Daily Media Summary 2018-07-18
The Bureau of Public Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia
The Nelson Mandela lectures, the deploying of ECOWAS observers in Mali, and the graduation of a 75 year old grandmother are among selected stories for today’s news summary.
Ellen at Nelson Mandela Lecture
Former Liberian President Ellen Johnson - Sirleaf is among several current and past world leaders at the sixth Nelson Mandela lecture in Johannesburg, South Africa at the quest of the Nelson Mandela Foundation. The event is in observance of programs marking the Centennial birth anniversary of late former South African President Nelson Mandela. A release says the 2018 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture, in partnership with the Motsepe Foundation was delivered by former U.S. President Barack Obama in Johannesburhg on 17 July. In an impassioned address marking the 100th anniversary of anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela's birth Tuesday, 17 July, Mr. Obama urged people around the world to respect human rights and other values now under threat. The immediate past U.S. President observes that these days "we see” much of the world threatening to return to a more dangerous and more brutal way of doing business. The Nelson Mandela Annual lecture is one of the Foundation’s flagship programs to honor its founder Nelson Mandela. Every year since 2003, global leaders have used the lecture to raise issues affecting South Africa, Africa and the rest of the world. The lecture on Tuesday took place a day before Nelson Mandela International Day. Former President Sirleaf, former UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon were among several others at the lecture, reports the New Dawn newspaper.
Related Captions: Sirleaf Joins Obama At Mandela’s Centenary (Daily Observer), and Sirleaf, Obama Share Stage (FrontPage Africa)
Labor Min. raps on Child labor
Labor Minister, Moses Y. Kollie says plans are underway for full endorsement of the National Action Plan (NAP) Document on the elimination of Child Labor in the country by cabinet. He said the move will set the platform for addressing child labor through mainstreaming in all sectors of the economy. Mr. Kollie said the government through the Ministry of Labor, has committed itself to this process by the development of a National Action Plan (NAP) Document that is to address child labor issues in Liberia from 2018-2030. The Labor Minister made comment on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 when he delivered a special statement at the opening of the Legislative Reform Committee (LRC) Validation Workshop on Hazardous list for Liberian children held at the Cape Hotel, Mamba point Monrovia. Minister Kollie reminded the participants that Liberia as a member State of the International Labor Organization (ILO), ratified ILO Convention 182 in June 2003 which calls for the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor. He said that the ILO Convention 138, which sets the minimum age for admission to work, recommends that all ratifying countries to this convention develop a list of Hazards as a key step to establishing a legal framework that enables children to participate in the labor market while ensuring that such action is not taken at the detriment of their education but rather, they are properly protected against works that would be harmful to their health and safety, according to the New Dawn newspaper.
ECOWAS deploys election observers in Mali
Twenty ECOWAS Long-Term Observers (LTOs) have been deployed across four of Mali's eight administrative regions and Bamako District, the nation's capital, ahead of the country's July 29 crucial presidential election. The team made up of election operations, legal and constitutional experts, gender, civil society and communication specialists, and supported by a Technical Team from the ECOWAS Commission, will be observing various stages of the electoral processes in the Segou, Sikasso, Koulokoro and Kayes regions, and Bamako district. Before their deployment, the LTOs were briefed on Tuesday 17th July, by the ECOWAS Special Representative to Mali, Amb. Cheaka Aboudou Toure, who gave a brief background to ECOWAS' interventions towards the restoration of peace, democracy and good governance in the country. He described Mali as an important country in the region, saying: "there might be challenges, but with great hope for a bright future for the country."The LTOs, who were also given security briefings by an official of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission (MINUSMA), and the ECOWAS Standby Force personnel, will be joined on 24 July by 150 of their Short-term counterparts, making a total of 171-member ECOWAS Observation Mission, headed by Burkina's former Prime Minister and ECOWAS Commission President, Kadre Desire Ouedraogo, pens the New Dawn newspaper.
Related Caption: ECOWAS Deploys Observers To Mali Administrative Regions Ahead of July 29 Presidential Poll (Insight)
Grandma Jestina graduates at 75
It was a joyous and historical moment at the Effort Baptist Church in Paynesville City, specifically Town Hill community when 75 years old Grandma Jestina S. Freeman receives her high school certificate and diploma as a proud graduate of the Nathan E. Gibson Memorial Academy. A mother of nine successful children and many grandchildren, Grandma Jestina stole the entire show on Tuesday, 17 July neatly dressed in green skirt and light green long sleeves blouse with a green and black necktie, as she majestically steps out to receive her high school credential. Hundreds of eager residents, including family members, well-wishers and flower sellers as well as by-passers who could not make their way into the jam-packed church edifice, stood outside with alert ears as the ceremony continued inside. It was not too long when the church went vibe with jubilation as Grandma Jestina was called out to receive her medal and diploma, walking majestically on stage with beaming smile. After the official program, the waiting crowd for several hours fought their way thru family members and photographers to take a glance at the woman who has defied age to pursue and successfully complete secondary education, and joined her for photo shots. Madam Freemen in an interview expresses heartfelt thanks to God, her husband and the Momo B. Kamara Scholarship for affording her the opportunity to achieve her dream of competing high school, asserts the New Dawn newspaper.
Flood Waters Paralyze Montserrado Communities
Severe flooding caused by heavy downpour of torrential rains over the weekend, have left several persons homeless and on Tuesday brought pedestrian and vehicular traffic along the Tubman Boulevard-Congo Town roadway to a virtual halt. The rains have created a host of problems for residents of Monrovia, Paynesville, Duala and other flood prone communities which have suffered severe flooding as a result of torrential downpours over the last two days. In Sinkor, near the Airfield-Old Road junction, traffic came to a virtual halt as flood waters inundated the roadway and made passage very challenging. In the Fish Market several homes were, in addition to floods, threatened by an angry Atlantic Ocean which swept away portions of buildings situated near the beach. Occupants of those structures were seen making frantic efforts to save whatever remained of their belongings and homes some of which are now perched on a narrow strip of beach. Severe flooding was also reported in the Zayzay community and Zubah Town areas in Paynesville. In central Monrovia, Buzzi Quarters, Soniwehn and Newport, Randall, Carey, Gurley, Lynch and Center streets were all affected by flooding. Reports say areas lying behind the JFK Hospital also suffered the effects of severe flooding, writes the Daily Observer.
Related Captions: Flood Takes Over Monrovia (FrontPage Africa) and Flood Shutdown Monrovia (Insight)