Daily Media Summary(11-30-2020)







The Bureau of Press and Public Affairs on Friday, October 30, 2020 subscribed to THE INQUIRER, THE WOMEN VOICES, THE NEW DAWN, THE INDEPENDENT INQUIRER and THE IN-PROFILE DAILIES, and highlighted headlines/ stories from the front, back and inside pages of these local dallies.

As usual, the summary captures news about the Islamic Religious Advisor to the President calling on Liberians to support President Weah’s leadership agenda; Finance Minister Samuel Tweah promising government’s Support for Liberians own businesses; Information Minister  Ledgerwood Rennie’s clarification on the US$ 48m Covid-19 fund preliminary audit report; VP Taylor’s pronouncement about her improved healthy condition and  readiness to resume her constitutional duty as Vice President after her return to Liberia, amongst other stories.    



Let Support President  Weah  In Unifying Christians And Muslims;

-Islamic Religious Advisor, Jalloh Urges Citizens

The Independence Inquirer reports that the Islamic Religious Advisor to President George Manneh Weah, sheik Usmane T. Jalloh is urging Muslims and Christians in Liberia to forget the past and collectively join President Weah in uniting the Christians and Muslims in Liberia. Since Liberia got her independence in 1847, Mr. Jalloh said, no President or government has ever appointed Islamic Advisor besides President Weah and so Muslims in Liberia need to join him in bringing the two groups together in order to transform the country. According to him, the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) led government has exhibited over the year’s religious tolerance and as such both Christians and Muslims should support the President in reconciling the country.  Related CaptionPresident Weah’s Islamic Advisor Calls for Unity (New Dawn),;“Let Support Pres.Weah in Untying Christians, Muslims, (Women Voices, and in-Profile Daily, Independent Inquirer).


“We Will Support Liberians Businesses”, Minister Tweah

The Minister of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), Samuel D. Tweah Jr says the Liberian Government under President George Mannah Weah will support Liberian own businesses. Speaking at the official opening of a refurbished cafeteria at the Finance Ministry on Thursday, Minister Tweah told the audience, most of whom were employees of the MFDP, that he was delighted that the Ministry’s cafeteria is being fully operated by a Liberian businessman. With support from the MFDP, the cafeteria is being run by Liberian Business, Solie Enterprise, owned and operated by Businessman Vicky Jah, reports the Independent Inquirer. Related Captions: MFDP Opens Refurbished Staff Cafeteria (In Profile daily newspaperNew Down),


US$ 48m Covid-19 Fund Only Projected; Information Minister Clarifies  

The In-Profile Daily asserts that Information Minister Ledgerwood Rennie has clarified that the 48 Million Dollars COVID-19 Fund currently under audit is only a projected amount under the budget framework. Minister Rennie said having such amount under Audit does not necessarily mean that 48 million was expended by the Incident Management team and the Minister of Health. According to Minister Rennie, a preliminary report has been submitted to the auditees for their commits, after which final reports will be sent to the President for further action.   Related Caption:  Minister Rennie Sets Record Straight On Covid-19 Fund Audit Report (Women Voices Newspaper),

 “I Am Physically Fit” 

Vp Taylor Asserts, Applauds Liberians for Praying For Her Recovery from COVID-19


Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor who returned to the country from Ghana after a successful treatment says she is physically fit and ready to discharge her constitutional duties and responsibilities bequeathed upon her by the Liberian people. VP Taylor who according to medical report was placed in intensive Care for about 35 days under cortical observation, returned home on October 28, 2020, Pans the Women Voices NewspaperRelated Caption: “VP Taylor Returns after Defeating COVID-19 (Independent Inquirer) Liberia’s VP Returns after Surviving COVID-19, (In-Profile Daily)


GOL Commences Phase-Two Training On Result-Based Planning , Monitoring And Evaluation


The Independent Inquirer Daily pans that the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning with support from the United Nations Children’s Fund on Wednesday, October 27, 2020 began three-day participatory Capacity Building Training in what is termed as result based planning, monitoring and evaluation of officer’s in Tubmanburg Bomi county.  The workshop is held under the Theme: Strengthening government’s approach for accountability, transparency and result that is aligned with the National Development Plan of the Pro-poor agenda.    

Fallah Warns Against Electoral Violence


The Ruling Coalition for Democratic Change CDC, candidate in the pending Senatorial Election Hon. Thomas Fallah has called on Liberians, especially the youthful population to do away with electoral violence. Mr. Fallah who is also a third-term Representative of  Montserrado County Electoral District #5 made the statement on yesterday when he and his team visited several high schools and several places in central Monrovia.   

Weah Hails Ellen’s Dedication; Expresses Best Wishes on Her Birthday

The New Dawn Newspaper reports that President George Manneh Weah has hailed former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s services and dedication to Liberia and humanity as a whole; extending his heartfelt felicitations and best wishes to her in celebration of her 82nd birth anniversary on 29 October.  On the occasion marking the 82nd birth anniversary on former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf“ I am pleased to extend my heartfelt felicitations and best wishes to her, praying that she continues to enjoy God’s bountiful blessings”,  the Executive Mansion quotes President Weah as saying. 

President Weah Declares October 29, National Youth Day


The New Dawn Newspaper quoting a Foreign Ministry release reports that President George Manneh Weah has issued a Proclamation declaring Thursday, October 29, 2020 as a Working Holiday throughout Liberia.According to the release, the theme for this year’s celebration is “ “The Role of the Youth in Fighting the Covid-19, Sexual Gender Based Violence and Electoral Violence in Liberia”. The Proclamation requests the Ministry of Youth and Sports and relevant government ministries and agencies to initiate and execute appropriate programs in observance of the Day. It notes that sustaining peace and enhancing social cohesion and engenders the platform to discuss the National Youth Policy Act, as well as encourage policy makers, partners and stakeholders in the country, including youth organizations, to work towards achieving youth empowerment across the country.