Daily Media Summary 2017-07-24

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


The visit of a U.S. delegation to the National Elections Commission, the unveiling of ORANGE myclique package in Liberia, the call for credible and transparent elections in Liberia by the UN Security Council, handing over of generators to Ministry of Health by the United Nations Development Program and the opening of Optical Center at John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Monrovia, are stories selected for today’s news summary. 

U.S. delegation visits NEC


A top United States delegation, led by U.S. Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Ms. Christine Elder, has met with the Chairman of the National Elections Commission, Cllr. Jerome Korkoya.A release from the NEC says the United States diplomat’s visit to Chairman Korkoya on Monday, 24 July, was intended to acquaint themselves with the ongoing electoral works for the conduct of the October 10, 2017 elections. Ambassador Elder says the Unites States looks forward to the conduct of free and fair elections in Liberia, and praises the NEC for its dedication to the electoral process, while urging the Commission to do more in the area of communications, logistic plans and local and international observer units program. The release says briefing the United States Embassy Officials, Chairman Korkoya thanks the U.S. Government for its support to the International Business Initiative through the Liberia Administrative Systems (IBI-LASS) and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) for their contributions to the electoral process. Chairman Korkoya further assures the Ambassador and delegation that the NEC is on course with its preparatory work for the October polls, promising that the Commission will ensure free fair and credible elections. It continues that the NEC Chairman praises the Government headed by President Sirleaf for its proven commitment to the electoral process. Speaking on the July 31 start of Electoral campaign, Chairman Korkoya urges all stakeholders to insist on the campaign being peaceful and orderly. Meanwhile, the Commission says it publish the total number of registrants for the October 10, 2017 Elections today, Tuesday, 25 July, asserts New Dawn newspaper.

Related Caption: US Embassy Officials Meets With NEC Chairman Korkoya (FrontPage Africa), and NEC, US Embassy Discuss (In Profile Daily)

UN Security Council Calls For Credible & Transparent Elections In Liberia

The United Nations Security Council has called on all stakeholders including international partners to ensure that the impending legislative and presidential elections in Liberia are free, fair, credible and transparent. The Security Council in a statement adopted on July 24, 2017 during its 8010th meeting, stressed the full participation of women, peaceful resolution of disputes through established mechanisms in accordance with the law and the deployment of electoral observers as key to ensuring credible elections. According to a dispatch from Liberia's Permanent Mission to the United Nations, the Security Council also welcomed the signing of the Farmington River Declaration by 20 political parties committing to a violence free elections and peaceful transition to a new government; and encouraged the Government of Liberia to ensure that the National Elections Commission (NEC) gets the necessary resources for the successful conduct of the polls, reports the Insight newspaper.

Related Caption:UN Security Council Calls For Credible, Transparent Elections In Liberia(Focus)

Kakata Rural Teacher Training Institute Graduates 151 Teachers

The Kakata Rural Teacher Training Institute (KRTTI) in Kakata, Margibi County has graduated about 151 trainees from its Cohorts-8 Pre-Service “C” Certificate Program. Giving the overview of the Cohorts-8 2016/2017 Academic Year on Monday, July 24, 2017 at the graduation ceremony, the Director of the Kakata Rural Teacher Training Program, Shadrach Y. Kerl, praised the trainers and other support staff for collectively contributing towards the successful completion of the program. Mr. Kerl disclosed that over the period of the implementation of Cohorts-8, the administration of the KRTTI made tremendous achievements in the areas of the renovation of several dilapidated infrastructures on the premises of the institution. Mr. Kerl noted further that the KRTTI is also faced with the major challenges including, the lack of reliably functioning vehicles to commute administrators and delivery of school materials, provision of student handouts, lack of science laboratory to capacitate trainers and trainees to carry on scientific experimentation, revamping of structures at the institution’s farm, among others, pens the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Caption: KRTTI Graduates More Than 150(In Profile Daily)

UNDP Hands Over Generators to Ministry of Health of Liberia

As part of efforts in supporting the Government of Liberia’s post Ebola virus disease (EVD) recovery process, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), during the week handed over three (3) brand new generators to the Ministry of Health. The generators, two seventy-five (75 KVA) and one twenty-five (25 KVA) are for two hospitals — C. H. Rennie Hospital in Kakata, Margibi County and Tellewoyan Hospital in Voinjama, Lofa County. The third generator is to be used at the Ministry of Health Central Office in Congo Town, Montserrado County. UNDP Country Director Dr. Pa Lamin Beyai made the presentation to Liberia's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Francis Kateh at the Ministry of Health on Monday. Dr. Beyai said even though Ebola is gone, UNDP remains committed to ensuring that the Government of Liberia builds a resilient health sector to robustly deal with any future outbreaks, writes FrontPage Africa newspaper. 

Optical Center Opens in Monrovia with Hopes To Restore Eyesight


According to FrontPage Africa newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf hopes that many eyesights would be restored when she cut the ribbon to the Liberia Eye Center at the JFK Hospital in Sinkor. The center will perform cornea transplant, a first in West Africa. At the opening program, Sirleaf praise partners for committing themselves to help in rebranding the country’s health system. She said many a time kids in Liberia don’t undergo eye test when they are born, something which leads to continual eye problem. “When we do the cornea transplant, it will be the first in West Africa – once again, Liberia will have the best and we owe it to our partners.” Touching on constant refusal of patients by the hospital, she said nurses and doctors must place patients on the front burner. Also speaking, Dr. Rao Nagereswara Gullapali of the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute in India said he was overwhelmed by the facility and the job it is expected to do.

“Boss Concept Is Workable – UNDP Deputy Country Director

The Deputy Country Director of Program of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) says the concept of the Business Opportunities through Support Services (BOSS) project is workable with a high potential of improving the livelihoods of many Liberians and increasing the viability of their businesses. Mr. Cleophas Torori said the design of the project will support the country’s decentralization process and promote efforts aimed at enhancing the small and medium business enterprises policy and programs of Liberia. Speaking at the opening of the BOSS project team planning meeting in Ganta, Nimba County, Mr. Torori said even though the project was faced with numerous challenges from its start up, but ‘light is now beginning to shine at the end of the tunnel,’ and called on participants to take advantage of the opportunity to move the project forward for the benefit of the Liberian people, reports the In Profile Daily.

Related Caption: “Boss’ Concept Workable” – UNDP Deputy CD Tells Partners(Focus)

Phebe Paramedical Training Program Graduates 66

The Phebe Paramedical Training Program (PTP) in Bong County on Saturday, July 22, 2017 graduated 66 candidates after completing three years of study. The graduates were awarded Diplomas during the 36th Commencement Exercises of PTP held at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church on the Phebe Hospital Compound in Suakoko, Bong County. These 66 trained mid-level health care providers graduated from six medical disciplines including Nurse Midwifery, Nurse Anesthesia, and Certified Midwifery Bridging, Professional Midwifery, and Laboratory Technology Program. Presenting the graduates to the Medical Director of the Phebe Hospital, the Director of the Phebe Training Programs, Humphrey G. Loweal reflected on the achievements of the institution over the years in developing the nation’s health workforce, especially being the only Pre-Service Institution teaching Anesthesia in Liberia, the Focus newspaper reads.


China Gives US$2M Equipment to Police

The Chinese Government through its Embassy in Monrovia has donated a batch of supplies valued at US$2M to the Liberia National Police (LNP) through the Government of Liberia. Handling over the supplies yesterday at the headquarters of the LNP, the Charge d’Affaires Ad Interim Li Zhuang said security cooperation is an important part of China-Liberia Comprehensive cooperative partnership which was established by the two countries during President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s visit to China in 2015. The batch of supplies from China is to facilitate the capacity building of the Iberia National Police and to enhance LNP’s response to appropriate and timely critical situations, the Inquirer newspaper reads.


Lions Club Donates Over US$200,000 To Charity

The Liberty Intelligent Our National Safety (LIONS) Club, International, Liberia, has donated Two Hundred and Sixty Thousand USD towards the rehabilitation of the Liberia Eye Center, which was inaugurated by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf yesterday in Monrovia. The project, which is the largest of the LIONS’ Club is aimed at ensuring visually impaired who are less fortunate to benefit from quality eye services. The project is also historical because it coincides with the 100 celebration of the Club Lion Tony Hage, and chairman of the project disclosed that the establishment was initiated following the visit of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to the LV Prasad Eye Institute in India, the Inquirer newspaper reads.