Daily Media Summary (11-03- 2020)





NEWS SUMMARY, Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Today’s edition of our daily summary captures stories about The Government of Liberia distancing itself From cote D’Ivoire Violence; Ganta –Zwedru Road GroundBreaking set for Dec; GoL commences Phase-two Training Based planning Monitoring & Evaluation; Chinese Envoy Sees Partnership As Key To Developing Liberia’s Tourism Industry; Sen. Kaipay Wants WASH Caucus Established At ECOWAS Parliament; MOA donates foodstuffs to GSA.


Other stories highlighted in our summary include: Albinism Society to get Permanent Home, President Weah Breaks Ground; First Lady Weah wants Touristic Sites Revived; Liberian Journalist Selected as Member for International Journalist migration forum, among other stories.




Gol Commences Phase-two Training Based planning Monitoring & Evaluation



The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning with support from the United Nations Children’s fund on Wednesday October 27,2020 began three days participatory capacity building training that is terms as” Result Based Planning Monitoring and Evaluation workshop for monitoring and Evaluation officer’s in Tubmanburg, Bomi county. According to the In Profile Daily newspaper, the workshop is held under the Theme: “Strengthening Government Approach for Accountability, Transparency and Result that is aligned with the National Development Plan of Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD)”.

Related CaptionMFDP Begins Phase –Two Training on Result- Based Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (The News newspaper) GOL Commences Phase-two training on result Based Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (The New Dawn newspaper)


Ganta –Zwedru Road GroundBreaking set for Dec.


President George Weah is due to on 2 December officially break ground to mark the beginning of the construction into asphalt pavement the primary road between Ganta, in Nimba County and Zwedru, in Grand Gedeh County. According to the In Profile newspaper, the revelation was made recently by the president’s chief of Staff, Hon. Nathaniel Mcgill when the addressed Executive Mansion correspondents at his residence in Paynesville.


GOV Takes A Distance From cote D’Ivoire Violence


The Government of Liberia distances itself from all acts of violence taking place in neighboring Cote D’Ivoire in the wake of Saturday’s Polls. The situation has already led a few thousands of Ivoirians to seek refuge in Liberia and other neighboring countries, evoking memories of the 2010 electoral violence in that country. Liberia wishes to remind all Ivoirians of the consequence of resorting to violence as a means of resolving their differences. The Liberia Government says it firmly backs regional and international efforts aimed at finding a lasting solution to the political situation, and will do nothing to undermine the security of a friendly neighbor- as has been insinuated on social media, asserts the Democrat newspaper. Related CaptionGov’t Distances Itself form Acts of Violence in cote d’Ivoire


Chinese Envoy Sees Partnership as Key to Developing Liberia’s Tourism Industry 


Chinese Ambassador to Liberia Ren Yisheng has highlighted partnership as an idea way to improve Liberia’s tourism sector. Amb. Ren indicated that he is interested in seeing how China and Liberia can collaborate in improving Liberia’s infrastructure which will subsequently boost the tourism sector of the country. The Chinese diplomat revealed that his pervious assignment in the Foreign Service was in Chiang Mai, Thailand, affirming that the region relies on foreign tourism, pens The News newspaper. Relate CaptionChinese Envoy Sees Partnership As Key to Developing Liberia’s Tourism Industry (In Profile newspaper)


First Lady Weah wants Touristic Sites Revive


First Lady Clar Marie Weah has marveled at Liberia’s beautiful geographical features and potential tourism sites in Liberia, stressing that the country is abundantly blessed by God. According to the Heritage newspaper, Mrs. Weah named the blue Lake in Bomi County and the beautiful beaches across the country among others as great touristic sites needing revival so as to be an attraction to Liberians and the world. Speaking during a brief tour at the “Blue Lake in Bomi, Western Liberia over the weekend, Mrs. Weah expressed willingness to join effort in revitalizing such sites and challenged other Liberians, especially government officials to consider supporting such initiatives.



Albinism Society to Get Permanent Home-President Weah Breaks Ground


The Liberia Albino society (LAS), for the first time, is expected to get a modern Headquarter that will contain healthcare center, administrative department, and recreation department following President Weah’s promise to provide little over U$392,000 for the construction of a two-storey modern building for persons with albinism. Making the disclosure on Friday on behalf of Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel Tweah, Saye-Maye Cole, Society & Community Service Department of Budget at the Ministry of Finance said, the gesture by President Weah is towards inclusive governance, one of  which he wowed to provide under his leadership, the Inquirer newspaper relates.


AfDB launches a Training of Trainers Program for Developing Project Proposals to access Green Climate Fund African Development Bank


The African Development Bank has designated representatives from 80 government institutions, civil society organizations and universities for training as experts in developing climate financing proposals. The trainees will pass on their knowledge to potential beneficiaries of the Green climate Fund, a $10 billion endowment set up in 2010 to help countries implement their climate agenda through loans, equity, guarantee and grants. According to Daily Observer newspaper, the 120-hour traning program is managed by the Climate Change and Green Growth Department of  the African development Bank, with funding from the Korea-African Economic cooperation Trust fund.

GOL, Mobile Network Operators Launch New SIM/ RUM Registration System 

The Government of Liberia through the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) and the National Identification Registry agency (NIR), together with mobile network operators over the weekend signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on new SIM/RUM registration regulations. The revised regulations framework will see the National Identification Registry join the Liberia Telecommunications Authority and both mobile network operators, Lonestar Cell MTN and Orange Liberia, in carrying out strategies to achieve its objectives. The implementation of the regulation will improve national security in the country, provide a platform for the efficient functioning of other electronic communications service including mobile money transfer and other such services; enhance the chance of subscribers replacing their SIM Cards in the event of loss: minimize the opportunity for communication frauds (grey routing of calls) as operators are mandated to activate only registered SIM/ RUM Cards on their networks: and ensure the creation of a reliable database of subscribers by operators, pens the Daily Observer newspaper.



MOA donates foodstuffs to GSA

The Ministry of Agriculture in partnership with local vendors has donated 11,000 bags of Garri (processed cassava) to the General Services Agency (GSA) for onward distribution to vulnerable communities as part of COVID-19 stimulus package promised by President George Manneh Weah. The food items also include powdered fufu, locally produced beans, palm oil and other foodstuff. Making the presentation on behalf of the ministry, Agriculture Minister Jeanie Cooper said this is in continuation of food supplies to vulnerable residents in the fight against the deadly Corona Virus which had hit the country early this year, pens the New Dawn newspaper.


Sen. Kaipay Wants WASH Caucus Established At ECOWAS Parliament

The newly elected Senate Representation to the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS) Jonathan Kaipay said he will lobby with his ECOWAS colleagues for the establishment of the Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) caucus. According to The News newspaper, Sen. Kaipay said the establishment of WASH caucus at the ECOWAS Parliament will improve hygienic condition in the region, adding that members of the parliament will take the awareness in their various countries. The Grand Bassa Country Senator said his ascendency to the ECOWAS Parliament is an additional opportunity for ensuring that his dream for the establishment of the WASH caucus comes through