Daily Media Summary (06-07-2019)







Stories topping our today’s media summary include news of the deployment of 70 international observers to monitor the planned June 7 protest and the issuance of statements by the EU, USA, UK and ECOWAS on the protest as well as the recent call made by the U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission in Liberia for the holding of credible electoral system in Republic of Liberia amongst other news headlines.  




70 Observers Deploy- As UN, EU, USA, UK, ECOWAS Issue Statement on June 7

Even though their military forces had turned over Liberia’s primary security responsibility to government before the advent of the George Weah administration, the first time in 15 years, the international community has not left fully truly left or forsaken the country and its people. At the portal of the much-talk about street protest, which is perceived as looming catastrophe in other quarters, the world’s powerful countries and organizations have spoken in one accord, something that bring much assurance and confidence to Liberians fearing negative eventualities. What appears to be confidence-boosting by the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, ECOWAS and many other world powers has come in a joint position statement by a dozen of members of the international community, says The Analyst. 

ANC Urges Partisans, Others To Remain Peaceful


The Alternative National Congress (ANC) has admonished its partisans, partisans of the other collaborating opposition parties and all citizens, who wish to exercise their constitution right, to remain peaceful and act within the confines of the constitution.  According to the Inquirer newspaper the ANC reiterated that its support for the rights of the citizens to protest and petition their government to address their needs, especially during these hard times, recognizes and acknowledge the immense hardship being faced by our people. Alexander B. Cummings, ANC leader told a news conference yesterday in Monrovia among many things that the exchange rate is 197 Liberian Dollars to 1united States Dollars, up from 127 in Jan 2018 when this government took over the leadership of Liberia and the price of food and basic service have seen a drastic increase, significantly affecting the livelihood of our people. 

Protesters  Risk Arrest, Indictment If...


Montserrado County Attorney Edwin Martin has said several protesters risk being arrested by government if they come in conflict with the law during the march today. The Council of patriots which is the organizers of the protest dubbed as save the state’’ is expected to stage a peaceful protest today in an effort of claiming government’s attention to the state of affairs. But Martin speaking to reporters yesterday said application of the   extension is consistent with 15, section 15.4 and 5 of the criminal procedural of Liberia. Quoiting the law, he stated among many things that ‘’Upon application by the prosecuting attorney showing the public interest requires it, a judge of Circuit may order fifteen persons to be summoned to serve as a special grand jury ,pens the Inquirernewspaper.

‘’Free Speech Abusers Won’t Enjoy Impunity’’ President Weah warns, Dedicates Modern Markets Structure

The Liberian Leader said the time is coming soon when those who insult national leaders, incite public violence, make reckless comments about others and disrupt the peace would not go with impunity. He said many people abusing the right to free speech and free press and it was time to put a check to that. He warned: ‘’our country is a country of law. People have all the rights to speak out criticize government or anyone but that right comes with responsibility. Very soon, those who take to public platforms and go beyond the bounds of free speech and insult me and incite the public to violence will be held in consistent with the laws pens the Inquirernewspaper.

U.S. Deputy Chief Of  Mission Wants Credible Electoral System

The Inquire newspaper reports that the Deputy Chief of Mission of the United States Embassy in Monrovia. Alyson Grunder, has urged all Liberians, especially the electoral authorities to build a credible electoral system that will improve public trust and lasting peace. She made the disclosure yesterday at corina Hotel during the Elections coordinating Committee official project  launched on the electoral reform with the theme: Strengthening Liberia’s Democracy through Electoral Reform.’’ Grunder emphasized that elections are the only democratic processes that truly demonstrate the will of the people and that is why it is imperative that such processes   are trustworthy and credible to gain the people’s confidence.


House Reviews Plans To Postpone By-Elections

The Plenary of the House of Representative yesterday appointed committees on Judiciary, Elections & inauguration, ways, means and Finance to decide the possibility to annul the pending Montserrado county joint By-elections and subsequent Grand Cape Mount By-election. The Lower House’s decision followed a communication written by Montserrado County District #16   Representative, Dixon W. Seboe- imploring his colleagues to ask President George Weah for the postponement of the subsequent By-elections to 2020. Representative Seboe said his letter is based on the economic constrain faced by the current government.  According to his letter, government should cancel for the pending October 11, 2020 midterm elections pens the Inquire newspaper.




Weah Dedicates New Market Building…In the Duport Road

The News newspaper report that President George Manneh Weah has dedicated yet another modern market hall in Paynesville, describing Liberia marketers who are predominantly woman as reliable engines of growth and strong pillars of national transformation. He said Liberian market women bear the brunt of family life in molding future leaders and contributing significantly to economic growth and therefore must be supported to the fullest in order to reach their potentials. Speakers to crowds for residents in Paynesville Thursday, June 6,2019 at the dedication of a new market complex he built, President Weah said he was glad to keep and fulfill his promise to the marketers of Duport Road who were enduring difficult times marketing their goods and services.


Pro-Temp Chie Donates L$1M…To Grand Kru Students

According to the News newspaper the President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate, Albert Chie, has donated LRD$1 million to the Grand Kru University Students Union. Making the donation recently Students Union. Making the donation recently on behalf of the Senator during the induction of officials of the student based organization, the Administrative Assistant to the Pro-Temp, Furcas Wilson, said the gift was the Grand Kru County Senator’s way of helping students from the country who are acquiring higher education in Monrovia. Wilson also assured the student leadership of the Pro-Temp’s willingness and readiness to always assist them in whatever ways possible in fulfilling their quests for knowledge acquisition in the any meaningful venture.


LCC, AACC on Sustainable Peace, Leadership

The All African Conference of Churches (AACC) a Kenyan faith-based organization in collaboration with the Liberia Council of Churches have embarked on a three-day training under the theme; “Workshop on sustainable peace and leadership development.” Speaking at the opening of the workshop on Tuesday, June 4, in Monrovia, the head of the AACC, Rev. Dr. Arnold Temple says Africa has come a long way, but the Continent has lost its dignity disappointingly to bad politics, and national leaders have introduced exploitation in every sector of activities. He noted that African leaders are deep into dictatorial and ethnicity form of leadership thereby, creating corridors for wars and conflicts. Dr. Temple continues that despite the bad governance being experienced by many African countries, wars should remain something of the past, because they have never changed anything in the Continent. Also speaking at the ceremony that brought together delegates from Kenya, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and host Liberia, AACC General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Fidon Mwombeki ponders why Africans would fight and kill one another and expect outsiders to make peace among brethrens, the New Dawn newspaper reports. 

VP Taylor describes drugs addiction here as pervasive-receives visiting Bishop Guy Paul Noujaim


According to the New Dawn news daily Liberia’s Vice President Chief Dr. Jewel Howard-Taylor has received in audience the Bishop of the Maronite Catholic Eparchy and Founder of a Non-Governmental Organization, “Oum el Nour” Liberia Inc., Bishop Guy Paul Noujaim. “Oum el Nour Liberia Inc., with translation in English, “Mother of Light” is a program that seeks to prevent and treat substance abusers as well as help them overcome drugs addiction through empowerment. According to a press release, VP Jewel Taylor received Bishop Noujaim, accompanied by officials of the World Lebanese Cultural Union on Monday, 03 June while hailing him for initiating such program in Liberia.  She thanked the Bishop and his partners for the initiative, stressing the need to replicate it in public offices, schools and other areas with the aim of discouraging drugs addiction among young people. “Drug addiction is a pervasive national problem that needs a stronger program of this kind”, VP Howard-Taylor told the visiting Bishop and delegation. She assured the Bishop of her fullest commitment to working with the charity in helping to address the malaise of drug addiction in Liberia.

Hope for Drug-Addicted People

A New Dawn story reports that The Ministry of Health has signed an agreement with an international humanitarian organization, Oum el Nour, along with the Lebanese community in Monrovia to establish rehabilitation program for drug-addicted people in Liberia. The MoU, is expected to pave the way for cooperation in the areas of mental health, rehabilitation of drug-addicted people, capacity building and agriculture. Liberia’s Minister of Health Doctor Wilhemina S. Jallah says, they have agreed to take up the initiative in strengthening cooperation in the health sector of the country .Doctor Jallah welcomes the program, which she notes will help take young and old addicts off the streets. She describes signing of the MoU as a major step in helping to rehabilitate people involved in drug addiction across Liberia. She observes that most of the boys and girls in the streets with addiction problems come from good homes and among them are university dropouts.

 For Good or For Evil… June 7 Protest Takes Shape Finally Today

Nearly three months now the Liberian public, including the international community, have been apprehensive and anxious about plans by a group of Liberian to protest against the Liberian government. The reaction that have greeted the protest have consumed the entire national discourse, making the populace to regard it with diametrically opposing viewpoint: others think it is some apocalypse coming to descend, while other think it’s a glorious dawn of democracy and progress. The hot exchanges across the aisle provide the compost for the promotion or demonization of the protest. Whatever the case, finally, despite clamorous urgings to make the planners disengage, June 7 is here and the nation looks about to see which of the schools of thought  ascribe to it will be validated in real time, the Analyst reports.