Daily Media Summary, 05-30--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan’s statement that debate is a valuable feature for any society as it builds tolerance and maintains peaceful-coexistence, Liberia and the European Union joint agreement to put in place a system to verify the legality of Liberia's timber production and strengthen forest sector governance and the induction of the leaders of the Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute Class of 2014 are stories dominating our summary of selected dailies today.




Debate Builds Tolerance And Increases Peaceful Co-Existence

The INSIGHT newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan says debate is a valuable positive feature for any society as it builds tolerance and increases the possibility of maintaining peaceful-coexistence. Minister Ngafuan said the more people engage in debate, the more tolerant they become of opposing views and perspectives because they realize that what matters is not their physique or skin pigmentation or the depth of their pockets but the soundness and validity of their ideas and arguments. “The person who quickly throws a blow or fires a gun in an argument or contentious situation is a person who quickly runs out of solid ideas and arguments that can debunk their opponents.” He said where a culture of debate exists people tend to “disagree agreeably,” reducing the possibility of violent confrontation and increasing the possibility of peaceful co-existence.  Speaking on the theme, “Building A Scholarly Character in the Liberian Student” the launch of the Inter-High School National Debate Competition on Thursday, May29, 2014 at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion, Minister Ngafuan said the family has a great responsibility in this process of building a scholarly character in Liberian students because the family is the individual’s first point of contact with his community. “Parents must show a sense of appreciation for scholarly things in order to inspire in their children to the consciousness for scholarship. This does not necessarily mean that parents must have PHDS before they inspire their children who aspire to have PHDs”. The Liberian Foreign Minister revealed that another way to promote scholarly attributes in students is by recognition of their academic excellence.  He said recognizing students for academic excellence has a double barrel effect. Firstly, it encourages high performers to do better and motivates the low performers to buckle and put in their all. “When we recognize our students we give them our approbation that what they are doing is desirable and in the best interest of themselves and our country; but when we act in an insensitive and indifferent manner   to their achievements, we derail their self-confidence and de-motivate them” Minister Ngafuan told the cheering audience. Minister Ngafuan emphasized that in this age of globalization and technological advancement, it is almost impossible to build a scholarly character in students if the media does not play a positive role.  He revealed the media has a very critical role to execute in building a scholarly character in students because many of what students hear and read every day comes from the microphones and pens of journalists. “The stories that journalists write and the stories that they read help to inform the thinking of students. Therefore journalists must be conscious of their critical role in society and never back pedal on professionalism. “The words or phrases commonly used by journalists on radio may sooner than later become the words and phrases used by many young people in their everyday conversations and the quality or standard of writing journalists employ in their newspapers will soon be adopted by many young people as the acceptable standard of writing”, the Liberian Foreign Minister told the gathering dominated by young students. He profusely commended the new and vigorous team at the Ministry of Education for their far-sightedness and hard work in trying to rebrand the educational landscape of Liberia stating similar initiatives have been launched in the past, but they have faltered.  Minister Ngafuan hoped and trusts that that the launch of the high school debate will not be the end of this endeavor. “I anticipate the expansion of this and related programs to even the smallest schools in the far flung areas of this country”. The launch of the Inter-High School National Debate Competition was attended by an array of personalities including members of the diplomatic corps, officials of government, civil society, international NGOs among others.

Related Captions:Debate Builds Tolerance, Liberia’s Foreign Minister Ngafuan Avers(FrontPage Africa),Debate Builds Tolerance And Increases Peaceful Co-Existence –Ngafuan Asserts (In Profile Daily), Ngafuan Wants Brilliant Students Recognized(The New Dawn), At Inter-High School Debates Ngafuan Raps Liberian Students(Daily Observer)

Liberia-Eu Sign Forest Governance And Trade Agreement

According to the FronPage Africa, a joint agreement between Liberia and the European Union, which intends to put in place a system to verify the legality of Liberia's timber production and strengthen forest sector governance, was on Thursday signed at the Chamber of Commerce. The objective of the meeting was to jointly review the implementation of the Liberia-EU Volunteer Partnership Agreement, which entered into force on the 1st of December 2013. The process, expected to last for several years, will bring the Liberian forestry sector into a state of the art and sustainable status. According to a release the agreement will lead to the increase in long-term revenue for communities and the government, investment and job creation. The release stated that the EU has similar agreements with Ghana, the Republic of Congo, Cameroon, and Indonesia.

Related Captions: Liberia, EU Discuss Forest Governance, Trade(Daily Observer), Liberia, EU Discuss Forest Governance and Trade(The Inquirer), Liberia, EU Review VPA Implementation…On Forest Sector(The News), Liberia, EU Sign Trade Deal(New Democrat)

Foreign Service Institute sets to induct leadership

The Induction Ceremony of Officers Elect of the Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute Class of 2014 takes place today, Friday, 30th May 2014, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Monrovia. The Ceremony which will be characterized by the launch of a Development Fund Drive would be held in Cecil L. Dennis Auditorium at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 3p.m.
Those to be inducted include Talifa Roger Suah, President, Paula L. McBorrough, Vice President and Julius Kanubah, Secretary General. Others are Deddeh Tokpa, Financial Secretary, Theresa Perwehn, Treasurer, and Alfreda Sambolai-Tozay, Chaplain. Montserrado County District Number 4 Representative, Henry Boima Fahnbulleh, who chairs the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, is to give the Keynote Address on “The Role of Emerging Diplomats in the Economic and Development Diplomacy Agenda of Liberia”. National Port Authority (NPA) Managing Director, Matilda W. Parker, would serve as inducting officer and Chief Launcher of the FSI 2014 Class development fund drive. A host of dignitaries including the Speaker of the House of Representatives, President Pro-Tempore of the Senate, Minister of Foreign Affairs and other members of the Cabinet, as well as Members of the Diplomatic Corps will grace the program, the INSIGHT newspaper writes.

Related Captions: FSI Sets to Induct Leadership(The Inquirer), Foreign Service Students Induct Leaders Today(The News)


FACE Africa, Chevron Sign US$100,000

The FOCUS newspaper reports that FACE Africa, a nonprofit organization working to transform communities in rural Liberia by providing access to clean and safe drinking water and sanitation facilities, signed a US$100,000 grant with Chevron Liberia. The grant is part of the Chevron-Liberia Economic Development (C-LED) Initiative. Through this five-year effort, Chevron has committed to social investment programs designed to improve lives by focusing on three strategic areas: health, education and economic development. The C-LED Initiative works with governmental and nongovernmental organizations operating in Liberia and aligns with the country's national agenda to reduce poverty. The support from Chevron will go towards building 20 water projects in Rivercess County, one of the most marginalized counties in Liberia severely underserved in water and sanitation. The Rivercess County effort is part of a larger FACE Africa initiative known as ‘CbC’ or ‘County by County’ to construct 250 wells and hand pumps in Rivercess County to provide water access to over 60,000 residents and address the county's challenge in meeting the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for water by 2017.

UNIDO Advisor Decries TVET Delay

The Chief Technical Advisor of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Madam Peewee Culaton Viray has declared Liberia as a big delay in the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) reforms as compared to many other developing countries. Madam Viray emphasized that Liberia is a bit delayed in TVET reforms due to the fact it still uses the traditional approach to vocational training. Madam Viray made the assertion on Tuesday, May 27, 2014 when two partners, sponsoring the Business and Domestic Occupation Training Center (BDOTC), UNIDO and Liberia Refugees Repatriation & Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) turned over Housekeeping, Food Servicing and a Front Desk Facility to the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MYS). The facility is being refurbished by UNIDO and LRRRC as Returnees Reintegration Project. She said since the project is for skill training, one of the areas reviewed by her was the state of the art TVET Training Institutions and curricula, reports the  FOCUS newspaper.

Chief Justice Commissions Judicial Official

 The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, His Honor Francis S. KorKpor, Sr., on Monday commissioned eight officials of the Judiciary on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in the Banquet Hall of the Temple of Justice. A statement from the Judiciary says Chief Justice Korkpor called on the newly commissioned judicial officials to always maintain clean characters and integrities. He called on them to put self interest aside  and render fair and impartial  justice to parties that come before them, saying “ come with zeal and energy to your work”. Chief Justice Korkpor cautioned the commissioned officials  to live exemplary  lives and always keep themselves above reproach, according to the Inquirer newspaper.

Spanish Ambassador Expresses Country’s Commitment To Work With Africa

According to the Daily Observer, the Government of Spain through its Foreign Ministry has renewed its commitment to working with Africa in ensuring peace and security for both Spanish and African nationals on the continent.  A dispatch from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain, Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo to the African Union in commemoration of Africa Day on May 25, 2014 underscores Spain’s diplomatic history with Africa and expresses interest in collaborating with the continent in building mutual policies that will smoothen trade and social interactions.


VP Boakai Confident Of Lasting Peace In Liberia

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has expressed confidence that in the absence of UNMIL Liberia will have a long-lasting peace and cohesive society. Speaking at the occasion marking the International Day of United Nations Peace-keeper under the theme, “Force For Peace, Change, the Future”, Thursday, May 29, 2014 at the Pan African Plaza, VP Boakai said it is important that Liberians continue to reconcile themselves as one. The Vice President said there could be no safety measure in place than the will of the people to hold together and to build their nation as the peace-keepers’ wish to see Liberia and its people unite, reports Daily Observer.

Free Surgeries In Yekepa

Three medical doctors from Spain and Brazil have begun dental and ophthalmological surgeries at the Arcelor-Mittal Hospital in Yekepa, Nimba County. Arcelor-Mittal Communication Director forYekepa, Jerry Mwagbe, told journalists in Yekepa Tuesday that the doctors are in the country in continuation of the annual celebration of the company’s volunteer week, referred to as AcelorMittal Solidarity Week. The celebration is globally observed in April of every year, but its equivalent free services were delayed for Liberia due to the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus across the country, reports the New Democrat Newspaper.

LEC To Connect Health Facilities

The Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) has unveiled plans to connect hospitals in counties that are within the zones of the corporation’s current power distribution network. LEC Deputy Managing Director Joseph Myers said the corporation has already connected all major health facilities in Monrovia and its environs, including the JFK Medical Center, Redemption and Catholic Hospitals, Malag, Snapper Hill and Medlink Clinics within its network area, pens the New Democrat Newspaper.