Daily Media Summary, 02-20-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.




The Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response, Mr. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed’s acclamation for Liberia’s fight against the deadly Ebola Virus and the Government of Liberia’s commendation to the Japanese Government for its continual support to the country’s recovery drive are stories dominating today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.





Liberia Close To Zero Infection

The New Dawnnewspaper reports that the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER), Mr. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, says Liberia is close to getting to zero in the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus. SRSG Ahmed said Grand Cape Mount County has gone 21 days plus without new cases, saying, “If Grand Cape Mount County can go through the 21 days plus without new cases, that means Liberia is close to zero because I went there in the heat of that county outbreak and saw what it was”. Speaking Thursday, 19 February at the Ministry of Information’s daily press briefings, Mr. Ahmed said getting to zero is not all to it, but maintaining the zero, and doing so, Liberians must be committed to the process. He said the Government must provide good health system for health workers, and communities should work along with the Government and the media in eradicating Ebola.  


Related Captions: UNMEER Lauds Progress In Ebola Fight-Says Complacency Remains Major Obstacle(INSIGHT), Liberia Closer To Ebola Free(The Inquirer), UN-MEER Fears Another Outbreak, If…(In Profile Daily), UN Chief Warns Against Fatigue(New Democrat), Complacency, Fatigue Challenge To End Ebola In Liberia-Says UN Ebola Envoy(The New Republic), “We Must Get To Zero”...UNMEER Insists(The News), ‘No To Complacency’: United Nations Ebola Response Chief Tells Liberians(FrontPage Africa)


Japan Impacts Liberia’s Reconstruction And Development Agenda


The Government and People of Japan have been very active in Liberia's reconstruction and development agenda through their support to urban and rural infrastructural projects and food security. The Government of Japan has financedImage removed. many projects under Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid. Projects under this grant include the construction of three (3) bridges in Grand Cape Mount County under the aegis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works, the reconstruction of ELWA-RIA corridor where alleyways in communities between ELWA junction and the Roberts International Airport would be opened by the Ministry of Public Works, and the implementation of the Japan-Liberia Paddy and Seed Rice Project managed by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Foreign Ministry, on behalf of implementing ministries and the entire Government, considers the construction of the three bridges in Grand Cape Mount County as a critical intervention intended to enhance and improve rural community development through reconstruction of basic infrastructure that will increase delivery of economic and basic social services to the people in remote communities in that County.   The project will connect three strategic localities including Sawelor, Bombohum and Tallah Township. The reconnection of these localities and communities with durable bridges is one of Liberia - Japan's strategic partnership meant to increase people to people contact and enhance trade and development in Grand Cape Mount County. According to a progress report on the project, ‘the construction of the Diah,Kaylia, and Tallah Bridges is progressing’. In addition to the infrastructural and food security projects, the Japanese are supporting human capital enhancement and capacity development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Department of International Cooperation and Economic Integration. The grant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has provided the necessary logistical support and improved staff capacity thereby leading to increased productivity at the Ministry. Furthermore, said grant supports the operation of a Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, which helps the Government of Liberia (GOL) monitor the scrupulous implementation of all Japanese funded projects in the country, In Profile Daily reports.


Related Captions: Japan Impacts Liberia’s Reconstruction And Development Agenda(Heritage), Japan Making Impact Liberia’s Reconstruction And Development Agenda Getting Major Boost(FrontPage Africa)




Liberia Congratulates China On New Year Observance


The Government of Liberia (GoL) has congratulated the Government and People of the People’s Republic of China on the observance of the 4,713th Chinese New Year today, February 19, as the Year of the Sheep, also called the Year of the Goat. In a statement issued by the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICAT), the Liberian government hailed Chinese civilization, tradition and culture which have spanned these years. According to Chinese astrology, each year (starting from Chinese New Year) is associated with an animal sign, occurring in a 12-year cycle. This year is the Year of the Sheep/Goat, Heritage reports.


Related Captions: Liberia Congratulates China On New Year Observer(FOCUS)


Senate Elects C'ttee Heads


According to the News newspaper, the Liberian Senate has elected four of its members to head various statutory committees and four members to represent Liberia at the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU), Pan African Parliament and the ECOWAS Parliament. Those elected include Senators Geraldine Doe-Sheriff, Chairperson on Executive, George T. Tengbeh, Chairman, Rules, Order and Administration, Edward B. Dagoseh, Chairman on Ways, Means, FinanceImage removed. and Budget and Thomas Grupee, Chairman on Internal Affairs. Montserrado County Senator George Weah and Nimba County Senator Prince Johnson were elected to represent Liberia at the ECOWAS Parliament, while Grand Bassa and River Cess Counties senators Jonathan Kaipay and Dallas Gweh were also elected to represent Liberia at the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Pan African Parliament respectively.


Related Caption: Weah, Kaipay Elected To Int’l Bodies As Senate Elects Heads of Statutory C’ttees, Reps. to Int’l Bodies(Daily Observer)


Ellen Seeks Amendments …To Extend Re-stated Agency Agreement


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has written the National Legislature seeking an enactment of a revised amendment to the “Extended Re-stated Agency Agreement” concluded between the Republic of Liberia and the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR). The revised amendment of the Extended Re-stated Agency Agreement intends to develop new flag administration businesses, ship and corporate registries as well as accounting audit services, The News reports.



MCC Gets Excrement Trucks From ADB

The African Development Bank (ADB) has donated two excrement tanker trucks to the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) through its Fostering Innovation Sanitation and Hygiene (FISH) project.  Presenting the trucks Thursday, ADB Resident Representative to Liberia Margret Kilo said the donation is the bank's contribution towards the working of MCC as it strives to keep Monrovia clean and green. In response, Monrovia City Mayor Clara Doe-Mvogo lauded the bank for the donation. She promised that the trucks would be used in poor communities to help keep their environment clean. For her part, FISH Project Manager Ellen Pratt said the trucks will be managed through a public-private partnership, writes the News newspaper.


LEITI Seeks Funding Support


The Head of the Secretariat of Liberia Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (LEITI), Konah D. Karmo, has underscored the urgent need for funding support to the institution. Mr. Karmo made these assertions on Thursday, February 19, 2015, at a daylong media engagement forum attended by Editors and other Media Executives in Monrovia, FOCUS newspaper reports.


Related Caption: LEITI Shares Extractive Industries Challenges…Wants Increase Media Reports On Activities(In Profile Daily)


PCC, UNICEF Launch U-Report Project


The Paynesville City Corporation (PCC) and the UNICEF yesterday launched a project called ‘U-Report’ to give opportunity to young people and to address issues that the population cares about. Speaking at the Press conference held yesterday at the Paynesville City Hall, Mayor Cyvette Gibson said, ‘This is a marriage that we are going into when it comes to our young people and the government, it is a marriage when we cannot get divorced”. She appreciated UNICEF and FLY for and hope the project be a success.  Also  making remark at the launch Lee Kironget, UNICEF Innovation Lead said, UNICEF though it better to give the platform to the Liberian youths to raise issues that concern them (youths), issues that are affecting their communities and to also give access to follow up. “What UNICEF is trying to do is to bring the linkage between the youths and different people in government so I am very happy”, he asserted, the Inquirerwrites.


Related Caption: PCC, UNICEF, FLY Launch U-Report Project, 185 Youth Undergo Training As Beneficiaries(Daily Observer)


Plan International To Assist Schools In Observing Ebola Protocols


Plan International (PI), a non-governmental organization engaged in education and child protection in Liberia, has disclosed plans to liaise with schools to help them to fully observe the Ebola protocols as schools resume classes. Speaking recently in Ganta where Plan International (PI) conducted a daylong workshop for school Administrators and heads of Parent- Teacher Associations, Plan’s Education Emergency Coordinator, Miriam Murray, said PI will be closely working with schools in the county to ensure the safety of children. In addition to providing some materials to encourage the observance of the protocols, Ms. Murray indicated that PI will be reaching out to campuses to observe hand washing, teaching Administrators how to detect quickly an Ebola patient, how to get a sick child to the parent and monitor cleanliness on school  campuses to ensure  students’ safety, reports the Daily Observer.


Saclepea Gets Ambulance, Ultrasound Equipment

The proprietor for the Dorcus Memorial Clinic in Saclepea District, Nimba County, Bacchus Zeh, has donated an ultrasound machine and an ambulance to the District Health Team. At a brief turning over ceremony on Monday, Mr. Zeh said, the donations are intended to enhance the medical needs of citizens and in furtherance of government’s initiative in upgrading the health sector of the country.  He said though the equipment, and ambulance, are for use by the Dorcus Mator Memorial Clinic, it is also for the county health team. Speaking, the Administrator for the Saclepea Comprehensive Health Center, Peter Wonlakeah, thanked the proprietor for the Dorcus Martor Memorial Clinic for the assistance provided to the district, reports the New Dawn newspaper.