Daily Media Summary 2018-04-26

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The ongoing distribution of the Long-Lasting Insecticide Net campaign by First Lady Clar Duncan Weah; Cabinet’s adoption of several measures to enhance government’s position in realization its objectives and the launching of a new brand of Birth Certificate are among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.


As Liberia Observes World Malaria Day First Lady Weah Launches Mosquito Nets Distribution

As part of the many measure to curtail the spread of the killer disease malaria, Liberia’s first Lady, Madam Clar Duncan Weah on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 launched the long-lasting insecticide net (LLINS) mass distribution campaign. The launch of the LLINs mass distribution was part of the many activities marking the celebration of this year’s World Malaria Day held in Paynesville, outside Monrovia. According to the Heritage newspaper, the campaign will simultaneously kickoff today, Thursday, April 26, 2018 across the country. Speaking at the launch of the campaign, Madam Weah stressed the urgent need for joint effort in tackling the killer disease.


Related Captions: First Lady Stresses Wise Use Of Mosquito Nets(In Profile Daily), Malaria Incidents Reduced By 50%(The INQUIRER). The Daily Observer reports that Christine Elder, United States Ambassador to Liberia, has confirmed that malaria accounts for at least 42 percent of outpatients’ attendance and 44 percent of deaths among children under five at various health facilities in the country. Amb. Elder’s statement was contained in remarks she made yesterday at a joint program marking the official launch of Long Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets Distribution Campaign in commemoration of this year’s World Malaria Day, held in Paynesville, outside Monrovia. The ceremony was held under the auspices of the Ministry Of Health (MoH) in collaboration with Plan International, with funding from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which part of an ongoing Global Fund Malaria Program in the country.


Cabinet Takes Pay Cut

In continuation of President George Weah’s Pro-Poor Agenda, Cabinet ministers, in their second crucial sitting, have adopted several measures to enhance the government’s position in realization of its objective. The measures include the reduction or standardization of salaries for ministers of government and heads of autonomous agencies. The decision was reached on Wednesday, April 25, during the Cabinet’s second session at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and chaired by President Weah. The cabinet also took a number austerity measures aimed at the standardization salaries across government, especially within the Executive Branch, an Executive Mansion release said yesterday. The cabinet agreed that “No longer will any official of the government, including heads of autonomous agencies make US$10,000 or US$15,000 respectively. This decision across the board will affect approximately 4,140 employees; including civil servants that make above US$1,000. The decision by the cabinet will take effect in the pending 2018/2019 fiscal budget. Meanwhile, the cabinet has exhaustively discussed the 2018/19 fiscal budget with a view of identifying means to support national development that will impact the lives of the poor people and to ensure that money is not wasted, reports the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: Cabinet Reduces Ministers, Heads of Autonomous Agencies’ Salaries(FrontPage Africa)


New Brand Of Birth Certificate Officially Launched In Liberia

The Heritage newspaper says the Government of Liberia (GOL) through the Ministry of Health, on Wednesday, April 25, 2018, officially launched a new brand of birth certificate. Speaking at the official launching ceremony in Monrovia, Deputy Health Minister for Planning and policy, a Varfee Tulay, described the launch of the new birth certificate as a remarkable day in the history of the Bureau of Vital Statistics in that it (new Certificate) has moved the Bureau to another level. Minister Tulay explained that it is prudent for every citizen of Liberia to have a special and a unique certificate with an identification number.



House Orders LRA To Pay US$712K To Retire 31 Employees, Or Reinstate Them

The House of Representatives has voted to mandate the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) to settle salaries of 31 retired employees for the past 18 months, which totaled US$712,800. The House has also voted that if the LRA cannot pay-off the 31 aggrieved workers due to financial constraints, the management should restore or reinstate them until money is available to pay them off. The lawmakers took the decision on Tuesday, April 24, during the 22nd day sitting when 30 of the 73 Representatives voted in favor of the resolution, with none against while two abstained. The House’s decision follows a report from the Joint Committee on Claims and Petition, Judiciary and Labor about 31 LRA employees, who were wrongfully retired, according to the Daily Observer.


Weah Off To Franco-African Summit

President George Manneh Weah departs Liberia for Congo Brazzaville on Thursday, April 26, 2018.  The 3-day official state visit is aimed at honoring a special invitation to attend the Franco-African Summit. While in Brazzaville, the President is expected to meet his Congolese counterpart, President Denis Sassou Nguesso and other Francophone leaders in order to strengthen bilateral relations between their countries and Liberia. The Liberian Leader will also use the opportunity to expand outreach within Francophone countries and Africa at large and explore investment avenues and opportunities for development. President Weah will be accompanied by Foreign Minister, Gbehzongar Milton Findley, Presidential Press Secretary, Sam Mannah, including presidential support and technical staffs.  Meanwhile, the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President, Hon. Nathaniel Farlo McGill will chair the Cabinet in consultation with the Vice President and via mobile phone with the President, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Phase Two Of US$40M Substantial Water Project Enters Final Stage

The final Phase of a US$40 million Urban Water, Sanitation and Supply Project (UWSSP), funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB), has entered its substantial completion inspection stage. The project’s manager Gabriel S. Flaboe on Monday, April 23, led a team of water engineers, representatives from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) and contractors of a Chinese construction firm to the New Georgia and Soul Clinic water and sanitation projects. During the inspection, engineers from the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) and representatives from MFDP filled out questionnaires regarding some of the minor technical problems at the facilities. However, members of the combined teams of inspectors observed some challenges in one of the communities that was said to have rejected the construction exercise. Mr. Flaboe puts the cost of the two projects at US$3.8 million, writes the Daily Observer.



Lawmakers Pardon Sime Darby Management-Special Committee Set Up To Probe Torture Allegations

Members of the House of Representatives have rescinded (withdrawn, canceled) their decision to maintain their contempt charge against the management of Sime Darby and have voted to constitute an 8-man special committee to investigate torture allegations made against the company. The special committee chaired and co-chaired by Rep. Tibelrosa S. Tarponweh of Margibi County and Rustonlyne Dennis from Montserrado County, respectively, will also be responsible to review the concession which was ratified by the Legislature in July 2009. Members are Rep. Johnson Gwaikolo, Rep. Matthew Zayzay, Rep. Beyan Howard, Rep. Moima Briggs-Mensah, Rep. Edwin M. Snowe and Rep. Mambu Sonii. The committee is to report in one week. Mr. David Parker, Country Manager of Sime Darby, formally apologized to the House for providing fake testimony on torture allegations last Thursday, April 19, but said Sime Darby does not condone mistreatment of any human being, pens the Daily Observer.

LAVI, NRM Coalition Hold Validation Meeting

USAID-sponsor project, Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI), and the Natural Resource Management Coalition have begun a validation meeting on the outcome and usage of the county and social development funds. The one-day meeting is also on the political economy, analysis, and report with focus on the reform of the CSDF, and how it has been implemented by those who spearheaded these programs. Addressing participants Wednesday, 25 April a local hotel in Sinkor subburb of Monrovia, the Executive Director for the Platform for Dialogue and Peace or (P4DP) and Chair of the Natural Resource Management Coalition Mr. James Shilue says his organization is a local civil society group that is working on peace and development challenges in Liberia, adding that P4DP is also coordinator of the LAVI NRM Coalition, a network of eight leading civil society organizations that are engaging challenges within the Liberian NRM Sector. According to him, LAVI is a five-year USAID-funded project being implemented by DAI Global and the LCC, which seeks to strengthen multi-stakeholders partnership in advocating for and monitoring policies and accountability reforms in Liberia., asserts the New Dawn newspaper.



Protemp Chie: US$536M Loan “Not for Coastal H/Way”

According to the Daily Observer, Senate Pro-Temp Albert Tugbe Chie says the pavement of the road from Buchanan to Pleebo, for which the amount of US$536 million is being sought by the government, is not the much-talked-about coastal road. “This is just the paving of the existing road that runs from Buchanan up to the interior to Greenville, Grand Kru and towards Pleebo.” According to the Pro-Temp, who is a geologist by training, the possibility of a coastal highway soon, disclosing that such a venture would run into billions of dollars, considering the construction of over 75 bridges that are needed to connect those parts of the country. He was quick to say that the Senate is yet to receive documents from the executive on the terms of the US$536 million but said that body looks forward to receiving same.


“We Must Be Responsible, Reliable, Accurate In Our Service To The PeopleDr. Jallah Tells Hundreds Of Laboratory Technicians At Lab Week Conference

The Minister of Health Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah has assured that the CDC led-Government will ensure that more Liberians have access to quality healthcare. On Tuesday, April 24, at the start of a two-day celebration of the 4th Africabio Enterprises Inc., Laboratory Week conference, at the Monrovia City Hall, she expressed the hope that the provision of quality healthcare would reverse the poor health indices in the country because the pro-poor government will fulfill all its promises to the people. Dr. Jallah said the conference came on the right time when President George Weah called on his cabinet ministers to promote the pro-poor agenda as they developed health policies to implement activities in both the private and the public sector, reports the Daily Observer.


NBC Boss Tours ArcelorMittal

The Director General of the National Bureau of Concessions (NBC) Gregory Coleman, is leading an eight men NBC Monitoring Team on a visit to Arcelor Mittal Concession Company’s operating areas. The visit is aimed at assessing current status of the company’s operation to assume measureable impact as outlined in its Mineral Development Agreement (MDA) with the Government of Liberia. Communication Coordinator T. Nicholas Faryombo says the visit is from 23rd to 27th April. He notes that as the new head of the concessions bureau, the visit will also introduce Mr. Gregory Coleman to the Management and Staff of the company thus, opening a new page in the two entities' collaboration. pens the New Dawn newspaper.



EU Presents 2017 Elections Report To NEC

The National Elections Commission (NEC) on Wednesday April. 25, 2018 has received a copy of the Final Report of the EU Election Observation Mission on the 2017 Presidential and Representative and the Runoff elections. The document which is scheduled to be released to the public during a press conference at the Boulevard Place Hotel today 26 of April contains a comprehensive summary and findings of what was observed at polling places on Election Day as well as the overall electoral process. The delegation comprised of the EU Ambassador, Her Excellency Helene Cave and the Head of EU Election Observation Mission to Liberia, Madam Marie Arena and other senior officials. Ambassador Cave admonished the NEC to consider the findings and recommendations in the report and apply the necessary improvements and adjustments needed for a reform, writes theNew Dawnnewspaper.

LRA Conducts Tax Clinic For Lawmakers

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), in its continuous drive to maximize collection of lawful revenue, has conducted a tax clinic on real property tax at the National Legislature for members of the House of Representatives.  LRA press release says the exercise, conducted Tuesday, April 24, 2018, presents key processes and procedures to lawmakers on how to be complaint with their real property tax payment. Presenting in the Plenary of the House of Representatives, Domestic Commissioner Darlingston Y. Talery says the LRA is mandated to encourage Liberians to embrace the culture of paying taxes in order to collect revenue to finance the development of the country. Commissioner Talery explains to the lawmakers their real property tax obligations under the law, the step-by-step procedures in paying these taxes and the kinds and categories of real property taxes including residential, commercial as well as rural and urban properties, among others, pens the New Dawn newspaper.


At the same time, the INQUIRER newspaper reports under the caption Senators Agree To Declare Assetsin compliance with the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC’s) mandate, members of the Liberian Senate have agreed to declare their assets as many of the senators are now doing their paper-work to comply with the Assets Declaration Law through the office of the Secretary of the Senate. Briefing reporters on the works of the Senate, President Pro-tempore, Albert Chie disclosed that in line with existing legislation, administrative regulations, international guidelines, individual Senators are preparing to declare their assets before the expiration of the universal deadline of July of this year.


LRA, LMDI Strengthen Tax Awareness In Rural Liberia Citizens Applaud Initiative, Want Development Decentralized

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) in collaboration with the Liberia Media Democratic Initiative (LMDI) has intensified a Tax Education Road show to reach several potential taxpayers in rural Liberia.  Commissioner General Stewart Tamba On April 2, 2018 launched the LRA/LMDI road show in Monrovia. The road show is covering several urban and rural cities, towns and villages in four selected counties. The project, sponsored by the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), is part of massive efforts to sustain the LRA tax education program with the aim of enhancing the knowledge of rural dwells about Liberia’s general tax regime. The In Profile Daily reads that the campaign is a key component of the Student Tax Education Program (STEP) which specifically targets enhancing tax awareness in Montserrado, Nimba, Grand Gedeh and Grand Bassa Counties.



NHA Surveys West Point Ahead Of Upgrading Township

The National Housing Authority (NHA) in collaboration with the Liberia Institute for Statistics & Geo-Information Services LISI has begun a 3-day survey of the Township of West Point. According to the Heritage newspaper, the survey is part of NHA’s effort to upgrade the community into “a Modern city” and put in place an ocean defense system that will protect the township from sea erosion.  The daily says among other things, the survey will document how much land belongs to the Liberian Government, the number of schools, market centers and religious areas.


Min. Kollie Meets, Discusses With Qatari Officials

Following a weeklong visit to the state of Qatar, Labor Minister Moses Y. Kollie as head of a high power Government of Liberia delegation, on Monday, April 23, 2018, returned to the country. Quoting a release from the Labour Ministry, the INQUIRER newspaper reads that while in Qatar, Minister Kollie and delegation met and held discussions with senior officials of the Qatari Government including the Prime Minister and Interior Minister H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani and H.E. Dir. Issa Saah Al Jafali Al Nuaaimi, Minister of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs.  The daily says the visit from the 17th of April was a follow-up on discussion gearing at reviewing and consummating a labour Agreement signed in 2014 during the administration of former Liberian President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.