Daily Media Summary(11-16-2020)





NEWS SUMMARY, Monday, November 16, 2020



Today’s edition of our daily summary captures stories about The Government of Liberia through the United Nations World Food Programme (WEP) taking the COVID-19 food distribution to Todee, Montserrado County, Residents in the South East express delight over the new Fish Town Harper Road , ECOWAS Head of the Technical Data Support team to the Data Center of the National Elections Commission, and former Chairperson of the Ghanaian Electoral Commission on Sunday, November 15, 2020 arrived in Liberia as well as


Food Distribution Goes To Todee… Margibi, Nimba Counties,  Next In Line                                                                   The Government of Liberia through the United Nations World Food Programme (WEP) has moved the COVID-19 food distribution to Todee, Montserrado county with Tolberta Township Commissioner in Todee District expressing satisfaction over the ongoing COVID-19 Household Food support Program (COHFSP) distribution to community residents in Todee District. Commissioner Pabie, in a telephone conversation is said to have acknowledged the smooth distribution process, adding that “I have been told by my people who have received food that they are satisfied with the ration which is very timely.” He then thanked the Government of Liberia, World Food Programme and partners for the food package. He said he would shortly take a tour of distribution sites to personally interact with the citizens and distribution team. The World Food Programme (WEP) and partners have distributed food rations in rural Montserrado targeting over 19,600 households in 36 communities in 8 clans of Todee District, the News newspaper writes.

Related CaptionsCOVID-19 Food Distribution Moves To Todee District Margibi and Nimba Counties Next To Receive Food (The Analyst newspaperand COVID-19 Food Distribution Moves to Todee District (Daily Observer newspaperCOVID19-Food Distribution Moves to Todee District Margibi and Nimba Counties Next to Receive Food (The NEW Down) 

Fish Town Harper Road Brings Major Relief to Maryland County


The new Fish Town-Harper Road in Maryland County has stirred up hope for the residents, businesses and institutions alike, who until in few months ago were constrained to live, work and travel on roads that took hours and sometimes days due to potholes, mud traps and heavy dust and danger at almost every point. Today, life is better, says many, as children laugh and talk on their way to school in crisp clean uniforms, market sellers conduct business in a dust free environment; vehicles experience less wear and tear, and businesses are seeing an upswing in their bottom lines. This is the result of the US$55.4 million Fish Town Harper Road project, 66 kilometers of road that runs from Karloken to Harper City and Maryland to Cavalla Customs, Funded by the African development Bank. The construction process was managed by the Ministry of Public Works, with China railway #5as its construction contractor and Comptran group, reports, Heritage.

Related Caption: Fish Town Harper Road Brings Major Relief to Maryland County (Daily Observer)

ECOWAS Technical Team Head Arrives

The Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS Head of the Technical Data Support team to the Data Center of the National Elections Commission, and former Chairperson of the Ghanaian Electoral Commission on Sunday, November 15, 2020 arrived in Liberia. Speaking upon her arrival at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) in Margibi County, Madam Charlotte Osei, said she was glad to be a part of the ECOWAS Technical Data Support Team assigned at the NEC, to help in the process to further cleanup the 2020 Voter Registration Roll. The 2020 Final Registration Roll, FRR will be used in the 8 December 2020 Special Senatorial Elections, Constitutional Referendum and two Representatives By-Elections in Montserrado and Sinoe counties. The Past Ghanaian Electoral Commission Chairperson said as head of the ECOWAS Technical  Data Support Team, she said will be in country for 22 days helping to further cleanup the 2020 Voter Roll and to strengthen the integrity of the Roll. The arrival of Madam Charlotte Osei, bring the total number of ECWAS Technical Data Support Team in Liberia to four, in addition to a Kenyan Data Consultant hired by the United National Development Program, the UNDP, assigned at the Data Center of the Liberian Management Body, EMB. More than two weeks ago, a team of three people for the ECOWAS Commission, through the Special Representative of the Commission’ President has been working diligently with the NEC Data Center of further cleanup the Voter Roll for the pending 8 December 2020 Elections, attest Heritage newspaper.




‘He Gave Me Wise Counsel’ Pres. Weah Remembers Fallen Ghanaian Ex-President Rawlings

President Dr. George Manneh Weah is profoundly disheartened by news of the passing of former Ghanaian president Jerry John Rawlings. President Rawlings reportedly died on Tuesday, November 12, 2020while being treated for Coronavirus. According to the New Dawn newspaper, the Liberian Leader said the deceased former President will be remembered for the crucial role he played in the restoration of peace in Liberia. Ghanaian troops were part of a multi-national peacekeeping force from West African countries that helped maintained law and other during the height of the Liberian civil war. President Rawlings, who led Ghana from 1981 -2001, personally championed the peace process in Liberia, including the organization and hosting of the many different peace accords, and his several mediation missions to Monrovia to meet with the country’s feuding warlords. President Weak extended his condolences to the Government and people of Ghana, and the bereaved family, for what he described as an irreplaceable loss. He said Rawlings left a hug legacy not just with his compatriots, but Liberians as well. The President said: “I will always have found memories of the interactions with him particularly when we met at my inauguration and during the funeral services of the late Dr. Kofi Annan in Accra. He always gave me wise counsel.”




Three Females Top WASSCE As WAE Announces Slight Improvement                                                                  The West African Examination Council Liberia Office has Officially release preliminary results from the just-ended West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) with about 63% of the 39,263 candidates who sat the test all came out with shining colors. Unlike the previous national Exams, a candidate who passed a single subject is considered successful and will receive certificate for his or her performance. Releasing the results at a news conference on Friday, November 13, 2020 at the Headquarters of WAEC- Liberia in Congo town, the head of National Office of WAECC-Liberia Dale Gbotoe said,  even though the COVID-19 may  had some impact on the students, but their overall academic performance was slightly better than 2019, the News newspaper writes.

Related Caption: 3 Females Top WASSCE 2020 (Heritage)



Nat’l Muslim Organization to Honors Pres. Weah For Being a Unifier, Reconciler of His People

The National Muslim Organizations, in collaboration with Women Development of Kpasan-kamala as well as the Advisor to the President on Islamic Affairs, will on November 29, 2020, honor President George Manneh Weah for his farsightedness as a unifier, a reconciler and a man of great potential in promoting religious coexistence and tolerance among the people of Liberia. According to a Friday, November 13, 2020, press release form the President of the National Civil Society Union of Liberia (NACSUL), the decision of the National Muslim Organizations to honor President Weah is based on his milestone decision to have appointed for the first time an Advisor on Islamic Affairs, and for the many support he has provided and continues to provide to the Muslim community, the Analyst newspaper writes.


NEC Commissioner On importance Of Party Agents In Electoral Process                                                                                                                   

One Of the Seven Commissioners of the National Elections Commission (NEC) has underscored the importance of Party Agents in the electoral process, adding the role of political Party Agents is critical to the legitimacy of elections results throughout Liberia. Commissioner Boakai Dukuly said the role of Party Agents to ensure free, fair, credible, and transparent elections are also critical in ensuring a violent free Special Senatorial Election (SSE), come December 8, 2020. He made the remarks Friday, November 13, 2020, on behalf of the Chairperson of NEC, Davidetta Brwone Lansanah at the commencement of the first in a series of Political Parties and Independent Candidate Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop in Monrovia. According to the News newspaper, Commissioner Dukuly who has oversight for Political Parties said to ensure this was done, political party agents must be adequately trained, and must serve as election ambassadors to ensure peace and reconciliation throughout the country even after  December 8, 2020.



UBA Positioning Its Retail Banking Sector                                                                                                                        As 2020 gradually comes to an end, the United Bank of Africa (UBA) has begun planning for activities in 2021 with more focus on its retail banking sector. Addressing a virtual conference held in Lagos, Nigeria and broadcast in all UBA Global Head, Retail Liabilities, Ogechi Altriade said the bank focus on retail banking will capture SMEs as well with list of products to support the retail sector. Madam Altraide said, “UBA recognizes that SMEs are important to the growth of any economy and our proposition for micro small and medium enterprises business is positioned to support them”. According to the News newspaper, Under the SMEs, she said UBA has financial and non-financial service.

Rotary Club Gives To Redemption Hospital Commends Lebanese Union

The Rotary Club of Monrovia in partnership with the Lebanese Culture Union over the weekend dedicated an Oxygen Machine (NOVAIR) to the Redemption Hospital in order to help save lives. According to Francis Karpeh, a member of the Rotary Club, for the past two years the oxygen machine had been down and it was through these organizations putting their resources together that they are now able to have an oxygen machine at the Redemption Hospital. He further stated that their plans started few months ago and whenever the Rotary gets involved into something, that thing always comes to fruition, the Inquirer newspaper writes.


29 Livestock Farmers Trained in Animal Disease Prevention                                                         

About 29  livestock farmers chosen from six counties including Grand Bassa, Bomi, Margibi, Rivercess, Sinoe and Grand Kru counties have acquired skills on the prevention and control of animal diseases. The Training aimed at developing the workforce capacity of Liberia’s animal sector to improve food security. It lasted for 21 days on the University of Liberia (UL) Fendell campus and was facilitated by the UL College of Agriculture (MOA) with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Emergency Center for Transboundary Animals Disease (ECTAD) through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) program. Many of the country livestock farmers lacked better knowledge on improved animals rearing as well as the prevention and control animal diseases, the Daily Observer newspaper pens.


Global Fund Board Commits To Sustaining the Fight Against HIV, TB, Malaria While Supporting The Global Response To Covcomid-19

The Board of the Global Fun to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria met virtually for the 44th Board meeting this week to discuss the organization’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, development of the next Global Fund strategy and progress in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria. Held in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic that has caused more than 50 million cases and 1.27 million deaths, the Board commended the Global Fun’s rapid and through response to the COVID-19 crisis while at the same time protecting progress on the fight against HIV, TB and malaria. Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund, stressed the need to increase funding and expand the response to fight COVID-19, reinforce system for health, and get back on track to end HIV, TB and malaria as epidemics by 2030. “At the moment, COVID-19 is killing roughly the same number of people every week as HIV, TB and malaria combined,” said Executive Director Peter Sands in his opening addressed to the Board. “We did, I think, avert the immediate worst-case scenario of impact on HIV, TB and malaria. But we should have no illusion: There has been a significant impact, and over time the failure to contain CIV-19 and its financial and economic consequences, will further erode our ability to fight the three disease, says the New Dawn newspaper.


Young Liberian Women acquire vocational skills

Act To Impact-Liberia, a local group has graduate more than 20 young women after vocational skills training in hotel management, catering pastry, interior decoration and fashion dressings, facial makeup, hair dressing and cosmetology. Executive Director Morris G. McCarthy, said ati-Liberia is an organization intended to empower underprivileged young Liberia women with vocational skills to help women with vocational skill will go a local way to strengthening families economically across the nation. Director McCarthy maintained that technical and vocational skills training for Liberian youth are critical toward the transformation of Liberia’s development drive. Eerier, the Political Leader of the Movement for One Liberia (MOL), Macdella Cooper said, Liberian women transform their livelihood in society. Director McCarthy stated that the organization also champions the fight against domestic violence, rape, drug abuse among the women, youth and children. He stressed that the organization prioritizes skills training for young people to empower them for for Liberia’s socio-economic development, the New Dawn newspaper. 

WaterAid Concludes One-Day Capacity Building Training For Journalists


In a bid to advance medial skills with regards to reporting issues relating to improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for the citizens of Liberia, WaterAid has concluded a one-day intensive training to media practioners in Monrovia WaterAid is a has global not for profit Christian humanitarian organization that is complimenting the effort of the Government of Liberia (GoL) to improve access to sustainable safe water and sanitation and hygiene solutions. WaterAid Country Director, Mr. Chuchu Selma, in his introductory comments, stressed the pivotal role the media plays in the WASH sector, nothing that without the media, the sustainable interventions made by WaterAid would go unnoticed. “The media is essential part of our work, as you all know, we have been into advocacy and influencing, but without the media, it will be very difficult if not possible to realize our goal,” the WaterAid Country director pointed out. According to him, the issue surrounding citizens access to safe drinking water, improved latrines and hygiene still remain a major challenge, but pointed out that if journalists obtain the right skills and trainings to tell the stories of WASH in a simplified manner to the audience, he believes it will change the dynamics to a positive one, writes Heritage newspaper.


MOPT To Conduct Training for All CIOs Participants at the CIO meeting at the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications through the office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), is expected to conduct training for all CIOs in Government Ministries, Agencies. According to the Daily Observer newspaper, the Chief CIO officer, Mr. Sekou Kromah, the workshop will focus on Cyber Security Education, Digital Forensics Laboratory, and information on new Information Communications Technology (ICT) initiates (project and programs), website and Chartroom for CIOs. The CIO Council held a meeting on November 12, 2020 and discussed the upcoming conference on Liberia International Cybersecurity and Cloud conference. It can be recalled, the Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications in partnership with USAID Digital-Liberia completed the certification of 46 ICT sectors of Liberia. The ceremony was held at the Monrovia City hall on Thursday, November 21,2019, and Minister Cooper W. Kruah Sr. urge the participants of a a four months training to think big and become more creative in achieving their goal. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications in partnership with other security apparatus is preparing to launch the Forensic Cybercrime Laboratory.   In the forensic Cybercrime Laboratory, the inspection of intrusions of digital material to include audio and other cybercrime evidence obtained from a crime scene will be verified.  The Ministry of Post & Telecommunications and the Ministry of Justice have already identified a building to be used for the forensic Cybercrime lab at the Police Academy in Paynesville, says the Daily Observer newspaper. 


