday opened a VFS Global expends visa services network, which is a Mobile Biometric Centre in new country of operation, including Liberia for the first time. Speaking at the opening of the passport session, French Ambassador, Terence Wills admonished Liberians and others nationals living in the country not to panic as the process now leading to obtaining passport will be smooth. He also called on Liberians desiring of travelling to France to take advantage of studying the French language at least to have a free flow of interactions with people they could meet in French during their stay there. “It is good to go to France and catch some French words, we will improve the Alliance De Francaise at least to help provide some mini education to those who may want to go to France for a short term visit or even long visits so that they have a smooth corrido bias of hindrance,” he said.


Related Caption:France Visa Services Launched In (The news Newspaper)


Other stories 

President Weah Appreciates Foreign Service Staff…In New York


According to the Inquirer Daily, President Dr. George Manneh Weah has encouraged staff of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Liberia to the United Nations and the Consulate General of the Republic of Liberia in New York, to continue to work together to promote the image of Liberia in the United States. During a meeting which the staff on the sidelines of the High Leave Week of the seventy fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly (7th UNGA) in the New York, President Weah said it was important that all staff members, despite their political affiliation continue to work as a team to ensure the success of the Government and development of the Country. President Weah effective and positive representation would continue to attract donors and investors and bring development to Liberia that will benefit not just the Government, but all citizens and inhabitants.  The Liberian Leader appreciated the staff for their service to the Nation, and said that he was satisfied with the level of organization, coordination and cohesiveness exhibited during the High Level week of the 74th United Nations General Assembly.


ECOWAS Calls for Single Continental Market for Goods, Services

The Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS), Special Representative to Liberia, Tunde Ajisomo, has called for the creation of a single continental market for goods and services, noting that free movement of business people and investments would help to bring deeper integration and turn the single African economies into a more coherent, larger single market. Amb. Ajisomo made the remarks at the Sensitization Workshop on Trade Protocols and Agreements for the Private Sector held at a resort in Monrovia, pens the Daily Observer newspaper. 


Liberia Insurance Association Installs New Leaders Prof. Saye D. Gbalazeh, an Insurance Expert, takes mantle of authority for two years


According to the Daily Observer newspaper, Liberia Insurance Association (LIA) has installed its new corps of officers who have been given a mandate to steer the affairs of the institution for the next two years. The induction of the new leadership, headed by a long time insurance expert, Professor Saye D. Gbalazeh, comes after a prolonged leadership crisis that stagnated the operations of the association for a couple of years. Prof. Gbalazeh, who is the managing director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Activa Insurance Liberia Limited, and his corps of officers were inducted at a well-attended ceremony recently in Monrovia. The event was also graced by some top dignitaries, including members of the diplomatic corps.  

Liberia to host Arms control Meeting for ECOWAS Member States in November, 2019                                                                 


The problem of small arms, conflict and human rights abuses in West Africa are interwoven. The spread and misue of small arms have fueled conflicts in Liberia, Sierra Leone, La Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria and many other parts of the sub-region. The domino effect of these conflicts is the increased demand and market for more weapons. According to the

Analyst newspaper, the war in Liberia ended since 2003 with significant security sector reforms which birthed the Liberia National Commission on Small Arms. Liberia is not taking lightly the issue of Small Arms as it has been selected to host the 11th Annual National Commissions on Small Arms ( NATCOM), meeting of the ECOWAS 15 Member States. 

Awareness on WTO Instruments Commences In Monrovia


 A four day sensitization workshop on several World Trade Organization- related instruments has formally begun in Monrovia Liberia. The four days awareness program is focusing on the Trade Facilitation Agreement and the African Continental Free Trade Area, with the objective of realizing a single continental market that ensures the free movement of goods and people across border without hindrances. A Commerce Ministry release says day one of the exercise begun on Monday, September 30, 2019 , for twenty-five participants from the private sector, while days two and three October 1-2 are focusing on the New ECOWAS Customs Code for thirty participants from n the trade and transport sector, the Analyst newspaper .