Daily Media Summary 2017-07-21

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the King of the Belgium, His Majesty Philippe, on the occasion marking their National Day on July 21 and the Supreme Court’s 48 hours to NEC to prescribe penalties to the Liberty Vice Presidential candidates, Mr. Harrison Karnwea and Amb. Jeremiah C. Sulunteh in their cases on the violation of the Code of Conduct.


Pres. Sirleaf Send Congratulatory Message To The Kingdom Of Belgium

The New Dawn newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the King of the Belgium, His Majesty Philippe, on the occasion marking their National Day on July 21.  According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in my own name, fervently wish that His Majesty Philippe, King of the Belgians and his people, will experience exceptional happiness and peace as they commemorate this National Day with pride and identity. She recalled how Belgium has over the years proven to be a reliable partner to Liberia, stressing, “This was especially demonstrated by Belgium’s contribution to the fight against the Ebola Virus. Your country remained in the vanguard of mobilizing humanitarian relief and ensured that regular Brussels Airlines flights to Monrovia were maintained. We remain ever grateful for this true demonstration of solidarity with our people.” President Sirleaf emphasized that based on the very excellent ties between both countries, they will intensify their collaboration in various spheres mutually beneficial to both countries and peoples. 

Related Captions: President Sirleaf Congratulates Kingdom Of Belgium on Its ‘National Day’ (INSIGHT), Pres. Sirleaf Send Congratulatory Message To The Kingdom Of Belgium (The New Dawn)

Karnwea, Sulunteh Cleared To Run Supreme Court Gives NEC 48 Hours To Prescribe Penalties, Not Rejection

The Supreme Court of Liberia on Thursday declared that the National Elections Commission erred in its actions by rejecting the nomination of two vice presidential candidates, Mr. Harrison Karnwea of the Liberty Party (LP) and Ambassador Jeremiah C. Sulunteh of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), from contesting the October presidential and legislative elections. The court said both Karnwea and Sulunteh were in substantial compliance with the Code of Conduct (CoC) Act, contrary to the NEC’s contention that both men were in violation. The court’s opinion (ruling) in favor of the Karnwea and Sulunteh were delivered separately by Associate Justices Philip A.Z. Banks and Jamesetta H. Wolokollie. Justice Wolokollie’s ruling on Sulunteh was not made available Thursday to the press, and his (Sulunteh’s) earlier rejection by the NEC was also reversed. Delivering Karnwea’s ruling, Justice Banks said that he was in substantial compliance with the code and that his violation of the act was not egregious in nature.  “Karnwea’s case is remanded to the NEC to expeditiously conduct a due process of law by hearing his application and to make a determination, within 48 hours of receipt of the mandate of the Supreme Court of the level of penalty that will be commensurate with the magnitude of the violation – to be imposed on Karnwea from the ranges of penalties outlined in the code that fall below the penalty of disqualification, which is applicable to only egregious violation of the code,” Justice Banks ruling stated, reads the Daily Observer.

Related Captions: Karnwea Cleared (The INQUIRER), Karnwea Cleared (The New Dawn), National Elections Commission Errs in Rejections Without Due Process - Supreme Court Opens Flood Gate for Aspirants (FrontPage Africa)


Bill to Detach Tourism from MICAT Raised at Senate

The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Rules, Order & Administration, ranking Lofa County Senator George Tamba Tengbeh, has submitted to Senate plenary for enactment into law a Bill calling for the detachment of the Bureau of Tourism from the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT). Senator Tengbeh in his July 17, 2017 communication noted that the Bill, titled: “An Act to amend Chapter 3 of the New Executive Law creating the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism,” needs to be given consideration to ensure that the Tourism sector becomes an autonomous agency. The Daily Observer reads that the Bill has been sent to the Committee on Information, Broadcasting, Culture & Tourism.

Be Strong!... Ellen Nudges Women In Politics

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has challenged the Liberian Women National Political Forum and the UN Women to be strong and committed as they approach the October elections. The INSIGHT newspaper says President Sirleaf made the comments in Buchanan, Grand Bassa Count at the start of a three-day capacity building workshop. The workshop under the banner: “Politics is Women Business Too” sought to acquaint female candidates with campaign strategies in the upcoming elections.

FDA Gets US$71K Forest Equipment -Road map drafted to remove illegal occupants from the SAPO National Park

The Daily Observer reports that the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) last Tuesday received equipment, including communication devices, valued at US$71,806 from the REED+ Forest Project. FDA Managing Director Darlington Tuagben told a news conference yesterday that a 17 count stakeholders road map has been drafted for the removal of illegal occupants from the SAPO National Park in Sinoe County. According to Director Tuagben, the road map is aimed at restoring complete sanctity and dignity to the country’s national reserve.

PUL Holds Two Day Conflict Sensitive Journalism & Social Media Activists Training

The Press Union of Liberia has announced that it will hold a two-day Conflict Sensitive Journalism & Social Media Activists Training July 21-22, 2017 in Kakata City.  According to the INSIGHT newspaper, the training is part of the ongoing project, Strengthening Conflict Sensitivity in Journalism and Social Media Towards Supporting Peaceful Elections in Liberia. The daily says the training which brings together twenty-five participants from five of Liberia’s fifteen counties. Will feature lecture on media laws and ethics, social media usage, conflict preventions, the essentials of good journalism among others.

LIPA Graduates Urged To Be Transparent, Accountable

The Daily Observer reports that the 2017 graduates of the Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA) have been urged to be transparent and accountable in the discharge of service to the public to help develop the country and be accountable for public resources. The institution graduated 555 candidates in various disciplines, some of which included human resource management, public finance, procurement, monitoring and evaluations. Dr. J. Luther Tarpeh, who spoke on behalf of Vice President Joseph Boakai, told the graduates that “Each of you have been strategically positioned to serve your country, and must do so with transparency, accountability, commitment and love for development.”

President Sirleaf Dedicates SKD Stadium Tomorrow

As part of activities marking this year’s Independence Day celebration, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is expected to dedicate the newly refurbished Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville. According to the Daily Observer, the renovation work, valued at US$18m, was completed by the Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in March and was turned over to the Liberian government. The reconstruction of the sports complex became necessary because of the breakdown of the electronic scoreboard, the playing pitch, among others.

PIO/ PRO Ends W’shop To Promote FOI

A three-day workshop for Public Information Officers (PIOs) to encourage citizens’ usage of the Freedom of Information (FOI) has ended in Monrovia. According to the INQUIRER newspaper, participants were drilled through Objectives Analysis Strategy Implementation and Scoring (OASIS) method to design a communication campaign aimed at enabling PIOs to promote FOI processes to the public through communication campaigns.

Labor Ministry Wants Action Against Child Labor-Launches Country Engagement To Reduce Child Labor

The INQUIRER newspaper says the official launching of the Country Level Engagement and Assistance to Reduce Child Labor, CLEAR 11 Project has taken place Thursday in Monrovia. The project is funded by the United States Development of Labor Under Cooperative Agreement Number #IL26260-14K and the CLEAR II Project is led by WINDROCK International. Launching the CLEAR II Project in Monrovia, the Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of Labor, Augustin W. Williams said the fight against child labor in the country should not be ‘workshop talk’ rather there should be serious action taken by the Civil Society groups, Government Ministries, Agencies including the country’s International partners.

 55 Unfit Mineral Water Companies Shutdown

The Ministry of Health and National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) have shut down 55 mineral water companies in Monrovia and its environs. According to the Director General of NPHIL, Tolbert Nyenswah as part of the mandate enshrined in the Public Health Law of Liberia, it is their responsibility to ensure that water consumed by residents is free of contamination. Mr. Nyenswah stated that an inter-agency task force led by the Ministry of Health and National Public Health Institute of Liberia and comprising the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Lands Mines and Energy, Justice Ministry and the Water Producers Association of Liberia conducted a 30-day exercise in Monrovia and its environs starting May 8. The INSIGHT newspaper reports that the NPHIL boss made the disclosure Monday at a press conference held at the Institute in Congo Town, outside Monrovia.

Related Caption: NOHIL Resolves To Shut Down Unfit Business (The New Dawn)

600 To Benefit From CII Microloan In Buchanan

At least 600 petty traders and low-income business owners in Buchanan are to benefit from microloans from the Citizens Independent Initiative (CII). According to the Executive Director of the Universal Human Rights International, Joe Luamba, the CII is conducting a pilot project in Grand Bassa County that will also be extended to Nimba County. He explained that the objective of the initiative is to empower Liberian business owners financially with the objective of getting them out of poverty, writes the Daily Observer.